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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I feel you. I played Sim 3000 and 2000 as a kid. I've never played the original though I used to watch my uncle play it.
  2. Currently playing that old Bungie game "Myth 2: Soulblighter" awesome game. Also installed my old copy of the sims 1. i haven't played a sims game in like 10 years.
  3. omg why would you guys give me another burger for a total of three?? Does WATMM not eat in evens? For sure. 'two' is 3 letters more than 1 number!
  4. oh okay that's better. I like burgers when I have an even number of them, but hate them when I have an odd number of them. So I'm good now.
  5. I've seen lots of praise for Barry so it's in my to do list to check the show out. And btw, everyone can do a halfway decent Arnold impression, but who can do a perfect one except for the governator?
  6. WAT Do you think my body cpu could run faster if I changed out my blood vessels with fiber optics?
  7. zomg I hate futurama. Just seeing the professor triggers me so.
  8. Most of them haven't been for me. I've only had 2 out of about 10 that I was friendly with, and most I was neutral toward. And those 2 funnily enough were eventually demoted or fired because they weren't boss material in the eyes of their superiors. It seems it's easier to command authority by being the cliche 'strict and somewhat detatched boss' than it is to command authority by earning the respect of the people under you. Both work, but the latter is more effort from my observation. The best team I've ever been on was with a boss who earned the respect instead of forcing it because people liked being there... then she was replaced by a boss who was basically a sociopath who spread a bunch of lies about her so that he could replace her. And then half of the employees quit or requested to move to a different store. He never got fired while I was there, despite all the complains about him, and it turns out he was sleeping with his boss. So... I really hate work politics.
  9. WHAT? You give me a burger, I h8 burgers.
  10. no i'm not triggered, lol. getting triggered over nothing would be random
  11. delete my watmm account please?
  12. please provide a trigger warning next time you say this
  13. it's an AI that keeps telling me it's going to murder me during a DMT trip
  14. Does a freezing wind faint near an optic analogy?
  15. Yeah I was thinking about/projecting my own experience too much. I didn't even have a grand mal seizure, it was a minor one due to magnesium deficiency. And i had a pet squirrel who had one due to a lack of calcium. A million things could have caused it.
  16. they need to weigh instay mrothers who kill their babbies simply because their babbies can't frigth back? My hearth goes out to the chrilden who were lost and then found.
  17. Let us know when you get your test results back. Hopefully it was just random misfiring. Did the doctors say that randomness is often the case with your type of seizure? And did they give like a "In most cases" type of statement regarding anything? I do know seizures can be caused by a lack of vitamins or minerals, especially magnesium, which is in the top 3 most important minerals in your body, and 50% of people in the USA are magnesium deficient. I had a minor seizure once back in middle school and when I got my blood work done I was VERY deficient in it, along with calcium which can also cause them from what I remember. If you don't have enough magnesium, it irritates your nervous system.
  18. Well it's good that you're alright. I know they're caused by the electricity in your brain not firing correctly, so it seems it can come out of nowhere. I had a near death experience last year, though it was entirely my fault, and not random. Long story short I was dependent on a drug. Then took another chemically similar drug on top of it (was told they were not similar). Around 9:00pm rolls around and I'm watching something on youtube, then suddenly next thing I am lying on my bed unable to feel one of my arms and both my legs and I freak out, adrenaline pumping and it takes like 10 minutes or so to get the feeling back. Turns out the drugs i took both slow down your heart rate and then basically compound when taken together. Totally changed my thought process, and I quit taking recreational drugs. It was the first time I've ever faced my mortality and for a while made me feel like I've been taking things for granted. It was like 3:00am or so when I woke up. I have no clue what happened between 9 and 3. I'm not sure if I almost died or if I did die and my heart restarted or if my heart rate just slowed down but was still pumping. Still, scariest experience ever for me.
  19. Holy. This is not a pointless thought or observation. Was it really out of nowhere or have doctors told you what might have contributed to it?
  20. yeah forgot about that one. For the other word thing, it would be a word that describes that weird feeling you get from noticing a specific word being said a lot over a few days.
  21. What about those times where 2 unrelated things happen at the same time and even though they're totally unrelated your mind considers them as being related for a split second or two, since the mind likes looking for patterns.
  22. Lol yeah that too. I wonder why everyone suddenly wants to use this word I feel I barely ever hear. If anyone has a word for that feeling it'll be in German, considering 'schadenfreude' is a word there. Hell this is how new words are made. Just make something up and use it like it's always been there.
  23. oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Just in time too. I beat the first one just a few weeks back. Beat the second one about a year ago.
  24. I'm sure everyone has noticed this. But I always find it funny how you're more likely to use a word you heard in the past day from someone else, than if you just used it on it's own without having been 'primed' by hearing someone else use it. It can be a word you don't normally use, but if you heard it that day you'll end up using it once or twice.
  25. He isn't even on trial yet, and/or impeachment proceedings haven't started. It's just an investigation still to me. I bet nothing will happen to him during his presidency. If something happens after it wouldn't matter to me.
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