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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. music from peru has been mentioned but I don't think it was the good ol traditional stuff? is v pretty
  2. I really really enjoy the way the melody builds, I wonder if they actually just had a delay w really long feedback and just built on it
  3. YangYing

    The Tuss

    im v excited for the smojphace revisited 2019 versions
  4. but the ltm forum is still up???
  5. I'm doing engineering physics atm, this thread is supposed to relieve my stress not give me ptsd
  6. What do you mean by "schedule"? Like publish, but don't display until a certain day/time? exactly! u can do that in fb pages.. no idea if it would b possible on ere tho
  7. Is it possible to have a feature for ops to schedule posts for certain threads? would make threads like Planet Mu Listening Club, A Duck in a Tree Listening Club and A journey through time and space (via the Rephlex CD catalog) much easier to handle
  8. YangYing

    The Tuss

    is almost like he hasn't tried new things since still, quite good
  9. someone pls summarize once it's done im off the net rest of the day
  10. extra spice mikey now making some stompin gabber tunes a la oldskool!!
  11. idk I'm not married to capitalism at all, if the transition to socialism or some other system succeeds someday somewhere and actually leads to a better society then I'm all for it but the point stands that that's not ever happening in the USA.. or maybe it does but then whatever it's left won't b USA no more
  12. gl getting any anticapitalist even close to usa power during this or the next century lol
  13. fuuuuuck that take me away track finally led me to this fckin belter of a track i have been looking for ages!! im jumping in m room right now!!!! big love
  14. aa goin trough some rlly fun ol piano house atm
  15. never gonna happen bcuz vsnares n cylob r mean babies edit: listening to this now, feels like the good ol' dad funk except not boring
  16. they already are lmao touché lets say.. until the middle class start starving then
  17. im rlly cynical about this, nothin will happen until ppl start starving in first world countries
  18. not long ago he linked to this channel on his fb page, I haven't checked but I'm guessing there's a fair few of them on there
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