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Everything posted by marf

  1. which track did he say was all supercollider?
  2. the us military has the power to refuse presidential orders
  3. Im afraid for Europe. We have really shitty nuclear detection capabilities at the present time, and Europe is very close to that hot mess of failed states in the mid east. You could smuggle real nukes. Not dirty ones in a lead castle undetected. Easy to any shore. Or just drive it there.
  4. marf

    elseq 1-5

    wish this was on the release AE_LIVE_DOUR_180715 - Autechre @ 25:25
  5. marf


    it must baffle him knowing drukqs was made on a pismo macbook and is considered better than syro which was made with a million dollar studio
  6. Trump is going to win.. it goes along with Baba Vanga's predictions
  7. marf

    elseq 1-5

    Ill take this new stuff over the old. Melodies others can do. This stuff is meditative. The modular guys tend to get turned on by car alarms. They want to see the patch and have it explained to them. Nerd brownie points. Even smaller audience than us
  8. Bush jr years i wasnt prepared for the blatant prejudice towards Americans (especially in Europe). Im prepared now
  9. lady gaga is way underrated. i think people are distracted by her outfits Taylor Swift I think is overrated went through a Phil Collins phase as a kid then into a Sting phase. Holy shit that is embarrassing to say. I wish i was cool and was into detroit techno as it was happening but i didint know about it. I went to a record shop in the mid 80's and all the albums had huge black asses on them. Culture shock for a sheltered child
  10. Hillary and OJ simpson are in the same part of my brain. The 90's exhausted. Talk radio. Continuation of the same discourse. Nothing new. Change takes time. Lots of time
  11. im glad it's bollix. im under the impression people in the uk feel in competition with the usa. disclaimer, i read the guardian and the comments at the guardian which might skew my perception
  12. other than the vitriol of "death to america" in the middle east i sometimes get the feeling that the British hate America more than any other country
  13. the ultimate compliment :-) sounds like some of his vocal manipulations
  14. marf


    totally resonate with this. almost making me want to pac kit in. im starting to realize im not a menu diver. aphex must sit for hours in front of little screens. like hes on adderral. maybe it is the tracker music gamer methodology he came from. screeeens, sit in one place. stress position
  15. he has the IT factor to be nominated. Hes just getting in the way of himself
  16. The video Get Off i think developed (my type) for girls. THE hottest video ever
  17. i actually cried. im not a cryer
  18. I have tried this. All of them (who are into music or make music) are afraid to critique me. I tell them I got over being upset in any way a long time ago, but I never really get anything useful from them. Actually I do have someone I bounce tracks to on the internet though that definitely helps. He is right like 70% of the time about the shortcomings of a track, and after he tells me something that may be wrong, a day or two later I'm hearing it. Sometimes I worry that I am projecting the issue into the track though. Oh well. it's important to have a number of ways to clean the palette. which is what this threads about. It's not so much the feedback they give you. It's more the situation it puts you in. If you're with a friend and you're actively listening to the track without anyone talking at all you should be able to tell what needs fixing. Also, a healthy amount of cynicism goes a long way. Def recommend this. Tough part is getting thick skin! I JUST started learning the musical aspects of things. Surprised it took me so long as the tech aspect can preoccupy. Playing the piano and sent out a melody i thought was good but a friend critiqued. i didint take it well. i realize practice makes perfect but how much practice did aphex need? melodies were pouring out of his ass when he was 15.
  19. im really self hating lately on the composing. i get so down. seriously depressed. hoping i dont suck. i just need a few melodies or something i love. cant give it up.
  20. RNC is just as disturbed by Trump. He isnt paid for by the Koch brothers .. The scam of elections is so evident this year.
  21. you think our RULERS are part of a secret society born out of the Ivy League universities? It seems like only THEY get a pass.
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