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Everything posted by marf

  1. I was a dishwasher a few times. I ate a lot of sauce, Just from the saute pans
  2. oldest known melody
  3. speaking of Tesla. Do electric cars really improve co2 levels? source of electricity: https://www.thebalance.com/sources-of-electricity-1182554 Fossil fuels 67% (coal 41%), oil (5.1%), natural gas (21%) Renewable energy 16% (mainly hydroelectric (92%), wind (6%), geothermal (1%), and solar (1%) Nuclear power 13% Other sources 3% (i.e., biofuels and biomass)
  4. Ive been doing great. I even thought Ive been doing great. I took one pill for OCD, and It plunged me near to a clinical depression, and its been days now. Im going to try doing cardio. Ever notice you think or say something and then the opposite happens. Oh, IM great now, two days later everything is shit
  5. did you notice the robot's brains in westworld look like Brita water filters?
  6. i mean i rattled MDMA like skittles for 5 years. great 5 years, but my mental health breakdown now is both unsuprising and i would say.. deserved. Sertraline works amazing for me. But everyone responds different. Try stuff out . And some Klonopin
  7. when people say beautiful inside and out I cant stop thinking of blood and guts
  8. I think Putin really wants to be allies with America. America in his mind would alienate Europe and in turn he could claim back Eastern Europe. Maybe
  9. agree, Good sound track though., So many films bite David Lynch. His pacing. Im just starting to realize how huge an effect he's had on film in the last 20 years
  10. I wonder how much the political scene will change once the baby boomers die off.
  11. league of gentlemen. Great. They took it off netflix in the usa, sadly. So just torrenting
  12. My drum teacher had Tourette's. He was very jerky, (active) even as an older guy, But he could play the drums perfectly
  13. Some netflix, Who took Johnny. Really fucked up stuff. I'ts like they could solve this but don't want to , disturbing doc Ken Burns Vietnam doc. Learning so much
  14. Italy vs America https://medium.com/@sonicaghi/why-is-espresso-in-america-so-bad-b0606d8ddeb5
  15. lighter roasts have more caffeine.
  16. French press when I can. Usually cheap espresso, tho . I use the cafe bustelo. I really need to quit caffeine as I have a hiatal hernia. Not an issue usually but Id like to run at night and it is impossible if I've had any caffeine
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