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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. While it's definitely a good movie, I think the problem with it was that Breaking Bad was wrapped up TOO well. So the movie had to invent new enemies for Jesse to face. It lacked the tension of having antagonists who've been around for a while and have been fleshed out. Though at the same time from Jesse's angle I feel it was worth making and that it's a worthy sequel to the show. IDK why but that scene with the robot chasing the protagionist down those endless hallways has always stuck with me.
  2. Brisbot

    The Tuss

  3. I suppose this shows how this term can apply to entirely different political ideologies and probably isn't a helpful categorization when looking at someone's politics. On one level it simply refers to what's popular among the people--what the people want. And on another it can refer to the really one dimensional idea of "The people" vs "The elites". Instead of being based on some kind of causal logic, it's based on the vague notion that you're getting hoodwinked by rich people smoking cigars in some board room somewhere. However I think it's more that the priorities of centrist democrats like Hillary are skewed away from what people want because of monetary incentive. Case in point, the democratic party used to be for Medicare for All, championed by Hillary in the 90s, and then slowly over time she magically "changes her mind" along with all of the other interchangeable centrist dems. This is what proves to me centrists dems don't really stand for anything. If they owned up to it I'd at least respect them more for it.
  4. Comic books movies have always portrayed this ideal libertarian society where the govt. is inept, and so it's up to a bunch of individual morally good greek gods in spandex to make things right. It's fun to imagine, but has never portrayed reality. To me it's always been simple fun. However I'm sure a few mentally ill people/4-channers will cite Joker as their inspiration to do some crazy crap. I mean it happened with The Dark Knight, so why wouldn't it happen again. Until there is a tangible uprising however, there's no reason to worry about it.
  5. Well I'm essentially a populist (lol). I'm a Bernie Bro. Though it seems the idea of what populism even is, is muddled. I think the govt. should work for the people and for the most part enact policies that are popular among the people and NOT specific minorities of people, whether they are rich or they're a bunch of racist ideologues. Which is my idea of what populism is. It seems to me politicians by and large work for the people who donate the most to them, and it's currently set up to where the politicians can get huge bribes in the form of speeches, and campaign donations (among 1000 other ways to hand money under the table). Not so much from the nameless masses with their separate donations. So you end up with a bunch of politicians like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Beta O' Rourke who stand for nothing, and spout a bunch of nonsense platitudes in the place of actual policy because they know they don't really represent the people voting for them, so they have to fill that void somehow. This is what I think of as "The Establishment", which is an over-simplification of things. It all has naturally fallen into place because of money in politics. IF your politicians only partly represent people then you're going to get angry masses who see thru the BS from a mile away. Honestly things would improve so much more if politicians couldn't get massive donations from a handful of people. Dunno how you'd plug all the holes, but you can at least plug a few and make politics policy focused again.
  6. You know I've always found it odd that conservatives like a president who they would HATE to be around if they actually knew someone like him. No one likes a narcissistic sociopath, but for some reason people think they make great authoritarian leaders. I recently asked a conservative buddy of mine why he voted for him and he flat out said "No one voted for Trump for his moral character, they voted for him because he said he would drain the swamp." and I just replied "He is the exact type of person who owns the swamp. Why would you expect this guy with horrible morals to be telling you the truth when he says he wants to get rid of the corruption? Why would you expect this super rich guy with zero moral character to give a crap about some random workers from a random state?" Then he just changed the topic instead of answering then I just dropped the political talk.
  7. Toy Story 4... is a pretty bad film. When would it be a good time to see Joker then?
  8. I think it'll cause a portion to break off, but remember Trump has said before that "he was just working in the system" and I'm sure his excuse will work again. I think he'd keep most of his support.
  9. The issue with Warren is that she is proving susceptible to being influenced. It's unclear now where her values lie as she is becoming more and more a dem-centrist over time. Which happens to many democrats it seems. Whereas with Bernie it's clear, so he has my vote for the primary. However if Bernie drops out for Warren then she still has my vote, I still think she would make a good president. Better than Obama ever was.
  10. Well Tulsi has come out for "Medicare choice" which is a bad idea as it will probably result in crappy healthcare in the longrun even if it starts out solid. Everyone will have it, but the public option will be weak AF funding wise if not implemented correctly as it will naturally be or become worse than the private option. Medicare for All is something you can't really compromise on. If it's not fully public or primarily so then there will be many ways to weaken it by screwing with the funding, and there are many politicians in govt. who have incentive to do so. There's also the issue of the funding itself. The idea behind Medicare for All is that most people will pay less for their healthcare even if taxes go up, so most people in the lower and middle class will save money every year. With her plan it'll cause people in the middle class who already have private healthcare to pay more in taxes overall for nothing and will become disliked by those people.
  11. And are the reviewers who are critiquing it on a kinda identity politics basis full of bs, or at least are over-exaggerating?
  12. One of my favorites:) It's crazy how this track snuck up on me. I thought all the tracks were great when collapse came out, but Abundance was probably the fourth best to me. Now it's the one I go back to the most on the album. BTW there's something kinda weak about the mixes of the collapse tracks on youtube.
  13. I rewatched "There will be blood" and watched "The Master" for the first time. Awesome films. I was surprised how much I enjoyed The Master.
  14. I figured the show had 2 or 3 more seasons in it before it started to become stale. Though how many times can Bojack learn the same lesson as well, you know?
  15. You'd probably do better convincing people of things if you didn't start every post with an insult lol. It's like you're preemptively doing it because you think the other guy will. Instead it just turns me off of even wanting to read what you have to say.
  16. Well I don't dislike capitalism, just when expensive needs like medical care/college/etc. are based on capitalism. Throws a bunch of people under the bus and creates a bunch of debt slaves. However capitalism works very well whenever need based things are taken out of the equation. The price of things become based on how much people are willing to pay for something vs how much a company can jack up the price of epipens before they're called out. Basically, If you jack up the price of a television, no one will buy it. If you jack up the price of epipens, well too bad you need it.
  17. The centrist dems are economically closer aligned with Trump and the republicans economically than they are with Bernie, which is clear from their voting record as they vote/agree with him when it comes to the shitty trade deals that take jobs away from Americans, the hawkish military budget increase, etc. Yeah they disagree with him on the wall... which he isn't trying that hard to make a reality anyway. They also love their legal bribes, which Bernie is for getting rid of. That is reason alone to want Trump as president more than Bernie. It's also evident from the establishment controlled media who criticizes Trump more often for stupid crap he says than actual policy substance, and then they slander Bernie for "being a socialist" even though he is a capitalist. It's because they agree with what the republicans are doing economically, and that is the bottom line. Yes, Bernie is still a capitalist, just a more 'human centered capitalist' as Yang likes to say, and basically where I am in terms of belief. And yes he is a social democrat going by European standards and not America's wonky standards (we are in our own world it feels like sometimes). The reality is the rich own both parties because of legal bribery and this is why they would rather have Trump as their president than Bernie. Trump still upholds the status quo plus some extra conservatism, Bernie would at least try to make the legal bribery illegal, if he is true to his word. Who knows if he could accomplish it though. I'd still rather have him as pres even if he can only accomplish an eighth of his campaign promises as I don't actually expect him to accomplish everything he says he wants. And In terms of killing off nuclear energy, IDK. I haven't really read up on that to have an opinion. My number 1 issue is getting rid of the $200,000 speeches politicians give so politicians will do what people want and not what the mega rich want.
  18. Yes I agree somewhat. IMHO centrist dems would much rather have Trump as president than Bernie, as they are the gatekeepers of the overton window, and their job is to keep the status quo as it is by keeping the conversation from going too far left economically. Bernie if elected will have to pull out all the stops of bypassing them. Even if he doesn't win, it is still an amazing thing he has accomplished by re-defining American politics. I think he could accomplish a lot more as president than a martyr, but if just ends up being a martyr that is a good thing as well. The issue though with Warren is that it's become increasingly obvious that she really isn't nearly as much of a populist as she says she is. The reason the media like her is because she aligns with their views behind closed doors, and so they pretend she will be upsetting the system, . You don't even need to hear what she has to say to know this, all you have to do is watch who the media plays favorites with. While it's important to undo what Trump has done, Biden and Warren will just uphold the status quo. Warren if elected will probably just try to accomplish 1 or 2 of her promises like most politicians who become president. I don't think Yang is much like Shapiro and not nearly as condescending. I kinda like him, he presents interesting ideas that I think would be better than our current system, but it still isn't ideal. And I think UBI is an inevitable thing in the future, however idk if Yang is a decade or two too early for it. Even if he loses I imagine he will run as president again, and will have a much better chance of winning in the future. You know it's sad that politicians can be likeable simply because they're candid. That should be a given, but in reality most politicians obfuscate their real beliefs with platitude and cliches and pretending to care about people.
  19. So for those who like the more populist candidates in the democratic primary, Bernie, Elizabeth, Yang (kinda). Turns out Elizabeth is not even a 'Bernie-Lite' candidate and that she is using underhanded tactics to take money from rich donors. Time to call her out. Now that this has been exposed there's no telling where her real views lie since she isn't honest. So far Bernie and Yang are the only ones that are honest about their positions, barring evidence to the contrary.
  20. What I mean by real candidates, is that I mean they mean what they say, their views align with their rhetoric. Elizabeth is a snake oil salesman since she pretends to be populist and is really probably something between a Bernie and a Hillary. And yeah forgot about that thread.
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