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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I don't think black mirror is technophobic by default, it just depends on the episode. However season 4 and 5 kind has suffered with more pessimistic writing. And I do think the worst episodes tend to be more technophobic. The best episodes tend to be ones that explore the effects of technology as a whole, both the good and bad/ pros and cons. San Junipero for instance. The technology is just there and it explores that concept in a broad sense. The Striking Vipers episode wasn't technophobic and was probably the best of the three in terms of showing how technology may/will change humans and you do kinda get why it ends the way it does. Smithereens did feel needlessly pessimistic. It literally boiled down to: social media is lowering our attention spans, and if you look at your phone while driving it's because there's a committee of people trying to figure out ways to make you release dopamine in your brain. Which is a true thing, however it just doesn't work that well. I think the writers were trying to show that he automatically checked his phone without thinking, but they didn't do a good show of showing it. Instead it comes off as the guy making the irresponsible decision to look at your phone while driving. It's like the writers read a few articles about how social media is lowering attention spans and hammered out a lackluster script. And just gave up when he/she couldn't think of a good reason the guy would want to talk to the CEO guy. I feel like this concept should have been taken further in some other way. Actually now that I think about it Black mirror has already done the social media thing like 2/3 times and did it better.
  2. This is one of my favorites. Top 5 analord for me and it didn't even make the cut. It was tied in with analord 11 in 2009, but I like it a lot more than analord 11.
  3. Analord has always been a mixed bag, but it's the kind of mixed bag that has something for (well almost) everybody. I probably like around 2/3rds of the tracks. To me it's kinda like the soundcloud dump where he threw out a ton of tracks, and you dig some and don't care for others. I can't imagine forcing myself to like something... that I don't like, lol.
  4. I WANT ONE. You know something is incredibly cute when it's aggressive face is DAAAW-inspiring. SHAME
  5. Found this awesome Rogue-like called 'Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead'. I've just recently got into the genre and love how in depth many of these rogue likes can become. Anyone recommend any roguelikes? I definitely prefer really indepth ones.
  6. Finished the new Dark Mirror season. Gah. This is the first season that I'd describe as 'okay' or average and is the worst season of the show so far. Not counting the Bandersnatch which was good. I definitely recommend Bandersnatch before any season 5 episodes. The season as a whole ranges from average at best to fairly bad, and boring at worse. The Miley Cyrus one felt like I was watching a disney channel movie toward the end. It is watchable, but kinda boring. The characters are boring. And the whole AI thing which was the only interesting thing about the episode comes in late and isn't really fleshed out in ways I was hoping. It probably is the worst black mirror episode. Very Skippable. Smithereens does a decent enough job at building tension, but never really resolves the tension, and the ending has a lackluster and rushed feeling. It felt like the writers had half an idea and wrote a whole script using it which left me wondering what the point of it was. It felt like there was a better way to tackle the concepts they raised in this one, which mostly revolves around how social media is changing people. The main character in this one's motivations are interesting at first, and it leads you to think it's building up to something, but there's not much "there, there" in the end. Striking Vipers was enjoyable to watch and raises some good points, and the plot actually fits the concept here. But as I said it's still just middle of the road Black mirror wise. Basically two guys fall in lust in a vr world where one of them plays as a female, and the other male. It raises some interesting things we may see in our lifetimes, and doesn't feel as contrived as the other two.
  7. I'm sure it did. He liked one of my tracks during the SC dump and I was legit high for about 3 weeks straight. First week especially. Took 3 weeks for my mood to return to normal.
  8. I finally saw Glass. It's definitely the weakest of the 'trilogy' however it isn't bad at all. Well, the first about 30 minutes is worth watching it alone, though it for sure declines in quality as the movie goes along. Honestly if he had just made the first 30 minutes movie length it would have been a really good movie. However Shama-alien wrote the movie more as an attempt at deconstructing the superhero genre. I'd say the movie overall is okay.
  9. So the new season of Black Mirror is out on netflix. Just a heads up. Though it seems lukewarm with critics which I was worried about due to the honestly bad trailer. I haven't seen it though.
  10. Yeaaah.. That's what... the words are... yep. totally. mmhmm. Well the second one is at least.
  11. The moment you know you have fallen in love with Analord, is when you realize that Analord is two words.
  12. I guess Usagi 'beat' watmm with 20k posts. It was never for the community. It was for the post count. Replying to us was just a means to an end and now he has completed his destiny. ?
  13. I always felt bad for people with those kinds of names. But never really politicians. It's funny how they're sometimes descriptive. Anthony Weiner comes to mind. I actually haven't even looked him up. I will obviously if he stays up in the polls. But I'm mostly concerned with my favorite candidate, and the one or two the establishment has chosen.
  14. Yeah I was wondering where he went as well. But people come and go all the time.
  15. Probably just taking a break. My activity level on this website flip flops a lot. Active for a few months, then won't post anything for a few months. I just get busy with stuff, then decide after x amount of months to browse the forum again. Posting on forums does get kinda boring after a while, but the boring goes away after a break. For me anyway.
  16. compilation of stupid things Joe Biden has said that makes him dislikeable: Dear the democratic establishment, please pick someone who isn't perverted, racist, fake, etc. You guys really need another President Obama with enough charisma to overlook all the silly political rhetoric. At all the establishment candidates I don't see one person who is appealing. I wanna vote Trump out but the establishment dems are making it so hard to even wanna leave to go vote.
  17. Yeah it makes all these supposed "wins" due to the democrats the media throws out feel like a waste of time to even pay attention to anymore. The constant let downs in these news cycles can't be good for long term mental health. lol. I really do think Trump could kill someone in times square and his supporter base would go down by maybe 5%.
  18. 2, 4, 6, 8..... 2, 4, 6, 8. Ah, I feel so much better now.
  19. I haven't looked at this recent round of news cycle with him getting in trouble. Still don't want to. So are things going in a positive direction, as in a negative direction for Drumpf?
  20. Which industry? It could be one I'm about to go into. though it should be filled with other people more like me since certain people like to program. makes me wonder - are mass shootings basically a meme OR has the fabric of modern society slowly been cracking at a slooow rate which ends up causing people to go postal. I was surprised to find out recently that school shootings were basically nonexistent at one point.
  21. is that ghosts and goblins or one of it's sequels or spinoffs maybe? Since it's an end screen, could be a cinematic.
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