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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. innit? 2018 is off to a great start. ceephax, MoM, paradinas, we got these autechre sets to listen to. OPN for mostofyouguys. What else?
  2. he doesn't stink up threads like you do. yeah fumi is constantly posting stuff in new releases so whatchutalkingaboutwillis As am I. I was being sarcastic.
  3. where the shit are you supposed to listen to this? I'm on the nts website and it's blank maybe just glitching out or what
  4. shit has just been handed a whole new set of parameters. taco bell, subway, and a whole head of cauliflower in one day!
  5. most definitely not fucking with anyone. how about a link then Wait, so that cat scraps image isn't clickable for you? Works for me.... Samesies
  6. You were shitting in the thread as soon as it was made, that's why you're probably getting some backlash. There are a lot of people on watmm + in this thread that I talk to on an almost daily basis, so they would know I'm obviously joking. Not "talk to" I guess. *Chat with*. Carry on le-cult of OPN!
  7. Everyone that doesn't get on two knees to suck opn dong should be banned FACT I hope I'm pleasantly surprised by this album. Would be a really good start to the year, tons of good releases in 2018 already.
  8. Wow everyone ban fumi he also did not find the releases worthy of the hype!
  9. you can try I’m not into OPN at all, but I saw this and had a chuckle. can't for this post-everyformofmusiceverywritten album lol
  10. lol don't hold your breath. Only thing I've liked so far is Rifts.
  11. lol I'm just being inflammatory/joshin'. I'll wait for it to come out and give it a legit, honest listen. Nice to see everyone so hyped up for a release.
  12. in b4 40 minutes of ADHD sounds masquerading as high art =)
  13. I'm holding off until Friday to listen to it in it's entirety, looking forward to it. =)
  14. tbh it’s fucking insane that it’s 2018 and working with computers is still a full on shitfest why doesn't it (it=whatever platform you're programming on) highlight the error/problematic code etc? =/
  15. Anyone have any recommendations for decent high SPL speakers (a-la 1980s cerwin or JBL etc)? Banned
  16. so did he realize the earth isn't flat or what "comments are disabled for this video" hooooow convenientttttttttt
  17. You'd have an instant stroke from all of the sodium.
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