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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. It was yummy! Not overly expensive tbh... a 250ml bottle of truffle oil is $38.99? It goes a long way.
  2. I truffled my vegetables tonight (truffle oil and flakes) for no reason other than I like the taste. =)
  3. Well then! I feel differently about the situation now. This really sucks, if he's guilty I hope in his old age he admits to it and the law takes it from there. Sounds like a disgusting POS. PS I emailed ya =) I hope you're just trolling. More often girls are too scared to report it because they'll become the accused and famous rich men abuse that. It could go either way yeah.... I know theres lots of false accusations but what you've said is 100% true too. =( Like root5 said, either way this goes it's a terrible situation
  4. I read the lengthy article on it this morning, the story doesn't feel right to me. I can't put my fingers in it but something doesn't seem right about her story. err... put my finger on it.
  5. I care what you think.... =(
  6. We Are the Mastering Masters
  7. so do we all mate, so do we all. speak for yourself What does that even mean? "a big fuck off cock" ?
  8. Yeah was gonna say, perfect amount of chips there. Fuck getting a fuckton of chips with a massive burger, makes my stomach sad. Goes straight to the hips too. lol
  9. That crispy onion biscuit thing looks like it sealed the deal. I'd love to try something like that. No bacon though...?
  10. Jungle. Not Jungle. More dnb. But still a classic. Love omni trio. Edit: not that it matters. My contribution. 2:43 on is just savage: Also here's a few oldies for you guys.... 1994ish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb0Us-v4N4I
  11. =( but you seem like a really healthy guy otherwise... Don't you go running and stuff and have body fat of like 0.5%??? (I think I saw a pic of you in the recent pics thread like a year ago and you were ripped!) I smoke occasionally too, if I'm drinking a stiff drink like scotch or cognac. I'm guilty.
  12. lol very nice man, welcome to watmm
  13. sometimes when I go a long time without fapping I cum dust. does that count?
  14. Bangkok isn't dangerous right now to travelers is it? As long as you keep your nose clean and don't start any shit, stay away from gov't bldgs etc I believe they leave you alone. I've got lots of friends over there at the moment they haven't complained at all.
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