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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. @Squee thanks man, I'm going to take that to heart. It's nice to hear you were able to bounce back, gives me some hope. ?
  2. Crazy. I’m not into bball or anything but the guys a legend. Sad
  3. That’s good advice, I have been going for walks lately. I was the environmental, health and safety coordinator at a manufacturing facility. Probably going to pursue something in the field or go back to ops management I’m not sure. The job market here is pretty rough right now...
  4. Thanks man, I think it will just take a couple days for me to sort myself out. I need to keep myself busy somehow too. I tend to have issues when I’m idle lol. le-sigh
  5. Taking my recent firing harder than expected, hit the bottle kinda hard the last couple days. Don’t want to slip back into bad habits. ?
  6. I’ve been playing borderlands 3 which is rife with sirens. Beep beep bloop I’m drunk ?
  7. Is this just sensationalism then? I guess that was ultimately my question. I’m incredibly stupid and don’t know how to properly articulate my thoughts sorry
  8. I’m not sure tbh. But iirc only 400 or so people died from SARS? Multitudes more die per year from the common flu. I understand part of this is the mortality rate (I think SARS was like 14%?) and they need to contain these things to prevent mutations etc etc etc. I totally don’t understand how this stuff works, why is anyone worried about it when 40ish old people are dying from this when literally 100s of thousands die from the common flu and pneumonia? ? Just trying to gain a better understanding is all...
  9. Funny, we were talking about this over dinner tonight. As in, it had only infected a statistically completely insignificant portion of the Chinese population but immediately it was known to be a new coronavirus. I'm no tinfoil hat man but I'd love to understand how this was known so quickly. Autopsy? or wut?
  10. What are your thoughts RE how China has been handling the outbreak? (asking anyone). I'm quite impressed with how quick they've tried to lock things down and they seem to be communicating with the wider world on this.
  11. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51239795 jfc
  12. If I could recommend some ekters...Colin Dwyer/Braintree, and Melted Self/Stickfigger, Ignatius too. In a similar vein as autechre and immensely talented artists. Aux as well. A number of other similarly talented ekters but not necc autechre sounding. I’m super happy to have joined in 2012, so many talented artists here like Wagawaga, bendish, rolando and so on. The level of talent here is amazing.
  13. Judging off their most recent release the nts sessions, have you considered the backstreet boys or s club seven as comparable artists?
  14. I'm getting almost equal enjoyment out of the NTS mix tbh, so many great parts/sections
  15. For sure, that mix is wicked, some really good trax in there. Hopefully one day we get like... His warp anniversary sets in HQ, or all of the tracks in his awesome sets unmixed or something. His version of a soundcloud dump I mean. ?
  16. I just thought it looked like the star trek uniforms, I've never seen this logo thx for posting it. I wasn't far off then, it totally is plagiarism. It's uncanny how similar it is.
  17. looks like they stole it from star trek uniforms lol
  18. that song and video are dope too. Great fit for schematic. They’re lucky to have you!
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