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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Boxus

  1. ooh something thick is swooping in
  2. i feel like my brain is being wrapped in many long lush fabrics
  3. donkey kong water level vibes yall
  4. i am open and ready. fill me up boys
  5. t1a1 is one of most enjoyable listens in their whole discography. it has an ASMR effect on me. squishing and bending in all the right places. massaging my brain.
  6. prediction: 16sec beatless intro. weird lush synth harmony. crisp snares.
  7. #1 for me is absolutely Confield I love how varied it is - each track feels like its own distinct sonic world. And it has a perfect balance of complexity and minimalism. It feels open, airy, cool. Not quite so dense as their post-2010 albums. After that it's too hard to rank, but LP5, Quaristice, Oversteps and Tri Rep would probably fill out my top 5.
  8. I'm among those who got into Aphex and Ae via the Pi soundtrack. I was 12 or 13 yo at the time. And I was just lucky enough to have a friend with great taste who discovered that movie and bought the soundtrack. THANK YOU MAX. He was really into the Orb as well, and I listened to them and Aphex a lot at first, then got more into Autechre the following year after limewiring a bunch of random tracks and finally buying Tri Rep.
  9. when the whispery voice starts looping at the end of zeiss contarex, that is the coolest shit in the world. latenight murder grooves
  10. Piezo is the fucking best track, I love the whole album (except maybe Silverside) but goddamn PIEZO. It breaks me.
  11. This is probably my most listened-to album ever. I don't think it's my favorite Aphex album but it's the one I go back to the most. I'm never not in the mood to hear it. It just feels like home.
  12. Baba is You is VERY good. A must-play for puzzle game fans. Some of the most creative problem solving I've ever done in a game.
  13. the best genre. Check out Matthew Brown's games if you haven't yet - especially Hexcells Infinite, one of the best numerical logic puzzlers ever (basically a really, really good version of minesweeper). Also worth playing the other two hexcells games (though I'd start with infinite) and CrossCells. But maybe skip Cypher - it's interesting but a little too obtuse to be enjoyable past the first couple puzzle sets imo.
  14. huge fan of this from day one, i've played it a ton over the years. i agree that nth dafuseder is the weakest track (still enjoy it tho). iris is a pupil is one of my favorite of the oversteps-style tunes, with that nice squiggly glide on the melody. pce and rew are incredible. cep is a fantastic closer.
  15. lol yeah, i watched some of the first episode and just found myself looking for the "Skip Cutscene" button. probably worth another look at some point tho
  16. Isn't that basically what AE Live plus a fair bit of elseq and NTS is? i suppose at this point we're hearing a lot of different tracks that are variations from the same patches/setups. still, not enough clustro casuals.
  17. i would definitely welcome another album + alt versions release. having 2 or 3 different takes of some of your favorite tracks is so sweet. yall got twelve slightly different versions of clustro casual? take my money pls.
  18. mission to zyxx excellent improvised sci-fi comedy series. great play on familiar genre tropes. excellent sound design. highly highly recommended.
  19. clustro casual has aged so gracefully. this track is like some dank fermenting mass that sits in the recesses of a weird cave growing more and more delicious with every second it's in open air.
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