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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Oh, same here. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I thought he meant more like.... people will buy a collection of shakespeare or something just to look like they are "cultured" and read that kind of thing lol. Or buying textbooks to pretend you're educated, put them in high visibility areas. Like a fake trophy.
  2. No. Reading books is like a workout for your imagination. I should know, because I don't read much anymore and I'm a fucking idiot. My issue is with people showcasing books they haven't read People do this? Really strange. Is that like Trump putting himself on fake Times covers or something?
  3. Which version of Rifts tho... Although the Mexican Summer re-release adds more trax, the original Not Not Fun release has the 'correct' track order for me, at least for reasons of associated nostalgia from listening to it lots back when it first came out. I believe I have the original one, as it's split into two parts rather than three.
  4. I don't THINK I've heard commissions 1 or 2. I enjoyed rifts though? =/
  5. Looks great! I'm going to queue this up for Friday night when I have some downtime. ;o A lot of artists I haven't heard of on there. Question for you - from your first mix you posted in this thread, where did you find the Kornel Kovacs remix of Wet Summer? I want to grab a clean version if possible, but the remix isn't on "The one with the emoticon" where the original first appeared... =/ Hope you don't mind me asking!
  6. ^ I've been checking out the Sony mp3 players, I will probably try one of those as my next iPod replacement (hopefully not needed for 4+ years of course).
  7. My last custom one was a SSD, I think I had it around 5 years or so and had no issues! The only reason I got new ones is because my truck got robbed and buddy stole the last one. Also with the SSD or flash memory, it's much quicker, no problems skipping from track to track even for flac files, whereas the reg hdd ones take a while to load up songs. I know apple discontinued high capacity ones to push their streaming n crap, but I think they really should have kept something in their classic lineup...
  8. $165 is a great price for a 160gb, really reasonable!
  9. It wasn't too bad, I think it was about 730 £ for both units, total including shipping. Also its typically the hard drive that goes on the iPods, with flash memory if there is any issues you just pop it open and swap out the card, makes it easier to upgrade too if you decide you want more memory. edit: we get a lot of use out of them, probably about 2hrs per day, each. So it was worth it for us.
  10. can has link to such a service? i see stuff on ebay and there are lot's of hacks diy sites for how to upgrade an ipod w/smart media card etc but if there's a place you trust and had good experience with i'd love to hear about it :) I actually went the ebay route based on a seller recommended by a friend - https://www.ebay.ca/usr/rydenspinners?ul_noapp=true It's not cheap, but this guy gives you exactly what is advertised (see the reviews, universally positive 100% positive reviews). I grabbed 2, a 400gb and a 256gb and both have been great so far. They're all new parts and I believe he warranties his work + you can send them back to him directly for repair.
  11. After 5 or 6 months of going through the home buying and selling process, we're finally in our new home as of last week and getting settled. Home office setup, stereo setup, bar stocked, and loving it. Levelled up.
  12. I have a 400gb ipod classic. Doesn't hold all my music but it does well enough. It's flash memory too rather than a hard disk, so if you want to just switch out flash drives it's easy enough. I don't like using cloud services or streaming stuff all the time. Can't be arsed to fuck with data and apps etc if I'm just going to listen to music for 20 minutes on the commute to work... I take it that's a personalised one Yeah, I had one built for me. Really enjoy having a dedicated music player especially downstairs on the stereo and when driving to work, don't want to fuss with other things. Oh right, the battery on this one is 3000mah, and the flash memory doesn't draw much power? So I get a solid 3 or more weeks of play without having to charge it. If I was using my phone (which I already kill the battery on almost daily) it would suck. Lots of benefits to a dedicated music device IMO. Only problem with a iPod > 240gb memory (I think 240gb is the number) the software architecture has reached its limits. Not a huge problem but tracks have to be searched by album as they drop out of the "song" list. Just have to rebuild the device database every couple months and it's fixt.
  13. I have a 400gb ipod classic. Doesn't hold all my music but it does well enough. It's flash memory too rather than a hard disk, so if you want to just switch out flash drives it's easy enough. I don't like using cloud services or streaming stuff all the time. Can't be arsed to fuck with data and apps etc if I'm just going to listen to music for 20 minutes on the commute to work...
  14. Happy belated! Hope it was a good'er. The spread looked really good, can't say I've ever had a platter like that.
  15. saw that on the book of facials. Looked really good! Did you go with the missus?
  16. Anything over 26 degrees I start to get uncomfortable. I run warm in general so warm weather I'm just a fat sweaty mess. And you can dress for the cold but only strip down so much before you get arrested heh.
  17. You're in Alberta IIRC? I've been told your winters are a lot more manageable compared to maritime winters, but I don't know how true that is. We have slushy cold wet storms that make travel of any kind a nightmare. Power outages galore as well. I'm DONE! I want OUT! Yessir, Calgary! I figure you're right tbh. We sometimes have a few weeks in a row of -30 or lower, and we can definitely get a good snowstorm but it's usually dry snow, not the brutal slushy stuff you get. That said, we also get chinook winds where it's really warm for x amt of days. It can be a double edged sword though, it can melt everything and then freeze the next day so the whole city is a skating rink. lol
  18. I think it's beautiful in the winter. I like how quiet and dead it is outside after a really fresh, big snowfall (like a nice foot of snow), when it's -30 or whatever. Seems weird probably.
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