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Caged Element

Knob Twiddlers
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Caged Element last won the day on June 29 2023

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About Caged Element

  • Birthday 06/29/1974

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  1. I got it in the post today. Really looking forward to playing after work tomorrow!!
  2. That might also be the case for me with my vinyl copy I ordered. Not sure.
  3. This is one of his best imo. Really want the vinyl. It's £36 on Bleep with delivery, but found it on HMV for £26 with free delivery
  4. Available on my Bandcamp now: https://cagedelement.bandcamp.com/track/room-of-reflections-pirtek-remix
  5. The album as a whole is brilliant. I'm enjoying The Elders Disagree and Signals the most at the moment.
  6. Listening to the album now. Very good so far!!
  7. I'm currently working on a remix for my mate who does my artwork in the style of my Trilateral EP.
  8. Redout 2. Bought it when it came out, but didn't really get into it. Given it another go the other day and loving it now. Probably my favourite AG racing game at the moment!!
  9. I've never expected it to be another Alien (which will always be the best one) or Aliens to be fair, but I'll definitely give it another chance and watch it again when it comes to streaming, which it should have definitely gone straight to. That being said, it's already made it's money back at the box office and I'm glad about that.
  10. You've nailed it. I really wanted to like it, I really did! But the script and performances were generally bad bar a couple of them (most of them seemed like they'd just been taken from an episode of Dr Who!) The lead actress was probably the best. But as you said, still better than a lot of the shit that gets released.
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