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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. oh lol sorry. I was just having a bit of OCD at youtube there. Thought there was some irony in a multi-billion dollar company not getting the spelling in a standard form document correct...
  2. I imagine you copy pasted their comment there, not retyped it.... " and regrain from uploading additional videos" regrain from uploading? REGRAIN?
  3. Not sure, but that interview, Vibert just says the beat and the bass was made by him... not the lead synth?
  4. u mean the apache break? thats another heli rofl lol glad someone caught that, I was waiting for it. ;)
  5. as usual derp derp derp I use the term "amenry" loosely. I'm not going to textbook dictionary absolutely every musical term. Why would I go into such detail to say "wow sick chinook break" etc? Doesn't make for easy flowing conversation with most people. Edit: assuming of course you're referring to my gratuitous use of the word "amen" or "amenry".
  6. Agreed... I think the trick is to limit, not go completely cold turkey. I had a bit too much last night (maybe 14oz of rum?) but I'll do my best to have nothing tonight or maybe just a beer with dinner. All addiction aside, I like alcoholic drinks because I like the taste... I really like all diff craft beers and nice wines, lots of liquors... I'll keep it in check tonight. ;)
  7. Nope, you shouldn't. Instead, just admonish yourself politely and keep going forward, to keep up the good run you were doing before. Don't give up! Yeah you're right. I'll be a good boy tonight. 3 week good run is decent anyways. =) This. Keep it up my man. It's worth it. I think I'll be alright tonight. Will do my best. =) Thanks!
  8. I tried to not drink! But I drank. Just a minor pitfall I hope. I'll be good the rest of the week. Only a minor setback. =( Nah I'm a failure I should just off myself one of these days.
  9. from http://www.stereogum.com/1062691/ld-and-the-speed-of-post-internet-content-creation/news/ eh why's my name attached to that? lol
  10. idunno it hasnt been found out yet..he said that in interview right? with the release of his last lp or some video i dont remember he might have said it when Sleep was released ooooh alright I gotcha. I thought you meant you knew the alias lol.
  11. I agree, but it's a bit like having to choose a favorite child. You know the truth in your heart but you must never say it out loud. Pizza and I haven't spoken much in the last month or so and I'm starting to realize how much I miss pizza. Pizza > Burger
  12. yeah I've smoked those. the high you get is absolutely me[n]tal. I like to smoke old cookware. That lead paint meng... THAT LEAD PAINT
  13. I don't see anyone saying "why is he dead"...? Only people saying that it's sad. Partially because he has 2 young kids. I'd say that is sad even about a complete stranger, nevermind an artist I had grown up listening to... I don't know.
  14. i can hear it! I think you might be right!
  15. A legend and a pioneer.
  16. YES and YES! My man.... make it so! Pizza is delightful.
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