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Everything posted by doublename

  1. I don't think he says 'draco' or pretends to be a yardie even once on this.
  2. Aww... I thought the Fargo season premiere was q good.
  3. He will have a hugely successful satellite radio show within a year.
  4. The North Water by Ian McGuire It's well savage
  5. Nah this doesn't sound like Sir Mix-a-Lot at all. edit - or Macklemore
  6. I wouldn't even bother, unless you like Marvel movies a lot too. Delicious
  7. ex-NFL man and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez kills himself in prison - http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/aaron-hernandez-kills-himself-in-prison/ar-BBA1RU9?OCID=ansmsnnews11
  8. My 11th graders tell me I should give Lil Uzi Vert another chance, so maybe that's the wave to be on.
  9. This didn't do it for me on the first listen. The Heart Part 4 is better than anything here.
  10. RIP my Nexus 6, loved thee till the camera assembly started getting dust in it.
  11. It's not ironic, it's idiotic. edit - zyklon b is a bitch and a half
  12. damn that's my favorite joint i mean damn edit - damn, thanks to you I've just discovered that Taxi Driver is playing in theater near me edit 2 - and mean streets and raging bull and goodfellas and heat and casino
  13. China playing the Trump admin. what do you mean by that? Somewhat related - 'Several U.S. commentators have been impressed by the “strength” demonstrated by the strikes in Syria — and the implicit messaging that, hey, we might just get a little crazy with North Korea next. But I doubt that’s how Beijing reads things. China is perfectly well aware of the military might and global reach of the United States; it’s not like they can’t count aircraft carriers.What it’s continually and pleasantly surprised by is how stupidly the United States uses that strength. For Xi, the strikes might have been a sign of disrespect — but they were also a reminder of the fundamental dumbness, from a Chinese strategic perspective, of U.S. foreign-policy decisions.' https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/04/07/what-trump-calls-strength-china-calls-stupidity-xi-jinping-summit-syria-strikes/
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