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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. to be fair, tofu is more frightening than vidja zombies imo
  2. I'm kicking myself for not flying out to seattle to see the ISAM tour!!! ugh
  3. Permutation is still such a sexy album for me, love it. Tracks like Nightlife, Escape, People Like Frank.... Scratches my 1998 era itch always.
  4. +1 2 decades of brilliant releases, some less so than others but brilliant all the same IMO.
  5. ^ I would hope someone would get axed for that yeah. P big f'up. edit: damn page break
  6. soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo where's the youtube ad? Your link takes us to landr HQ. I want to be embarassed for/at this guy. I've had a rough monday and need some cheap laughs.
  7. DJ It Happened Again DJ ugh again
  8. Adding it to my to-do/to-listen list! thx guys =) Honestly not sure how I missed it before. For most artists I love I just come their discogs and buy everything lol
  9. Jesus lol... What a mess. I'm picturing it like one of those old black and white silent comedy films with people running in and out of rooms and making all kidns of exaggerated stupid faces etc. Glad you're not caught up in that shit. At least the house will be a bit quiet for a while until there are some new tenants. Bonus - you can go have a wank in the empty rooms when they're gone for a change of scenery.
  10. what they? Why the purge? (three people seems like a lot). wtf happened
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