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Everything posted by marf

  1. marf

    Cheetah EP

    lots of 909 on this EP
  2. marf

    Cheetah EP

  3. marf

    Cheetah EP

    Oh come on man please this is just not a helpful response. Of course that's the case. But art also means we can all have our own opinions and expectations of it. I'm not calling up richard personally and telling him to step his game up! the days when i would go to the record store and hear the new aphex and get goosebumps. id get giddy. pancake lizard? Woah. Total excitement. . I understand your point totally. Those magical aphex moments, like the vocals in fenix funk. Surprises that bend your mind for weeks. Yes, I know what you are saying
  4. you can make a fortune in america serving food specifically target to the comfort of denture wearers. denture friendly food is like the umami of america.
  5. marf

    Cheetah EP

    So he's built his own trap. Living in a prison of only perfection. That would suck. I dont think he needcs that pressure. All artists who make tons of tracks make a lot of average stuff. Maybe that is why we've go years without releases from him.
  6. you are mental to kill someone in my opinion, maybe frontal cortex damage whatever. most diagnosed mental people don't commit violent crimes, but are stuck in prison due to institutions getting shutdown, anyway. id worry more about their risk of suicide. guns make it more likely
  7. skeptical. i think the republicans want him out more than the dems and they can be quite ruthless. im actually surprised he hasnt been shot. ..by the republicans
  8. marf

    Cheetah EP

    im not sure electronic music suffers from ageism like rock and roll. it is very obvious that musicians in the regular music world sort of get softer and less inventive after 40 . not totally convinced it applies to electronic or experimental music
  9. Really Well most die or leave before they get in really dangerous battles. I don't follow any of daesh or other Islamic stuff on twitter or FB but I do admit frequently watching stuff in r/combatfootage which unsurprisingly is heavy on Syria/Iraq and, when it was more active, the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. the thing about many if not most Islamic extremist fighters as well as many middle eastern government forces is they are sloppy as hell and lack tactical skills, so for as much as they go all in and get killed they also endlessly waste ammo on each other without gaining ground. if you watch Kurdish militia or Syrian units or Iraq spec ops, US/UK advisors, etc. though it's a completely different tone and pace. it is a cluster fuck. There are other groups like al-Nusra. I think Isis is trained by ex Ba'athist military. Most of the men organized in the interment camps during the Iraq war. They do take amphetamines. A drug called captagon. Nothing new in war. They really love to make mad max style trucks the size of a dump truck. Weld it into a fortress of TNT.. Send off some young boy to blow himself to allah at a checkpoint. They line up for it. Endless supply of idiots. Lots of that. If they ambush they can cut your head off in 30 seconds. Ive seen it and was alarmed to say the least. Some broken ignorant ass people.
  10. There really isnt an isis for christians or hindus, right now. Shit is kicking off constantly in the name of islam. There are theocracies that have incredibly politically incorrect laws with millions of people living under and preferring these laws. Isis, an extreme wing of islam seems to find guys exactly like this everyday. It is ramadan and they are calling for attacks on kufar. I follow about 500 isis members on twitter and they are all lost men and totally brutal. I think they must be on Meth or some speed to tolerate their own brutality. American soldiers are killing themselves from ptsd, i dont know how they live like that indefinitely.
  11. that doesn't mean it's the only thing that's relevant, if the US didn't have a retarded 2nd amendment this wouldn't have happened either, and you could find lots of other things that have various levels of impact on events like this occurring (whether we're talking about terrorism or crazy-person gun massacres in general). i do think gun crime would go down over all, but didnt France just have a shitload of machin-gunning isis ransack paris multiple times? there are guns in Europe.
  12. hasn't the bernie campaign been making the point that hillary is losing to trump in national polls?
  13. he's going to win by a landslide. for one, trump bashing is turning into noise. it carries no meaning. people will rebel. two, hillary is boring and shrill. I dont want trump, but i have a good gut feeling on elections. rarely wrong
  14. my first vhs tape was raiders of the lost ark. i think in '81. cost over 80 dollars
  15. youd have to regulate ammunition. there are too many guns out there. this isnt australia
  16. marf

    elseq 1-5

    russell haswell takes that crown
  17. marf

    Cheetah EP

    the Cheetah tracks sound like more recent afx. i wonder if he made those to technically sound dated and threw them in there.
  18. marf

    Cheetah EP

    looks like old ads in keyboard magazine
  19. marf


    i think drukqs was made mostly in a car. i heard that somewhere. like he was traveling or something
  20. fentanyl and W18 et al,.. shouldnt be manufactured. What more do you need than diamorphine? Ive done my share of opiates. The constipation is enough to make me think twice about using. Ive Cold Turkey a 3 mg a day two year habit of Klonopin. Ended up in hospital for a week. Benzos are no joke.
  21. What is this preview shit? Is this souncloud fucking itself?
  22. kid i seen around town dead last week. one of many lately. people just dead in their cars. i had the idea of a wrist band a user could wear that would let off an alert for narcan with gps location once the pulse went below a certain level
  23. ugh, the sycophants on those posts. too much man.
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