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cloud capture

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cloud capture

  1. Why can't I meet a wholesome chic like that. She has all her priorities straight. All the way down to holding her sleeve for better tweaking.
  2. hot-dog page Shredded fontina, homemade chili. German mustard, balsamic ketchup, onions and celery seeds on grilled roll
  3. Caught up to the current episodes of Akame Ga Kill! season1. Pretty brutal show. It's not very gory, but definitely seems to pull at your heartstrings. Funny and a little perverted.
  4. gta5 cd boxset looks nice. Couldn't find a price or tracklist but it's available Dec 9th. Kind of cool that they made their limited edition content this time around focused on the music of gta5.
  5. catching up to this weeks stern show and low and behold skrillex came in for an interview: [youtubehd]W-Plwqrv4vI[/youtubehd]
  6. Classic. My poor CD's didn't last the test of time. It will be nice to have this album again.
  7. I agree with you 100% about TCH. It was the only boc I ever passed up. At the time of its release I was just in a totally different place musically. I Was playing a lot of live music with a older friend who opened me up to a whole new world of 70's fusion. A boc atmosphere or tempo was the last thing I wanted to hear. But recently when they reprinted all their albums, I picked up tch to fill out the discography and I really have been listening to it a ton. Mostly while working. It really is a beautiful album. Boc haven't let me down yet, it's always a pleasant treat.
  8. Could you imagine being exposed to Aphex Twin as an infant? I was stuck with Captain & Teneille.
  9. Wow, I was just stoked to hear about the 100 new songs and graphics upgrade, but I had no idea how awesome the next-gen version of gta5 was going to be. Also, I would guess that video game diagram I posted was made for fun. [youtubehd]7oFmRN0oadI[/youtubehd]
  10. So tonight I decided to just check out torment6 on diablo3 and I joined a group of 3 guys who were doing lvl99 greater rifts. One of the guys was paragon level 8500 so I figured some hardcore shit was going on. I'm new to greater rifts and have never been in one although I received a riftstone earlier doing some trial thing that allowed me to get in one of their lvl99 greater rifts. I just sat in the back because if I was hit once I was dead and all my gear was broken. The greater rift was finished in about 10 minutes and in that time I gained 400 paragon levels, 500 million gold, 500 shards, a dozen legendaries and a legendary gem. My mind was blown and now I don't know what else to do in diablo.
  11. WVUM(University of Miami) has been a beacon for idm since the 90's, do they still do the Electric Kingdom show on Tuesday night? Damn I miss that radio station. I've heard so many good live pa's on WVUM over the years.
  12. could be of some use if anyone likes cutting up voices toddler aphextwin minipops.mp3
  13. Very beautiful verticalhold. Made a can of dulce de leche last night and decided to make a dulce de leche granny smith apple pie from scratch today
  14. That's a bummer to hear about Driveclub. I was waiting to try the ps+ version.
  15. Playing Diablo on ps4, and recently got my xbox360 characters transferred over. With the recent update, 2 loot goblins spawn instead of 1 everywhere and after killing one a rare portal to a "vault" opened. Holy shit loot satisfaction overload. I had about 600k in my bank before the vault. Ended up with 20 million. The boss was tough with my build on tor3, but he dropped 4 legendaries including a cool gem that when inserted into jewelry gives 25% chance when I kill something to explode into showers of gold. The graphics inside the vault were beautiful. Reminded me of being inside Smaugs gold horde under the mountain.
  16. double dose of 6blocc: https://soundcloud.com/digital6/final-attack-you-dont-want-to-war-with-me
  17. Finally was able to afford a ps4. I'm in the future. check out the list of free games from ps+ for October. It's impressive http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/10/01/preview-octobers-free-game-lineup/
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