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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Sexy camera, can you remind us which one it is? We're looking to replace our Sony one. It was awesome when we bought it but there are such great cameras out there these days. Ours is a Sony dslr-a200 that we bought about 10 years ago when we got together lol. Bait the squirrel with something delicious into a cage (they make traps for these suckers) and then let it out somewhere far, far, far away from your house.
  2. Is that with your new camera? Looks good, especially that hummingbird shot.
  3. A few hours into Shin Megami Tensie IV. Damn this game is hard at the beginning. I've died like 20 times in the first few hours.
  4. All awesome pics. You're really good at this man. I forget if I've asked this already but is this just a hobby or is this part of your job?
  5. I just got a wonderful cotton candy kush. Delicious purple dankness.
  6. Keto works for me, I was about 15lbs heavier than usual when we were in Vancouver actually. Not only do I lose weight but I find I have more energy on a lower carb diet. Yep, agree. It's just tough to get into the rhythm. That's the thing. I go into kind of like carb withdrawal for the first few days, maybe up to a week?. Crave carbs or calories big time.
  7. Stellar release actually. I love all Trackermatte, but I love the more tracker-ly Trackermatte the best. Can't wait to throw this on after some "baked goods" later tonight. =D
  8. Keto works for me, I was about 15lbs heavier than usual when we were in Vancouver actually. Not only do I lose weight but I find I have more energy on a lower carb diet.
  9. :,,,;;;;,;;;;'''''..,.,;;:::;;;;;,.,.,.,;,.;,.;--
  10. Change the "is" to "has been" and it sounds right (prob because "historically" refers to things in the past). that actually does sound better. Real property is the legal term though, I have to stick with it. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/real+property
  11. Land and fixtures (any chattel sufficiently attached to land such as buildings)
  12. This sentence doesn't sound right to me but I can't seem to make it proper.... "...historically a large concentration of wealth is placed in real property" can someone english for me
  13. The Magic Crystal Remixes album is out now: http://caoutchou.bandcamp.com/album/magic-crystal-remixes Solid release, the Global Goon and Weakmassive remixes are particularly good IMO but all of them are solid tracks.
  14. bah. You're using moisturizer as deodorant vs them using nothing as deodorant. Chen 1, Asia 0. (seriously though, during my travels deodorant wasn't even a thing for the locals. They wanted you to smell what they have been eating for the last couple weeks heh)
  15. both the art and your poem aren't professional enough get off my lawn
  16. I've been able to get my EXTREMELY high blood pressure to trend downwards. Averaging 160+ / 120ish last week... testing usually around 150/105 since saturday. Just had to make some lifestyle changes. Less booze, more exercise. Counting my calories closely now. StevieG needs to get healthy.
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