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Everything posted by Schlitze

  1. I think that cat might be half kangaroo with hind legs that can propel him to those heights. This week my pain threshold has been tested to the limits. Started on Tuesday at the dentist with an aborted root canal. But that was nothing compared to what followed. Throughout the week i've had this swelling of the middle finger, down by the nail. It's been spreading and getting more and more painful, yesterday i had to google it and found it was a nail infection called called Paronychia. Last night it spread from the side of the nail round the skin above the nail to the point where the shape of the finger was deformed. The swelling looked similar to this picture from google, except my nail stayed normal, unlike this poor bas. In desperation i tried to burst it with a couple of times with a pin (which was momentarily excrutiating) thinking some fluid would come out, but just a tiny bit of blood did. That made the pain worse and i got no sleep last night because of it. I went to A & E this morning to get a doc to drain it and eventually after he checked it out he prepped it for the scalpel, i was offered anesthetic injections into the finger but stupidly said no, wanting to get it over and done with quickly. He dug the scalpel into the skin above the nail and started cutting along, images from Martyrs started flashing in my mind, this was pain. He noted that nothing much was coming out. So repeated the process another couple of times along the circumference of the nail. I had gritted teeth so tight to stop from screaming. Worst pain i've ever had in my life. Finally, dressed the finger and gave me a packet of antibiotics and co-codemol to eat which gave me some pain relief but made me really tired, especially after not sleeping, i have 7 days of antibiotics to do until the infection has cleared up. I don't know how it began, all i can think of is i've been biting my nails and a raggy bit at the side has led to a cut which has got dirt or bike oil in it or something. I'd never heard of Paronychia until last night, but holy muddafuckin shit, dawg...it's a name which will give me chills for the rest of this life and probably the next.
  2. To8plus4 I wont sleep with these pounding beats NottingHillBus comin at you....uuuhhhhh
  3. Ye've been goin a bit radge over the last 3 weeks, wee man. Swaggerin aboot n that. Yer 'avin it large.
  4. Yeah, poor guy. His parent's have become recluses, no-one hears or sees them, they move in the shadows.
  5. No one can plan a concrete foundation pour like Locke so he's got no business driving south to make amends for his indiscretions. He should have found a better way to lay down a smooth path.
  6. 160 pounds a months rent must be like living in someones cupboard in Easterhouse or something. It doesn't compute. Carpets needing shampooing, etc. Only person i ever heard about paying that little rent was a toff twit from my home town who moved out to the city to continue his life as a useless bum, was about 28 and living with the aid of mummykins who owned the flat. She wanted to give him some adult responsibility and started charging 120 rent, he had a man tantrum and jumped out the window of the flat onto spike railings. Spoilt brat never knew how good he had it.
  7. Yes, i've listened to Bradley Echoes about 10 times today. At my desk all afternoon head-raving to it ridiculously, then the torso started loosening up and the arms were going. No-one saw me thankfully, if they had i'd have had to let them listen to the track as means of explanation.
  8. It's very ham fisted of the makers to put that scene at the start. Thrown straight into the world of never before seen creatures in a film which should be about setting up familiarities. Can't believe Ridley signed off on that opening scene, dang. You're meant to be enticing viewers back into the Alien world with familiar recognisable visuals, not new ones of this white thing from Star Trek 7 and then try to work backwards into genetics?! 'scuse me, i'm just reminicing on the missed opportunities of Prometheus. Holla.
  9. Nah, not happenin. It's copycat hour, fairly unlistenable. Find a new vocation. The priesthood perhaps.
  10. What a great show. I think the Kettleman's are going to go behind bars for a long time and i wouldn't be surprised to see Tuco and his gran join them in there along with the guy with the bell. Saul was right to go after the Kettleman's so tirelessly, they represent the ghastly side of suburbia. Selfish greedy scuzballs masquerading as Ned Flanders types. Audiences hate them worse than cold hearted killers.
  11. Slo Bird Whistle (peel sesh) is an absolutely delectable bit of audio. Holy sheepshite, first listen dawgs... And it sounds a BOC cover
  12. Watched the first part of JK's The Casual Vacancy (had insomnia at 2am on sunday so got up and watched bbc iplayer), i like it. Lot's of the rural quirks and raw wankiness of village life. Great cast, including this little old Gizmo looking lady who plays Michael Gambon's lover. Great actress. She just turned 74 today. Happy birthday Julia. It says in't credits it's partly funded by HBO so y'all will be getting to enjoy this too. I recommend you grasp it.
  13. I was ready to smash the shit outta my Sony nw-a3000 this morning, 9am sat down at my desk, ready to sit through an AFX soundcloud playlist i had made to get me through the day, switch it on bleep bleep 'Battery Low' and went dead, i lost it, screamed ''You fuckin cocksucka'' threw it into the corner of the room and stormed out, some bosses were walking down the corridor at the time and heard me, i just kept on walking and went out to Costa. Layed low for about half an hour, then skulked back in praying the bosses had left. That mp3 player is about 8 years old and the battery life is horrible but it's now at the stage where i have to keep it plugged into the wall always. It's got all my music on it, i know with this dying battery i'll have to let it go soon but it's gonna be hard, 8 years is a long time.
  14. I finally watched this with some trepidation. The moral complexities of AI is perhaps the least original concept anyone could come up with for sci-fi, we've seen this theme multiple times very well done in films for decades, you will know all the films that this has been done, but where could they take it? To their credit, they went 'out there' with it but i was left with the bitter aftertaste of a hybrid of Michael Jackson's 'Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and for the entire human race' / 'Earth Song' / Polygon Window 'If It Really Is Me'. When a film is reminding you of Michael Jackson it's not a good sign because we now know that his lyrics were insincere, he wasn't interested in healing anything apart from his appetite for 'milk', 'jesus juice' and the purest of flesh. Up to a point it hold's your attention when they're curing the disabled people thanks to copying cells to replace damaged cells, you're like 'how bad can this AI be?' ok these humans are all wi-fied up to part of a badass network, but even so, it's still better than suffering the way some of them had been. Unplug the modem's lose the network, and keep all the good part of their AI development, that would have worked. But at the beginning / end we see that phones and laptops are useless and used as doorstops. Technology as a whole has been abandoned and it's just hipsters moping around the streets with retro cameras. A backward step for mankind.
  15. Too dank for an intro post, would like to see this at the end of the thread in March
  16. May i present to you The Rave Colonel - Original Chaos Riff
  17. Yeah thats a creepy film, especially when the guy on the other end of the phone is revealed and you get a glimpse into Pat Healy's world* *Can i get some spoiler tags up in this bitch
  18. this was alright. I dunno, I may appreciate it more with another viewing, I'm pretty tired and my brain isn't really functioning right now. I didn't like it when cool soundtrack. lead actress is cute and talented, hope to see more of her. the violence was super-effective because the build up to it was so slow and deliberate and I didn't really think it was going to go that way. all-in-all, a p deece horror flick. I don't agree about the commentary on hipsters overshadowing the horror, your writeup makes it sound like an episode of Nathan Barley or something. Glad you checked it out, usagi I think my hipster evaluation must have clouded your mind before you watched it and you went in expectin a barley. The hipster shit wasn't something that occurred to me until a day later when i was thinkin about it. I guess i overthought it a bit when i wrote the review...Mmmm. Spoiler tags on every film review from this day forth.
  19. Fuck it im just gonna have to watch this right now Threads too enticing.
  20. The Rave Colonel is a good name, he should have put out some releases under that alias. Someone in that other thread where they were making up all the tracks into folders had tagged them 'The Raver's Friend' (also quite a cool name) I was going to copy their folder contents but never got round to it, If i ever do it i'll change the title to the Rave Colonel so user45563631 can feel the wind under his wings of an actual RC release... well, on my mp3 player.
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