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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. PROUD OF YOU! <3 Thanks! =) I'm trying really hard this time. I need to do this for my health and for people that rely on me being healthy and happy. I know I can do it!
  2. I hear ya man! I had an office job too and that's where I gained all my weight. I went from 165 up to 200 in about 6 months it was bad. I've put on a lot of muscle mass though I still want to lose some weight. I'm at 17.5% b/f which is about 5% too much! =)
  3. I had 0 alcohol on 4/5 days this work week. =)
  4. True! Eating well is the hard part for me lol. I'm around 230lbs in that pic I posted yesterday. Need to drop around 20 of that. =(
  5. looks beautiful there. i'm scared of height's 2 :( i poop my pants 8 steps on a ladder It really is beautiful there! It's a shame we didn't have better weather that day, but it was quite the sight at the top of that peak! :)
  6. It's called theatrics and performance or do you need to be a hobo to write about homeless people? Oh I understand, I'm just saying I don't appreciate it or enjoy it. I don't enjoy superficiality. And I don't find my dislike of it strange at all. We're all different after all, neither one of us is right or wrong.
  7. I never said that, even once. That would be silly. I suppose. I guess I listen with my brain and not with my body. So maybe I tend to underappreciate things with very little interpretive value that might sound nice to other people. There are different types of listeners, after all! But I certainly don't give a shit what other people think. There are probably 4 people in my entire city that listen to what I listen to and anyone else I meet just thinks my music is weird, so I guess if I cared what other people think I'd probably listen to something else. =/ All I'm saying is Kanye and other related music is ridiculously superficial. Like all these artists rapping about hardcore shit and then going to get a pedicure on the weekend. I can't get over the superficiality to enjoy the noise they're producing.
  8. I hear ya! I'm not trying to be a snob, sorry... It just seems like we could spend our very limited time on earth listening to better music than kanye. I don't think that's snobby! It's like... would you rather watch Hollywood blockbusters or Bollywood movies? I don't know, I'm not trying to be snobby sorry. I just think it's shitty music with shitty messages! Ah! Opinions! lol. cheers man
  9. It's okay Usagi, everyone's opinion on anything is relevant I suppose. I'm just surprised to see a chunk of people who've dedicated at least a portion of their mental capacity to understanding and enjoying electronic and sometimes intellectual music to also listening to Kanye. I just think they're of a different paradigm. It would be like enjoying the world's best caviar and scotch but then going to buy a schneiders hot dog, and eating it raw..... At least, that's how I see it. =/
  10. Hey John Ehrelichman... You were awepittance before right? Sorry this has absolutely no bearing on ANYTHING but for some reason I thought awepittance had the gender listed as female? =/
  11. And robot girls probably aren't programmed to say no! So... there's that. lol
  12. Me and the wife climbed a mountain. Ha-Ling Peak. Right behind us is a 600 meter drop and I'm scared of heights, hence the apprehensive look lol.
  13. Maybe! Or try changing your makeup! jk Mr Modey :)
  14. Sounds like an awesome salad. I find that good salads are way under appreciated... Also for some reason you immediately strike me as a good person. Not sure if there's a correlation between that thought and your salad making ability. lol
  15. I went for a massage today but it wasn't long enough. Sorry Modey I don't have any advice like these other chaps. Women always seem to find me and I haven't been particularly selective in the past, although my current wifey of many years is awesome.
  16. my preworkout sup: I enjoy liver damage.
  17. I'm not sure what all the hate is about that Odd Nosdam remix. I actually like it..
  18. both of those tracks sound like squarepusher to me. It sounds like you're on the right track though, I imagine they may have been referencing these 2 tracks.
  19. yeah man, and this sounds stupid but don't they kind of hunt together? Like you never get stung by one hornet... they leave a hormone trail and you get stung by dozens or hundreds and die?
  20. I suppose..? What's the thread called? Also wtf what purpose would there be in me making this up, that's fucking stupid. I've never heard of the show, big deal. lol Love you delet...
  21. huh? Sorry I just googled it and I know they have some GoT vodka or whiskey or something at the liquor store but that's honestly the first I've heard of it. to be honest I don't have much of a social life and I don't watch TV. I bet my gf has heard of it though! is it good?
  22. Hey I suppose you're right, thanks man... I didn't really think about it like that before.
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