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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Trader Joe's BBQ popped potato chips poptastic
  2. Rush 9/10 (it wouldn've gotten 10/10 if not for Eric Clapton's clunky heavy-handed score, most notably a moment with "Tears In Heaven" which almost made me shut the movie off. Otherwise awesome flick)
  3. turn that frown upside...*looks at avatar*....hmmm
  4. Just wanked to a picture of Yo-Landi Visser and ejaculated goat blood.
  5. I'm sold on these guys. I was almost immediately. "Death Dimension" melted my face off.
  6. Lately it feels like God is taking a dump on my face.
  7. Crap On Your Hand, Say AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
  8. Remember a couple pages ago when I said "Brotechre"? *satisfied sigh*
  9. Hurts When It Squirts 2: Electric Boogaloo
  10. I don't understand most of yours.. Are they obscure references or are you just being silly? So, the band is called They Hang Funny (a testicle joke), featuring a guy named Dink Winky on his instrument of choice, wah-wah egg shaker.
  11. These mesquite bbq chips taste like alien jizz.
  12. They Hang Funny (ft. Dink Winky on wah-wah egg shaker)
  13. Drink a Glass of Les Claypool's Beard Sweat
  14. I really like the show, but somehow I hate almost all of the characters. Most of them are either pathetic or annoying or sociopathic. Everytime someone dies I'm like "finally, jeez."
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