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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Papa John's CEO & founder blaming kneeling NFL players for tanking pizza sales: http://verifiedpolitics.com/papa-john-just-complained-pizza-sales-tanking-nfl-players-kneeling-protests/ No, you Trump-loving dumbshit. It's because your pizza sucks. Always has.
  2. I'm not surprised his approval rating is tanking even more, but IIRC the lowest I've seen it for any president was towards the end of the GWB administration in late 2008, when Dubya's approval rating was as low as 15 percent. Still, there's something to be said for a president's approval rating to be down in the 30s for as early in his term as it is, not even having completed a full year yet.
  3. Yeah as long as ICBMs don't start flying then I'm eager for this whole shit show to unravel.
  4. I don't want to spoil anything. It's best you see for yourself. It is free though.
  5. I'm not ready to celebrate til the orange chump himself is out of the White House. But this is a step in the right direction. They're getting nervous.
  6. Yeah I signed up in early 2009 but almost never used it, except when I found out that a bunch of accounts got hacked 3 or 4 years ago and had to change my password. And yet a certain world leader is always stealing news headlines with it... Even Facebook is becoming static noise for me. Just being bombarded with constant feeds from various pages (only a fraction from actual FB friends)...it's getting harder to focus on any one thing anymore. It's no longer the social networking MySpace replacement I opted for back in February 2008.
  7. unfortunately just started destiny 2, otherwise I'd be all over wolf. Is it pretty much like playing DOOM? Looked like the same engine etc. Same engine but plays a bit differently. If you want to run and gun like in Doom you'll probably want to lower the difficulty. It's pretty difficult. But same engine I think, ye. It looks insanely good and the shooting itself feels even better than the previous games. Also feels good to support a linear SP game with no bullshit microtransactions or tacked on MP stuff in the current year I guess. Noice, I'll definitely be playing it then, at some point. Yeah I just started playing it a couple of hours ago. It's pretty dope so far. The beginning gets a bit rough though, not only with combat, but with a couple of story scenes...like when BJ is clinging to life immediately after the end of The New Order and has flashbacks from his troubled childhood... Really digging the weapons too. The Lasergewehr in particular is badass, especially with the sound it makes. Pretty sure it's a distorted sawtooth wave oscillator running thru a high resonance, mid-range cutoff filter, with a mid attack, max decay, max sustain, zero release envelope. As for Android, getting addicted to Day R Survival (Premium) at the moment. It's an open world survival game set in post-apocalypse Russia in an alternate 1990. It's like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Oregon Trail combined.
  8. And Trump was over there making jokes about they're inconveniencing the US budget and throwing rolls of paper towels like they were free tshirts at a pep rally. He's a fucking shame. I really think this, with all the questions of how much should the US support them financially, will help them make a case for being made an actual state. Puerto Rico and DC are both overdue from what I've heard of the arguments. And the orange cunt had the nerve to give his own relief effort a rating of "10".
  9. This thread...I am confuse Anyway, I miss 2014 Sophie. Strictly musically speaking, not regarding her personal life decision. Seems like Machine Drum went this route too. Starting his career off more IDM-like but then taking more pop route later down the road. Blech.
  10. Greasy shiitake mushroom with green tea & honey tastes a bit like weed
  11. All those needles from a single camp? Damn, and I thought we had it bad up here...
  12. He went to Ivy League not because he was smart, but because he was wealthy and privileged. Still trying to figure out how our homegirl Lady Liberty got hooked up with an abusive fuckboy.
  13. Yeah it's pretty fucking stupid. I mean, I get the idea. It seems like many Japanese are inherently self-conscious about how their normal customs are perceived by foreigners, and they're afraid that slurping offends them. But that "woosh" sound drowning it out is ten times more annoying. Personally I never found noodle-slurping offensive in the least, and in fact adopted it as a regular habit. Latest FWP is the zipper on my favorite zip-up hoodie is stuck now after the last laundry cycle. It's jammed on one side at an angle and I can't even move it, no matter how much strength I exert. Hope there's a fix for this.
  14. Robert Guillaume now. Now Eli Vance is officially gone :(
  15. Damn it, now you guys got me hooked on this channel
  16. If only a UFO could hover over the White House and abduct Trump via tractor beam (Sounds like straight out of a South Park episode)
  17. Finally beat Shadowrun Returns on Android. Went thru a period this month where I shelved it for a while, but the last few days things were picking up and getting more interesting. Not unlike a mystery/suspense novel towards the end. And the game was literally two dollars. For a mobile game you can't ask for a better deal. So have a game that plays like the original Fallout but with XCOM's (Firaxis) combat interface. And it's set in what Seattle would be like in a Deus Ex game (Invisible War doesn't count, that one was shit) with Elder Scrolls-like elements thrown in. That's what Shadowrun basically is. Would play again. Just bought SR: Dragonfall on Google Play and SR: Hong Kong on Steam simultaneously. Reviews look promising for both, but will try Dragonfall next.
  18. regarding the framerate, silly/noob question but is it potentially a v-sync issue? Disable v-sync in game and force "v-sync" fast in your video card console? something to do with triple buffering and reg v sync limiting FPS to your refresh rate, usually drops it down from 60+ to 30ish. In general I seem to run proper FPS with no screen tearing by forcing v sync fast and making sure triple buffering is on. Enabled triple buffering, enabled vsync (tho I couldn't find any speed setting, just on/off toggle), and disabled my Intel display adapter so only the Nvidia one is enabled. Then set the game to fullscreen windowed mode in the menu screen. Now it's as optimized as it's going to get. Thanks for the tip :)
  19. This randomly showed up on my YT recommended vids. Just now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQxKToHqT-8
  20. As long as the co-pilot can still drive, they cool.
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