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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Lol sure. Though it was in storage when I last saw it like 12 years ago. May be nasty at this point. lol.
  2. random fact, someone in my family who is majorly high up in that company, working there since the 80s, has.... the head I think... of the mac tonight guy. Now that I thought of it though said person might not have THAT one... guh. There were probably more than a few made.
  3. I'm looking for the early version of Ephemeris and humidex. I need them.
  4. oh yeah if you haven't seen endgame then ignore it. lol, it's at the end of the movie so it's spoilers. I keep assuming people have seen it. Hopper's and Tony's monologues are very similar.
  5. but not 100% ya know? Just... 99.05056% probably not Dr. SteinVord
  6. I finally know what Steinvord is. And I doubt.. REALLY REALLY doubt Spanishguy is VordStein, but hey you never know I guess.
  7. I used to think Steinvord was someone else, or the rando from spain. But no, 99.905% chance it's RDJ x TOM. Just too many coincidences. And it is odd to me to have some "random guy from spain" releasing on rephlex, who wants nothing to do with anyone exept releasing Aphex/SP level material, then disappearing into the nether right afterward. Imho if it was someone else that person would have come out already at this point with some kinda official name. Especially since Rephlex is done. So unless that happens I'd say it was THEM trying to avoid WARP records.
  8. They should probably just.... not... do it.
  9. browsing watmm is a guilty pleasure. Probably a cheese too.
  10. ya plz try to find it since I'm interested in the technology. I do think that for a while it'll be possible to tell when something is a deep fake or an audio fake due to 'inconsistencies and consistencies'. Like with that Jim Carrey Deep Fake, it looks great, but if you scrutinize, Jim has a different skin tone and type. And with audio, depending on the 'sample size' they're using, you should be able to find replicated bits. IT actually might be straightforward to detect audio fakes for a long time. Joe Rogan has done a million podcasts so there's tons to sample from him. And having a lead single in a box might be a while further off since there would have to be a way to isolate the vocals, and there would have to be many examples of it with consistent audio quality, etc etc. On a semi related note I can't wait until they can 100% replicate instruments digitally. Imagine having a "synth piano" where you were able to change any parameter of a 'synthetic acoustic instrument' like the size of individual strings, or material of the string, how heavy the keys are, etc. and it sound as if it were like it's acoustic counterpart. Or being able to piece together made up or physically impossible acoustic instruments that wouldn't be say cheap to create IRL. Or practical. Like a massive piano the size of a building or something. Kinda sounds silly.
  11. Yeah. I really do wonder if we will see actors who have passed away "come back" to star in lead roles in future movies or if audiences will find it disrespectful in some way. It will be doubly mindblowing when they can replicate voices as well as the deepfakes map faces. Well actually I think they're already close to it. Not quite to the level of deepfakes but in a decade we'll have so many fake things people won't be able to trust any media. Lol I bet I'll be able to have a ai 'lead singer' for making electronic music. I will be able to use Thom Yorke's vocals in my music. Or anyone really.
  12. I think the technology is impressive. I'm not sure how much effort goes into actually doing them though. He seems to be able to churn these out in a day or two and gets millions of views for it and probably a nice wad of $$$. Might be a good time to jump on the bandwagon since deep fakes seem easyish to make and will probably be popular for a long while. And the soul catcher video is cool. It looks like you can just get a ton of photos/video of one person, then apply them to multiple scenes fairly quickly. Seems a safe bet to do Jim Carrey since he has a pretty expressive face.
  13. So how good was Midsommar for those that have seen it? Heard mixed reactions. People saying it's a slow burner and either liking or disliking it because of that. I've listened to the OST before I've even seen the movie and it's really good. I liked it more than the Homecoming one. Not as good as the multiverse animated one. Though probably the best live action spiderman since spiderman 2. The first "twist" scene was sweet. It's probably more effective if you don't know about Mysterio, which I didn't. An interesting choice of villain for sure.
  14. I've been wanting a switch since it came out, this may be a good excuse to get one.
  15. It was a decent season. Though I'd say the last... oh.. 2 or 3 episodes were fun to watch. The first half is the season is kinda boring. And since almost everything was predictable it felt like 100% filler until the story finally took off. One issue I do find with Stranger Things is the fact that a few of the kids are mostly just passengers along for the ride. Lucus for example in seasons 1 and 2. Will this season as all he was good for was saying when he felt the presence of the mind flayer, which they already kinda knew much of the time. Mike was kinda uselsss too along with, again, Lucus, though he did do 2 or 3 things.
  16. Anyone ever think it's kinda dumb when a character in a tv show or movie withholds vital information from the main character (usually anyway), or part of said info, which leads to a misunderstanding, and which would gave singlehandedly stop the climax of the movie from happening if the info hadn't been withheld. Basically it's the writer choosing to withhold the info because it would screw up the plot, but 99.9% of the time if the scenario was happening IRL said info wouldn't be withheld. It happens so often in movies I don't even really think about it anymore, but really it's a pretty dumb plot device.
  17. Lol so true. Often the people going out of their way to be offended are right in what they're talking about is on some level mildly offensive to someone somewhere, but there needs to be some kinda cutoff point as it can get ridiculous at times. It ends up being a waste of time to even read or hear about it.
  18. don't think anyone has posted this. Really nice interview with Thom. Longest ever it seems.
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