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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Out of curiosity, anyone playing Borderlands 3? Because I hear it's plagued with technical issues right now. The latest apparently is game saves being deleted on PC because of the Epic Games Store's janky cloud save system. So yeah. That's why Epic exclusivity is a bad move, Randy. One of several reasons.
  2. So I had an interesting duck encounter this morning. I was just pulling out onto the street from my condo parking lot in my car, when out of nowhere a line of ducks were crossing the street. They were technically pedestrians, so I did the right thing and yielded. But the curious part is that the five mallard ducks in this line were made up of one male in the lead and four females following, all adults. Normally you'd think of a mother duck leading her ducklings, but that wasn't the case here.
  3. Tulsi is the only other candidate I'd support besides Bernie, although her chances aren't nearly as good as his. I'm done with pretentious, soulless, mediocre corporate lackeys. We need genuine warriors.
  4. I climbed a rock wall for the first time yesterday. Only made it about halfway up on the big one, as the strain on my forearms and fingers were quickly tiring me out. Still, all this gym time over the past year and a half is paying off.
  5. I guess this is sort of relevant to SNES...new indie version of Super Metroid in development
  6. When all them greenbacks could be used for disaster relief from imminent destruction by Dorian...ok.
  7. In that case, I am forced to break my promise lol
  8. If you're a fan of any of the System Shock and/or Bioshock games, then you're in for a treat.
  9. Yeah the Rage ending was rather lackluster, especially for an Id Software game. But I can't play the second one until I have a more powerful PC. Likely the same case with Doom Eternal.
  10. Hannity is the port-in-storm hiding spot for Donnie's limp mushroom
  11. FOX showing some integrity for once - something I never thought I'd say.
  12. I don't believe I've seen the diet one before. But the regular variety is still quite tasty. (You can buy it in the US too, at least where I live.)
  13. We need a Corgi to enter the race. I guarantee a Corgi candidate's poll ratings would skyrocket over every other candidate's. Not to mention guaranteed to ensure Donnie is a one-term president. I'm not even joking. After the shit we've endured for the last 2.5 years, no proposition is really considered absurd anymore.
  14. Happ Intentional Doggo Day

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