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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Boxus

  1. Drinking this new Sierra Nevada Pronto IPA w mango and hibiscus. Is rally very good. And the whole massive fruit IPA trend that's been sweeping the California beer scene for the past few years is something I am definitely onboard with.
  2. I've been playing through this too, it's really good. I love the magic system. Once you get used to the elements and status effects there are so many different ways to approach combat.
  3. love that track so much. It's one of their biggest and used all over the place but it never gets old. Can is just the fucking best
  4. He did it for the rush, the adaptation, and the general backwardness of the act. lol
  5. on topic of bizarre half-remembered 90s shows.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuEJWmxWkKw
  6. The new series is fantastic imo, but I understand some people being disappointed by it. It's a huge treat for fans of Lynch's other work, since this is basically a massive Lynch film in all its confounding surrealist glory, but set in the twin peaks universe. Of course the quaint small-town soap opera aspect is mostly gone now (though we get bits of it, like Nadine and Jacoby, all the diner scenes, any scene with Lucy). My biggest complaint with this season is that there isn't as much music. It's missing the perpetual Badalamenti jazz backbone that ran through almost every scene in the original. The music and sound design has been really good in the new episodes, but the fact that so many scenes are relatively silent does contribute to the overall tone being way different. I think that "cozy" feeling of the original series was largely thanks to the score.
  7. she's been in a coma since the season 2 bank blast i'll bet. notice how there was no modern technology in her scenes. rotary phone, etc... I was thinking she could be in some pocket of the black lodge/spirit world but yeah a coma would make a lot of sense. Since no other characters have mentioned her or tried to contact her despite drama in the family. And the fact that both her scenes have her in the same weird home, talking about leaving without being able to commit to leaving, seems like dream logic.
  8. my new favorite is Spontaneanation w/ Paul F Tompkins
  9. Boxus


    this track is so beautiful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_drzbM217JY this one always makes me happy, from my favorite king tubby record: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWEvskcyGtU
  10. ohhh yeah! Forgot about that movie, it's a good one. And of course, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lufzzIJFWVY
  11. Uviol is totally a winter song. Pure ice world. I don't know how you guys can hear hot weather in there. I used to get an image in my head whenever I heard it of this pristine icy wonderland slowly getting wrecked by a shambling multidimensional snow-beast
  12. Production is way more low-key on this album, which is not what I expected but it really gives the lyrics room to shine. This album is all about the rapping, way more raw and stripped-down than tpab. Some amazing tracks on here. Some I don't like (the Rihanna colab is the weakest link imo), but tons of fire. YAH has been stuck in my head all day. Rumor has it part 2 still to drop today...
  13. lol. I've definitely listened to ween while tripping and it has been good. Also had great experiences putting on autechre for tripping friends. I know some people who would never listen to ae sober but went fuckin nuts for vose in on a good acid trip
  14. First couple episodes of Crashing are great, really looking forward to the rest
  15. coffeeeeeee - pour-over, locally roasted light guatamalan roast. very much delicious
  16. Emel - Ensen http://shop.partisanrecords.com/products/emel-ensen-2 Fantastic album, get it
  17. lol. I'm listening to this for the first time right now while reading this thread. So far the thread is more entertaining than the album. thx watmm
  18. Witcher 3 blood & wine dlc really lived up to the hype. So much content and so so so LUSH
  19. Shadow people are a really common phenom with lsd. In most of my trips I would get the sense of extra beings in the room, passing by in my periphery, from time to time.
  20. Boxus


    It's honestly pretty depressing they stopped having Alex Rutterford do their album art seriously! i still think the art for elseq is especially terrible. their music deserves better.
  21. Elder scrolls legends is an extremely addicting guilty pleasure. It fills that magic-the-gathering-sized hole in the secluded regions of my being
  22. yep.. my vid: lush! that's my favorite track on the album
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