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Everything posted by Blir

  1. The funniest thing about that is anybody putting Greedy Baby or Scintilli higher than Double Figure.
  2. Fucking hell I don't think the hospital is going to have space for him when he has that anurysm
  3. Yeah of course the yanks love a bit of war. The whole country is primed for a dictatorship.
  4. Hey America look at what your cunt president is banging on about now. ]
  5. I think The Great Hack on Netflix is pretty illuminating.
  6. I have no idea what that is
  7. Jesus christ what is wrong with these absolute fucking cretins
  8. Delaying stimulus checks so Trump can put his name on them, too. I think it's time we just agree the whole America experiment has been a resounding failure. Burn it to the ground and start again.
  9. Blir


    It's a running joke with people who claim they enjoy Haswell that his stuff is good, they know it isn't but it's sort of an ironic thing. It's quite proveably terrible.
  10. Chiastic, LP5 and Confield getting dem vinyl represses soon too
  11. The chat is optional, you know. Not a requirement for listening to a stream.
  12. oh no poor boris i hope he makes it
  13. Can someone photoshop a facemask onto my av please? Little bit concerned about getting covid. fanx
  14. Yeah it's basically dark ambient with one section that gets a bit tribal and beat. It's shit hot but the recordings are ruined by the cretins in the crowd going "woop" during this bit with massive sorta orchestral chord bitsidunnohowtodescribe it Anyway can't wait
  15. You're being a bit of a cunt right now to be honest.
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