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Everything posted by marf

  1. Threatening cops with mountains of paper work. I wonder if it works to get out of pickle
  2. are we there yet, voyager 1, the fastest and farthest of the interplanetary space probes currently leaving the Solar System, will reach the Oort cloud in about 300 years and would take about 30,000 years to pass through it.
  3. Mutable Instruments Rings Resonator will get you most of those sounds
  4. The other side of gas is debating if you like a piece of gear knowing you'd miss the shit out of it if you sold it, just to get something else. Ive sold way too many great synths. Just because I was on some different musical tangent. If you want modular, Look into the BOM Buchla stuff. BEM the actual company makes crap gear now. The under ground diy world of Buchla clones is good
  5. The Pact horror (2012) 6.5/10 pretty good flick next to the other trite horror films on Hulu. pleasantly surprised Oh, and these new documentary style horrors à la Blair witch, no thank you
  6. you need to see https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101545/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_43
  7. ww1, embarrass and decimate Germany. Raise their need for nationalism , invoke a secret re-armament to an unheard of pace, and create a military the French could never hope to ever fight. No one was ready for that. Newton's laws of motion. ​Would be nice to see in the theater. Haven't been to a theater in years
  8. Sicario; Day of soldado Really good, not long enough. Needed more and more
  9. Ive recently realized I live in a state of background anger at the wrongs done to me in my youth. I think that forgiveness and knowing all beings suffer is the key to moving on from the state of victim personality that I grasp onto. My history is me, but it isn't. Forward is what matters.
  10. The citizens think that way, but your leaders don't. You've been dining out on USA military protection
  11. America has spent the money to prevent places like Russia from expanding. We've lost out on things like public services and infrastructure because of it. Now with Trump, Europe is getting antsy and I'd be nervous if I was European and you had to start spending shitloads on military to keep status quo.
  12. if they tear down your favorite fast food place is that also disenfrachisement?
  13. the meds help a great deal, but it's like eating life with a balloon on your tongue.
  14. Reasoning as in those ingredients are not what Im into. Washed out reverb tracks Footwork, But the Aphex Magic Jack
  15. Netflix Is lowering the bar man, just empty half baked crap. I like the nature shows, tho
  16. Is it any wonder a judge would be a power hungry asshole? Ever stand in front of one? One faux pas and you are in chains.
  17. What? Jesus, . Global warming bad!! Stephen Hawking said we are close to a runaway greenhouse effect and we could turn into Venus. Can we respect that the earth is special? We should take care of this verdant rock. The other rocks are scary and can melt your face off. HAT-P-7b a thousand light years away. Meaning, what we see a thousand years ago on this planet, rains sapphires and rubies. Might be pretty but painful live there Innovation is the most important thing to stop this. A public company only cares about the quarterly report, for the dividends, So big changes are scary to investors. So the company has to make slow changes and make money above all things. Sorting our trash in green recycle bins hasn't worked. So, yeah, I think this is the only real thing that seems to be a chance to bring earth back to a point before the industrial revolution and the harms it has caused. Innovative private companies run by innovators. ​And electric cars have come a long way, yes. Are you under 25?
  18. Good chance it will be forgotten like Anita hill. All I remember is pubic hair on coke can. I guess we are just stalling until midterms? I still don't understand how they blocked Merrick Garland.
  19. When I was a freshman at university I got a job at some vegetarian takeout in the commons of the library. It was run by a 5 foot smug little weirdo with a slimy ponytail almost as long as him. Yeah, so I addressed this fellow employee, a college girl, as woman. Like, what's up woman! I got a call in my dorm room from slimy ponytail guy to either apologize to her for saying woman or quit.
  20. why no? a legit sentence instead of flol, or ugh would be more helpful children
  21. Elon is like the only guy trying to make real changes. I can see why having a company public would interfere with innovation. It wasn't long ago an electric car was a glorified golf cart. Now they are one of the fastest cars on the road. We need more Elons not less. Otherwise shut the fuck up about global warming
  22. finally bot to season one of true detective. McConaughey continues to surprise me. Amazing performance
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