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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. hey what do you have against normies?
  2. What's the best dungeons and dragons esque computer game rpg? Recently finished up Baldur's Gate 2, and am thinking about picking up Planescape: Torment.
  3. I was asking which of the three you (or anyone) liked the most. I hope it just doesn't peter out. I know after the second one they said Wick's last movie will be the third, then they'll continue the story with other main characters. Yeah that's what I'm afraid of since they know they have a cash cow the likes of fast and the furious. Can't wait for the Tarantino film. Finally a movie that isn't set at least 100 years ago
  4. Sounds like something to watch. I like the squared bit, it could become a kind of meme.
  5. I have a friend who is full on pc and he pointed it out to me the other day. He's an encyclopedia of things you're not supposed to say. Fresh on my mind though a random example. I actually forget what it means, but know it's offensive.
  6. lol. I don't think gay is an issue though? (idk). Stuff like midget, dwarf etc or phrases like "Peanut Gallery". I do think it's a good idea to try to stop saying them but it shouldn't matter if you do. It's hard enough trying to weave through what you want to say and having a large blacklist of words you used to use but now are triggering. That said I've only met a few people who do get angry about it so it may just be an over-exaggeration.
  7. Yeah I sometimes have slip ups like these. Usually when you say something like this you aren't thinking of the literal meaning behind the word. I'm kinda on the fence about it's usage. On one hand there's really no reason to say it. On the other I dislike people trying to police language. Sometimes you can't even say some of those kinds of words when just talking about why the word needs to be retired
  8. Hey no problem. Now start watching the other things I recommended ;). At least try out 'Xavier: Renegade Angel' The whole show is only about 3.5 hours long with 11 min episodes. Bojack takes two or three seasons to get that depth, and you don't see the whole depth until season 4 where you finally piece together why he is the way he is As far as Tuca and Berdie are concerned, I can understand why someone could like it better than bojack. It is aesthetically pleasing in a way bojack can't be due to the focus of the show. I noticed during the second watch of the show that in the more Bojack-like episodes toned down the craziness of the animation. The feminism bit was done well and never became preachy. i don't think you should ever be preachy in any show about anything, and it made it's points by showing believable situations instead of having tons of exposition about it. For Kidding, I can see why someone would really like it, and someone would dislike it. The cliffhanger at the end is great. He finally had his Walt to Heisenberg moment. I'm really curious to see how far they will want to push this. Maybe even to the point where he isn't redeemable after all: Lol, that sounds about right. It's my favorite live action series that I watched this year. What did you like about it? spoiler: From what I understand even though it is based on real life events, they're going to take story liberties and diverge from the real life material. Which makes sense because the serial killer who they were building up, Dennis Raider or something, wasn't caught until the 2000s. Or they might just skip to 2000.
  9. As far as anime that are surprisingly good, Goblin Slayer. It's about a guy who hunts goblins in a world where there are dragons and demons etc, but the main character only wants to kill goblins. The whole series is an analogy about how some people are going to end up cleaning toilets or doing any kind of menial labor as society needs that role. It's also about how goblins are a menace but aren't regarded as important to kill as there are bigger monsters, and how society takes the menial stuff for granted. The main issue with the show is the trope laden and kind of bland/shy main character. Which is probably the most popular anime trope i think. Oh and the anime 'Sakamoto'. Kinda forgot about it, but it's seriously funny and worth watching. It's about a guy who's a perfect student basically and never does anything remotely embarrassing. If he falls over, he falls with style.
  10. I never looked up the lyrics to the song and always said "they come out and I eat". Thought it was a nice story about a guy who lives in a beetle infested apartment and eats them.. you know.. for protein.
  11. Yeah. I met a guy who talked about how abortion is some great freedom that women have, and isn't it wonderful that our society is more equal. I had to point out that no one is the winner. There are just people who lose less.
  12. For sure. I know they're already going ahead with it. It was confirmed a few months back and he's going to be the main focus of the movie. It kinda sucks that some of the main cast in BB since the end of the show have been in movies there were alright at best, and horrible at worst. Bryan has been in a few decent movies, but Aaron Paul took on bad role after bad role. just check out his RT page: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/aaron_paul Yep. I'm glad I didn't watch it till a few weeks ago, otherwise the wait would have been unbearable. It depends on the episode. Imho there's more comedy and drama in the first few episodes, then the plot switches up and it's more drama, then toward the end of the season it's more of a mix. Though I'd say it's more drama than comedy on average.
  13. Totally feel you on the existential dread. I don't remember when exactly it started. But as I became busier the nagging feeling that I'm wasting my time got stronger. I think that may have caused me to quit for so long, besides the fact that I found making music much more satisfying. It's odd that I feel that way about games but am fine with spending too much time on forums/social media. I don't get the nagging feeling now though, but I also play video games max 2 or 3 hours a week, so I'm sure if I kept pushing it, it would come back. I have a stack of books that I haven't gotten around to. I keep buying books that I know I'd like, and they just sit there on my bookshelf and I'll get around to reading 1 every 2 months, but in the meantime I bought 4 more books. It's a vicious cycle, lol.
  14. jesse pinkman's back and now is the time to start betting on how many 'bitches' we'll get from his this season. And awesome trailer. It looks and feels like a totally different show. At least based this.
  15. I didn't play any video game during 90% of my time in uni, but now i'm enjoying them again, It feels really weird to go years without playing one. The first game I played when I started again was Deus Ex 1. I had never played it before, and the gameplay still holds up. After beating it I wanted to play older games since I didn't realize on how much I missed out. Do you find games boring now or do you feel you just outgrew it? Which kinda seem like the same option. Or did you play it recently?
  16. Can you get banned now from having too much negative reputation? Someone mentioned it to me but he may have been kidding. Or does it just flag him/her? Be careful, you're playing with fire here. ?
  17. I like how it warns you the site is potentially malicious and people want all my bank details apparently.
  18. I just finished up 'kidding' with jim Carrey. If you liked The Truman Show or really any of his dramas, there's more of that here It basically seems to be going for 'Breaking Bad but with Mr. Rogers'. Which funnily enough was similar to BB's pitch of 'Turning Mr. Rogers into scarface. A few weeks back I watched 'Mindhunter'. David Fincher directed it, and if you liked his film ''Zodiac' you'll probably like this show. It's about how the FBI kinda restructured how they interpret the actions of serial killers and at least in the first season about trying to predict them which is kinda big brother. It's set in the 70s.
  19. For chrome it keeps asking me for permission, but with FF as Hello Spiral said, IE, and avast secure browser it works fine.
  20. I just remember using the word philosophy and assumed it was. I was kinda confused as well but figured my post was too ambiguous or something.
  21. If an average 1 in 100 billion earthlike planets has contained intelligent life from when starts stars forming, there would have already been well over a trillion civilizations. Not even counting more basic life. And life is supposed to be possible for around another trillion years so that's a lot of aliens
  22. I lost tons of interest in games 3 or 4 years back when starting uni. They just weren't fun anymore. I don't think it was because of starting uni, but I finally got rbored of AAA mechanics. Take Bethesda for instance. imho their best game was morrowind, with lots of experimental things that were fun that you'd never see in their games today. It's like they have it all down to a science and only indie games innovate. Since Oblivion I've kept getting excited for new elder scrolls stuff but I have no expectations anymore. It's a shame really. As far as the crash I've been hearing that for years. If it does happen it'll be because of how watered down AAA games are now
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