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Everything posted by doublename

  1. I'd genuinely be into that to hear an adult's perspective on Back to the Future. I showed a friend Raiders of the Lost Ark and she damn near fell of the couch laughing at the end. She thought the movie as a whole was p dumb tbqh. Fuck Star Wars though.
  2. Anderson Cooper's Jeopardy performance was rather upsetting. Bredren can't find Pakistan on a map or name a single province of Afghanistan.
  3. I don't think there is anything stopping them from cursing on amc. I'm sure heard 'shit' in Mad Men at least a few times. edit - I think these decisions have more to do with the sensitivities of advertisers.
  4. I haven't read any of the Earthsea books, and still plan to give them a go. For all their merits, The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed just never 'clicked' with me.
  5. Bryan Fuller is out as show runner - https://www.google.com/amp/www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-hc-bryan-fuller-star-trek-showrunner-20161026-story,amp.html?client=safari
  6. Individualized Ads on TV Could Be One Result of AT&T-Time Warner Merger “If you believe in a future where the very, very fine targeting of households or individuals with specific messaging makes economic sense to do at scale, what this merger does is enable that by making more audience available to target in that way,” Mr. Norman said. “The question will be: What is the premium for addressability for that level of targeting that the advertiser is willing to pay?” http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/10/27/business/media/targeted-advertising-time-warner-merger.html
  7. I'm reading The Dispossessed and uh... can't wait for it to be over. It makes a bit sad that I apparently will never like an Ursula K Le Guin novel. Also reading I Have the Right to Destroy Myself, and enjoying that quite a bit.
  8. I just remembered that I took an orange home from work and I found it in my bag and I ate it and it was quite nice.
  9. Wasn't this basically spoiled as soon as it happened? It's just issue #100 of the comic (that's about where I stopped reading, so idk if they changed anything else).
  10. The finale was the only episode I watched last season, and this is definitely the last one I'll be watching this season. Goddamn it's a terrible show.
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