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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Yeah, and at this point, it's on her. I've come to the point where I have told her 'I cannot love you FOR you, you have to love yourself first and foremost' I'm a pretty stable person and I feel lately that it's starting to effect me as a person how much insecurities I have to reinforce/convince otherwise with her. It's all about her lately, and if she's not happy, I'm either being an ass by not consoling, or becoming depressed with taking on someone elses' problems. Good points. What I've noticed is that as long as she ( both of you) are willing to be in a (sincere) dialogue about it, a relationship is possible. Even if the behavior doesn't change immediately. Change is hard. Reflection and a respect for eachothers reality is key, imo. I've tried the relationship thing with a girl who basically had accepted not being able to talk about her feelings and that stuff was just devastating. Especially because I liked and cared for her very much. But every time something was wrong (still dont know), she hid herself under some proverbial rock and even a basic form of dialogue was impossible. ...which made me worrying even more, and trying harder to establish some kind of connection. ..which had the opposite result. For her it was probably more about not knowing how to deal with all her emotions, but to me, my gut feeling about her not communicating was that she wasnt interested. I mean, that's the usual response, right? If she isnt interested, there's not going to be much communication. So, with that, it also became a trust issue from my side. That shit just didnt work. No matter how hard i tried. No communication is no intimacy. And no relationship.
  2. You lucky basterd! You have the eternal youth gene ( no receding hairlines) Get out of my sight! ;D
  3. i'd agree with you, except that it's about women (and guys for that matter) in their 30s... *hopeless cry*
  4. Continued... And when they finally do talk, you may enter the zone of " i wow, you're the only one i've ever told these things about myself. Not even my closest friend, who i tell a lot knows this". This is either another level of friend zone, or another way of emotional blackmailing (" you're so special to me and you know so much, you can not leave!") you into a relationship. In the worst case scenario, both. She's not really interested, but likes the sense of certainty of having you around and play some fucked up psycho games for her pleasure. ... Women...
  5. Also, I've learned to ask them three times in a row. Normally, I tend to expect answers right away, but with women you need to ask them three times. Because the first time they just assume you're being nice and possibly not interested. The second time they're just wondering whether you're determined enough. And the third time they apparently have the confirmation they need ( or theyre just tired of you asking it for the third time already), and they'll start to talk and when lucky, they'll actually open up a bit.... 99 problems and the b@tch aint one...
  6. I know the sentiment. I've literally asked them to just tell me if they're not interested so i could move on...but alas, no luck. When it comes to relationships they tend to be an impenetrable block of emotional granite. Either by not knowing themselves, or by not wanting to show... I can't tell. But the most frustrating thing, to me at least, is that there's always a couple of extremes to consider. Like they're either head over heels and turned to emotionally mashed potatoes, or on the complete opposite side and just not interested. And I can get pretty pissed when that happens. It's a pretty simple question, right? So an honest answer is not too hard to give, right? If she cares, she would give an honest answer, right? Well, apparently it is pretty hard to give honest answers. They're either confused themselves ( often they're very good at framing it that way), or they're afraid to tell the truth...for whatever reason. So, when digging deeper and trying to get that out in the open, most of the time more nothingness shows up. It's pretty ironic that women can be so horrible in talking about their feelings while the stereotype is that it's the men who tend to have a sense of disconnect from their emotional side. At this point I tend to remember that Cindy Lauper song " girls just want to have fun". Yeah, in the most superficial way possible, so don't bother with their emotions. If they dont have fun with you and/or dont to have more fun, theyre just not that into you. Apparently its better to dont get too emotionally invested when it comes to women.... Ok, enough of the generalizing... Girl problems subforum noa!
  7. She's just coming out of a relationship? If so, she might have seen you as a quick snack to get over her ex and has other things on her mind again. And, or you were her getting over target, but she might have actually come to like you more, so she might think you're too good for a getting over ex date. If it's the latter you should be a tiny bit afraid of getting stuck in the friend zone. Happened to me a couple of times. Hitting it off with someone like you knew each other for years. But when trying to take it a step further it all of a sudden gets " you're so special and i really want to keep contact, but i cant get into a relationship because i'm afraid that i get in love with you and i'm really not ready for that.."... Welcome to the friendzone
  8. Hahaha I bet you've got that from on of those dating sites! I hope you had a nice chat with her before you took her pictures. :D
  9. Just google them. Beds can be expensive. Waterbeds are perhaps on the cheaper side even.
  10. also depende on the preferences of the missus, of course. but you could have a twoperson bed with two water beds. one more stabilised than the other. it's also important to take into account that while your sleeping you have to warm the bed with some thermostat, so a bed uses some extra energy. so if you're into occupy and shit: don't use it!!!!! you'll make yourself feeling guilty for sleeping on a waterbed.
  11. yeah, it's a bit getting used to. also depends on the position. but it gives an entirely new dimension to the experience. so that's interesting ;D also, you can choose for a couple of levels of shakyness. totally free shakyness to extremely balanced and hardly any shakes on a waterbad. i've got the almost 100% free bed, because i like the extra movement.
  12. I'm Edwards nephewwww. Also, it was a bit of an impulse buy (first world problem #2). But I can tell you it's pretty awesome to feel like you're floating on a bed (first world privilege). :P waterbeds are notoriously associated with bad backs. FWP: The music at work is usually not bad, sometimes even some nightmares on wax makes it on. Right now it is some awful fucking smooth jazz though. They can be prescribed for people with bad backs, and it's important to not have too much water in the bed. With too much water your feet will be higher than the rest of your body (because most of your weight is in your upper body) and that's when it can indeed be painful for your back. (solution: tapping of water...). With the right amount of water your entire body mass will be spread evenly. More so than on any other kind of matras. So kids, if you'll ever sleep on a waterbed and it feels like your feet ly on a balloon higher than the rest of your body: tap off water or else you'll get back pain.
  13. I'm Edwards nephewwww. Also, it was a bit of an impulse buy (first world problem #2). But I can tell you it's pretty awesome to feel like you're floating on a bed (first world privilege). :P
  14. There's a bit too much water in my waterbed. So, when later during the night the water gets warmer, my feet feel like theyre on a bubble of water and all my weight will be on my back. Which is not good. Will tap off some water today to fix my first world problem. ;D
  15. goDel


    Apply chemicals first before use
  16. Happy horrible holidays!

    1. triachus


      holy halliteration hoDel

  17. Congrats with the new subforum! And good to see the info about the barcodes. Didn't know that yet! ;D May 2014 bring even more an better albums than 2013, if possible..
  18. Good post. Seeing the way he explodes in interviews (Sway!) I wonder whether he deep down sees his limits (being a good producer, but better off in the margins -producing- and not in the forefront-rapping), but is still in some sort of epic denial. I mean, if he really didnt know his limits, there wouldn't be an emotional need to explode, right? I'd assume he sees/knows/understands deep down, but still hasn't accepted it emotionally. Well, it takes big amounts of narcissism to be some big artist, I guess. He's like a living soap opera.
  19. He's (almost) married to Kardashian. Of course he's serious when he thinks fashion is going to save the world! That's what she would say as well. Probably...
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