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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I really love Ulrich Schnauss... Was introduce to his music through some house DJ, Sasha or James Zabiela maybe. Been a fan since then! Haven't heard this yet though, I'd better get on it.
  2. Can someone educate me on the US system? IE, why a candidate would get more votes, but still lose? Seems to indicate that some individuals votes are worth less than others? =S
  3. Btw I get it, Clinton is corrupt and pretty evil. Better to get corruption over openly bigoted, sexist inept pos. IMO anyways. I think they did. Let's get to hiding our cheese curd and maple syrup stashes. Afore' the illegal immy-gints from the USA come-a tramplin.
  4. I've not met a Trump supporter I could tolerate for more than 11 seconds. Where the fuck are all these numptys voting for him? In the tens of millions, at that? ack comey handed the election to trump by the looks of things. Yep.
  5. I think the west coast is predominantly democrat, no? I think all the polling results coming in are already showing predictions for the commonly republican states, and not showing the west coast. Making it look closer than it really is.
  6. I find it interesting how different outlets report the polls. They strategically make it seem closer than it is, I think, or they otherwise have slant on how they report who's winning. BBC/ABC show a clear lead for Clinton, where google as of 7 minutes ago shows Trump in the lead. CBC shows Clinton way in the lead. Really weird that ABC/BBC/CBC show different results at all, since they're affiliates..? =/
  7. Just looked through their whole menu. Pizza hut japan is f'en... interesting.
  8. That's a good reason. I like it though, nice lil track. Thx for sharing.
  9. They don't allow downloads no, it is recorded and stays up for a month on the BBC website though. Ah I see, thank you. I really enjoyed the show, was quite good.
  10. Did really well on a project for school that I was nervous about. I had to re-learn a bunch of math I haven't used in years so wasn't confident going into it...
  11. I don't use the BBC much, are these usually downloadable afterwards? I'm diggin it, wicked so far.
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