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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I wasn't talking about literal philosophy, It was just bad word usage.. I'd just like to know how he approaches making music, that's it. Noyzelab interview was mostly about gear talk or non-music topics. For me talking about something interchangeable like the gear isn't really all that interesting unless there's a unique feature. I remember him posting that he was going to into his approach/how he tackles making a track, before the interview, but never really did. which is why I brought it up in the first place. The guy's been making music for 3 decades and he seems to have his process down and I'd like to know what he's willing to share. It might help me skip some stuff that takes years to figure out or something.
  2. oh crap. In other related news, what if I told you anti-bacterials like penicillin are slowly becoming less and less effective in the face of immune superbugs? lol (not lol) pneumonia is no joke, but it's also inconsistent in how bad it is. When I had it, it wasn't that bad at all. And yet people can die from it.
  3. What do you think about viruses? They're like cute little alien spaceships, and they're coming to hijack your dna, replicate themselves, and maybe off you in the process.
  4. Lol some of it was interesting from what I remember, but maybe too much gear talk. I wanted more on his philosophy of making music and his approach, but he never really talks about that. Talking about your favorite synths is interesting I suppose but a lot of synths are interchangeable with the next one so there wasn't much substance in the gear talk, from what I remember. Unless of course the synths were unique onto themselves. I would be interested in some kinda rough diagram of his various setups for more complex tracks like xmas evet or the syro title track or 1st 44. It would give me an idea on how he approaches making music. I guess I'm more interested in the big picture than the individual parts. Anyway I can't believe it's been over 4 years now. Fastest 4.4ish years of my life.
  5. For those interested in watching Xavier, it's all available for free on adult swim. https://www.adultswim.com/videos/xavier-renegade-angel omg that episode with his mom. My fav. episode off the top of my head is probably 'Vibracaust' S2E1. The one with the buddhist monks and the demon kid. and 'Chief Beef Loco' the one with the mexican gang. Maybe the most quotable episode in the show. precocious, lol. I don't know if my mind could have taken these shows in my impressionable years.
  6. Well it worked for me. I was like "Well if you put it that way..."
  7. Diatoms were my second favorite microorganisms back when I took my bio classes. Behind viruses... which aren't really microorganisms but still. Blows my mind you can date back some shells nearly 200 million years. Well, shell fossils.
  8. I'm more of a light and love person
  9. You guys need to get with the program. You know our loneliness turns into shagging which ultimately turns into greed. You need to look into the statistics.
  10. The worst part is how "sure" you can be of basic details in even the vaguest of memories.
  11. I can't tell what the main drive for the anti-abortion bill. For the republican voters I do think it's as straightforward as thinking the fetus has a soul and that fact trumps any choice in the matter. However for politicians I'm not so sure. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was more about wanting more republican voters they can puppeteer, especially if it's true Republicans are becoming more and more of a minority. In Ethel's case I can't tell WTF he's talking about, but it seems he's trying to make some house of cards logical argument about it based on whatever, when he just thinks they have a soul. Huh I always figured abortion was a major issue. What about Roe v. Wade? It was illegal before then. Though maybe it went dormant after R v. W and surfaced again in the past however many years.
  12. I think most people are mixed. There's nothing 'good' or comfortable about the topic and there are no winners. Even if you're pro-choice there are different ideas about how long you can wait until it's too late to have one. I'm not going to pretend i know the answer to that, but what bothers me even more are the crusty old holier than thou men who want to impose their ideas of morality on you and control what you do with yourself. Just looking at Ethel's post makes me groan with the "I have thought this through more deeply than you heathens" attitude. ugh.
  13. time for a rewatch then. I can't remember the last time an animated show 'blow' my mind like that. I had to watch it twice when I first saw it last year because of the breakneck pace, and I probably still need another 2 re-watches to catch everything, especially for that second season. I only found it because I randomly came across this scene:
  14. I never thought of it that way. About loneliness leading to lots of shagging in developing countries and how lots of shagging in developed countries isn't magical, and about how all of that isn't about consumption but greed, and that TOTALLY makes it okay for a bunch of crusty old white men to control what women do with their bodies. I get it now, thank you for your light.
  15. Great, he is becoming more active with music releases. A track he posted on facebook the other day. https://www.facebook.com/reiddunndant/videos/10157459192406518/
  16. Speaking of good animated shows. Xavier: Renegade Angel is excellent, though it's kinda old so I imagine many have seen it. It's a bunch of surreal craziness you'll have to see to know what I'm talking about as it's hard to explain. It's basically a comedy but is a pretty unique one. And even if you're not an anime fan I really recommend this Miyazaki-esque anime called Mushishi which is fuggin excellent. It's about this doctor called a Mushishi who goes around treating people who (kinda) have issues attached to these almost forest spirit animals called mushi most people can't see. They aren't animals and take many different forms. Some can be parasitic. Others can basically require 'balance' between humans and Mushi. It's very Shinto-y. Each episode is unique in the nature of the mushi and how it affects the people. Like there's one mushi that allows people to be reborn from someone in their island village if they drown themselves in a certain spot... er it makes more sense in the context of the episode. There's another mushi that likes to live in people's ears and causes deafness if it isn't taken out. It's about It's a great show to watch before bed. It's very chill but can be emotionally poignant in some episodes and uplifting in others. They are definitely among the best animated shows I've seen and my favorites from the past year.
  17. It feels like the cycles wait until memory fades well enough. It's ridiculous how many people haven't figured out that Republican and Democratic politicians, at least the ones that make it high up in the food chain, are largely the same but pretend to have different opinions on social issues. There's this narrative I am critical of that the country is slowly becoming little more left wing over time and right wingers are old disconnected people slowly dying off , but the most left wing the country has ever been in terms of policy and not with social issues, was what... 90 years ago with the New Deal? Though the country is more left wing policy wise now in other ways that aren't as important. These days In America I owe $6000 to the ER because I blacked out randomly one day and I had no insurance. They didn't do anything except some blood tests, gave me fluids I didn't need, did that thing where they look at your heart. I was there for an hour. They determined nothing was wrong and that I may have stood up too fast or something, and billed me for every last thing. Turns out I had mild heart arrhythmia issues but I didn't figure that out till later with a specialist who cost an eighth of the price. Now I'm getting letters saying they want more than my $10 a month payment and will sue me if I don't comply. What the f**k America ?
  18. blasphemy! Though I'd say it has a slower funk to it. Looking at your avatar seems you really like the cheetah ep so that makes sense I suppose. All the stock photo people are possessed by a demon by the name of Paimon. Explains everything... just try it out it's fun.
  19. TBH this essay is more like a well done documentary style than a buzzfeed documentary and doesn't really have that youtube essay clicheness you speak of. Worth the watch for sure. And a lot of the music is good I think you'll like it. It also provides a deeper appreciation for Zelda and Miyamoto and makes me wanna replay some of the older games. Probably shouldn't have said 'youtube essay' or whatever to describe it. Let me put it this way, if YT essays became more like this one I'd watch a lot more YT essays.
  20. Weird I found some articles saying he decided not to do the third movie. Maybe it was GoT then. I saw an interview recently with Ron Perlman saying they had been trying to do the third one for ten years. But I guess he lost interest.
  21. Speaking of Castlevania, there was this really cool fan game that came out last year called "Simon's Destiny". I beat it some time back, it's pretty fun and free. Video is a bit loud to start out with. Download in the description.
  22. So does anyone know if anything is going to happen to Trump about ANYTHING? I never really pay attention to all these controversies on him because nothing ever happens and he keeps winning and it simply frustrates me when I think about it too long. And him losing by going to jail after his presidency is over is not a win in my book. I agree, his ability to reason and see through the noise for the essence of something is enviable. He also has the perspective of someone who's been around for 90 years and is still able to analyze what's currently going on and put it into perspective of the bigger picture. Sometimes I feel like the US is in this huge 40 or 50 year time loop when it comes to politics. There's this almost palpable feeling like "we're getting something accomplished" but both the liberal and conservatives ideals are 90-95%% the same as they were in the 1970s, and conservatives are basically the same except somewhat crazier due to the Republican establishment feeding their minds garbage for decades, culminating in Trump. Hell, the overton window for both sides has shifted right according to lots of people who were alive in the 50s and 60s. So that so called palpable feeling feels largely like an illusion in that context, and as you say it's depressing and makes it seem like a better idea to not pay attention to any of it until election day because you need to keep your blood pressure from getting too high.
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