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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. My electric bill this month was about $50 less than I expected. Guess I've finally figured out how to optimize my energy usage for heat during the winter months.
  2. No shit? I listened to them religiously 16 years ago - a year or two after they released Appetite for Disctruction.
  3. Sounds like you made to the Escher Labs by now? The game gets even crazier in the third episode. You'll see. Still better than Mankind Divided IMO. I was just thinking about the quest where you have to confront Taggart in the second Detroit run, too. Weird.
  4. Just beat the complete Dusk. Bravo, David Szymanski, bravo. If any indie game can bring back the spirit of classic shooters like Quake, no game today can do it better than this one. Speaking of indies, I'm now torn between either Amid Evil or Lost In Vivo next. The former is a Heretic revival in full 3D, from the same publisher as Dusk. The latter is basically a first-person Silent Hill, and has only been around for about the last 5 to 6 weeks.
  5. Who cares how good it is? Just do what feels natural.
  6. That book basically became a square roll of TP the moment Joe Arpaio's name appeared on the cover
  7. Changing gears a bit... I don't even listen to metal, but I'd be lying if I said this wasn't getting me pumped. This game as a whole is truly a labor of love.
  8. If you mean Computer in Star Trek: TNG context, I'd rather see Counselor Troi in the noodz
  9. Last I checked it's an acronym for Shaking My (Damn) Head. Not to be confused with SMD.
  10. Word. Can't wait to try them with Sgt. Mark IV's latest Brutal Doom build. Speaking of classic shooters, Dusk is officially complete now. Can't wait to jump back in.
  11. Voyager 2, launched in 1977, finally leaves our solar system
  12. As long as it's Coke, count me in. I like egg nog too, but it's not the kind of beverage you'd want on other areas of your face around other people EDIT: O wait, shit. Forgot this isn't the Happy Crimbus thred
  13. Given this year's NMS updates, I doubt the effect will be an adverse one. Apparently The Last Campfire is under development by only two members of the company though.
  14. People in public are assholes on Sunday afternoons. Ew. Fuck that shit. If I crave a carbonated diabeetus elixir, nothing beats the original Coke. Especially the Hecho En Mexico variety.
  15. New game revealed from the creators of No Man's Sky Scheduled for release next year (go figure lol)
  16. New jailbird: This finna be a breeze Seasoned inmate: TOOT DAT ASS UP New jailbird: GUARD
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