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Everything posted by doublename

  1. New Black Mirror trailer - Trigger Warning: American accents, Bryce Dallas Howard
  2. Public places are turning on their heat even though it's still fucking hot out.
  3. Apparently some journos took the promo material for this literally and reported that Mr. Kirby is actually suffering from dementia. edit - wonderful album imh
  4. I just bought vol. 4 too, but haven't read it yet. Good to hear to hear though.
  5. Swear she has a pornhub channel. Like with a lot of glass dildo stuff.
  6. I just don't see how it's possible to both do justice to the original and spend the kind of money that a modern day cyberpunk flick will cost. The original had a larger budget than Aliens and Raiders and was a box office failure. No one is doubling down on that.
  7. which will eventually happen by the looks of things James Franco will star, write and direct. Bet that.
  8. Damn what radio is this bish listening to that plays Mehgan Trainor and Vince Staples? Also lol at implying that late 90s pop music was clean kiddie fun. Remember the white boy who went diamond rapping about murdering his wife?
  9. Caught that too. She's just not a particularly interesting or charismatic figure at all. Not on that Bob Durst level. I watched this right after the The Fear of 13 (also on Netflix), a much better doc about a much more interesting person.
  10. Junkies at my do', they know that secret knock One time fo' dat reefa, two time fo' dat rock Baking soda my best friend, A fork is my fiancee My crack pot sing and dance, I call that bitch Beyonce - James Franco Classic film tbqh
  11. Never seen the movie, but the first episode was really promising. First exciting new sf show in ages. Crichton definitely seeded some proto-Jurassic Park stuff in there, which is a lol.
  12. The Vorrh by Brian Caitling. It's a bit like 100 Years of Solitude crossed with The Crystal World by JG Ballard. Right up my alley tbqh.
  13. The first episode of Westworld didn't blow me away, but there's enough good to bring me back for at least a few weeks.
  14. I haven't watched the show, but this Netflix outage is the best marketing Luke Cage could asked for tbqh.
  15. There's another facking month of this, and then on election night, all the networks will start speculating about 2020. Literally the moment the results are in, they start about the next election.
  16. Apparently Ms. A. Martin has gone from RT to Venezuelan state broadcaster TeleSur. Hosting a program[me] called Empire Files.
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