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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Are you going to post something in one of the food threads that isn't just you trying to meme some disgusting stuff? Or, are you like a breatharian or something and don't like food? =) (half serious, as you only seem to post about snot and shit etc in food threads. It's kind of. odd. )
  2. yeh but deep down you know drumpf likes getting pissed on by hookers. I think this would make me like him a bit, it shows some character. He's surely nothing but a two minute missionary man. Ah I dunno man, he seems like a dirty old man to me. Didn't he make comments when Ivanka was still a teenager, something like he'd be dating her if it wasn't his daughter? =/ Trump gives me bill cosby chills.
  3. it was my first time making it, it turned out really really good. I cheated a bit though, I used beef cross-rib roast instead of flank steak, it was almost double the price for flank. Had it over some jasmine rice.
  4. yeh but deep down you know drumpf likes getting pissed on by hookers.
  5. had some leftover homemade ropa vieja for lunch, delicious and wonderfully spicy.
  6. Conflict and drama do not equal more money than stability though. Overall war is very expensive, I get that, but aren't there a fair amount of stakeholders in so called defense companies that would stand to gain millions through another conflict? I`m not articulating this very well. Well, the interests of a nation can change, as you know. Let's just say I have it on authority I trust implicitly that the bank accounts of Chinese nationals who are doing business with NK are being frozen; additionally, North Koreans who bank with the Bank of China are also suddenly finding themselves with difficulty in accessing their funds. Although rumours are that NK is moving ballistic missiles around at night trying to avoid detection, so maybe it is actually time to hold on to your respective genitals. You`re right, yeah. I really hope so. I`m just being pessimistic as a way of prepping for the worst, I think.
  7. I really hope that's the case, fingers crossed =(
  8. War economy is a strong economy. And if China wanted to keep NK in check wouldn't they have done so by now, as this has been escalating for decades? Doesn't seem like they have any legit interest in keeping things in line really. I hope I'm wrong.
  9. I'd like to hope so, but conflict and drama often = money?
  10. Oh, Monoprice is a brand of headphones, sorry lol thought you were responding to me.
  11. I use these big goofy things lol sony mdrxb1000 Aside from the size I honestly find them pretty damn good. They feel like they'd be flimsy as there isn't much of a frame to them, but they've survived years of my drunked stoned stupidity. Nice soundstage/imaging etc, can be cranked if you need them loud, but they sound great at low volume too. Oh only other thing is they leak sound, people on the bus might complain or your waifu if you're listening in bed while she's trying to sleep (which has totally never happened to me =/ ) https://headfonics.com/2016/04/the-mdr-xb1000-by-sony/
  12. I saw this this morning. I hope the cop is charged for kidnapping/illegally confining that woman, as well as assault.
  13. lol. We all know she's just waiting for her slice of the money pie.
  14. Losing my memory would be more apt for you diatoms, you senile old goat Any plans to address the constant mistakes littered throughout every page of your attempt at free thinking? It's not working is it. You ran out of ideas on page 10. But plough on regardless. Liam Gallacher signs his tweets Love & Light, diatoms. Remember when Liam Gallagher was spelled Liam Gallacher? I member butts & plight
  15. I don't find it that much of a dick move? Except for this: "WARNING: Use of this reproduction game cartridge (the “Product”) on the SNES gaming hardware may cause the SNES console to overheat or catch fire. The SNES hardware is deemed a vintage collectible, so please exercise extreme caution when using the Product and make sure there is fire extinguishment equipment nearby. Use of the Product is at the sole risk of the user. " yeah, and for $100. couldn't they have made it $20 since it's most likely to set your house on fire? lol for setting your house on fire it should be free I suppose.
  16. For whatever reason I almost ALWAYS seem to be seated close to the teething kid that is screaming all the way until 3AM, and since I have a history of dependancy issues I don't end up sleeping AT ALL on a long flight. Just sitting there in my anxious sweat until the wee hours of the morning. But I mean, miracle of flight and all that.
  17. I don't find it that much of a dick move? Except for this: "WARNING: Use of this reproduction game cartridge (the “Product”) on the SNES gaming hardware may cause the SNES console to overheat or catch fire. The SNES hardware is deemed a vintage collectible, so please exercise extreme caution when using the Product and make sure there is fire extinguishment equipment nearby. Use of the Product is at the sole risk of the user. "
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