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Status Updates posted by chronical

  1. a great question for a squarepusher interview would be "how do you feel about most drum machines greeting you?" then he goes "what?" and you say "yeah, they all say hi tom"

  2. happy 303 day ☺☻

  3. everyone should have a spiritual moment with acid eiffel at least once

    1. d-a-m-o


      Best Garnier track indeed.

  4. modern kettel sounds a lot like RTR.. big hm

  5. 303 melodies ftw

  6. god i love the blade runner soundtrack. helps with sleepless nights

    1. Adamovich


      on repeat recently...

  7. this weather is perfect for orbital

  8. hello, ae here in your ear, reminding you you dont modulate your gear enough

  9. I really miss microlith my dudes

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      microlith is great

  10. sun's out, time to kick some ass

  11. america, how does it work?

    1. dingformung
    2. chronical


      seems about right

  12. Ccec off Ep7.1 goes on gangstatronics tape

  13. hooked up my valhall2 tube amp to my NADc316bee for the first time today and I'm blown away, why tf didn't I think of this sooner? holy shit analord

  14. green calx is so sick

    1. auxien


      oh no! we need to get it some medicine so it feels better soon! 



      great track yes :)

  15. heart reacts only

    1. Brisbot


      *itches neck* yo dawg I only got farnsworths but they're just as good as the hearts

    2. Hugh Mughnus
  16. word of the week is serene. embrace it

  17. straight slammin

  18. absolute frolick state :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. chronical


      four stages trick-polenta frolick for d4M0. would rate aging

    3. arachnopus


      excited to frolick with you in november my friend

    4. Hail Sagan
  19. finally fixed my valhalla2 tube input yeehaw icari revisit!!!

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