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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I thought we were done talkin bout that orang baby shit
  2. I think I'm nearing the end of my XCOM: EW playthrough. Beefing up my five Psi soldiers and both of my MECs are fully upgraded. But I think I forgot to build the Gollop chamber. I was playing a terror mission last night and accidentally lit a parked taxi car on fire with two civilians next to it. Sure enough, at the start of the next turn it went up in smoke and both nurse ladies got launched into the air at the same time. I laughed way harder than I should have. I probably shouldn't have laughed at all. Might play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. after this, idk. But I should finish my track first.
  3. My dreams are usually too complex and fuct up to remember. But this morning I dreamt that I was in some "VR" game where I was in some old house and had to put this weird eyeball creature on my left hand and wear it like a glove. It was supposed to evolve into something later, but I forgot what.
  4. "Blud r u dum? R u gettin rude to man?"
  5. XCOM: Enemy Within My gaming activity has to be limited for the next week or so though, so no games that require WSAD movement. Still trying to recover from this carpal tunnel shit. Getting old sucks (at least physically) I also need to get a new gaming chair soon, or at least an office chair with armrests. My current chair I've been sitting in for the past five years doesn't have any. Could be partially the cause of this CT in the first place.
  6. http://pm1.narvii.com/6796/bfb6ab91a6c389d9a97f52de690a6d7421741c58v2_00.jpg http://pm1.narvii.com/6749/e473cb0b86f36e416ebfd26f49035974b752650av2_00.jpg http://pm1.narvii.com/7414/e206c2bdcc55f486aa0fa42d607abdc10c749d4er1-540-627v2_uhq.jpg http://pm1.narvii.com/6288/7f73e3e822b9b62a6421626cee0527a645bd8e84_00.jpg
  7. Bought a brand new coffee percolator but am too dumb to use it properly. Idk if having an electric stove negatively impacts it or not. Apparently it's supposed to perc for 7 to 10 minutes once it reaches boiling point, but I don't wanna burn the shit either. I think I poured my first batch prematurely.
  8. civil entropy manifest innit

  10. (The cring in question is dating show)
  11. Finally finished Black Mesa. I can kinda see why it took 15 years of development now. The design and detail that went into the game is insane. These guys pretty much pushed the Source 1 engine to its limit.
  12. I got invited over to a fish fry happening in a few hours. Already made the three-bean avocado salad that I'll bring. Couldn't care less about much else tbh, as long as there's good food.
  13. Got woken up by a shin splint this morning. First one in months. Dunno if it's my body punishing me for missing gym the last two months, but that shit lasted for a good half minute. Also stupid-ass leaky kitchen sink faucet hose. At least it only leaks when I run the water. I already put self-sealing tape on it, but it didn't help much. And I'd rather not hire a plumber if there's still a way to fix it short of tearing shit apart.
  14. http://pm1.narvii.com/6706/ab3c2a138cbfae61768958157176ded6916d12eb_00.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/e7128717aee9a8371383962ebe3e5779/tumblr_mw1araFX9N1qedb29o1_500.gif
  15. I've been in a certain YouTube/Reddit rabbit hole outside of WATMM for nearly a year. But that's as specific as I'm getting. Sorry. I cannot run the risk of either being or not being judged for being cring. Eat some Pringles or something. NEXT
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