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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I genuinely wonder if we will see the post-remake-nostalgia era of hollywood in our lifetimes. And get back to original ideas
  2. That is what I felt when as a teen I realized most politicians are fake. Well at the time I assumed they were all fake. I remember liking Obama then realizing all that crap about change was just fluff and going ? for a while. I can kinda get some of the fakery though now... you kinda have to have the ability to throw out soundbytes and stuff in America circa 2019. That's because you probably made a similar angry political post a few months ago, basically remade it today. Now your brain is crossing the streams.
  3. That's what you get i guess when a bunch of borderline sociopathic 50-90 year old CEOs who just wanna make a lot of money before they die. Reminds me of that article from a few years back on Trump purposely building and walling up his golf courses in areas slated to be more impacted by climate change. lol. This is one of those things people intuitively know but actual evidence from an investigations just confirms the obvious. I'm impressed with how well their propaganda works actually. This is a bit of conspiratorial thinking on my part, but I wonder if these are the types of people behind the "No Child Left Behind" education reform, which essentially lowers the bar and the quality of education for many kids outside of the honors courses. President Bush pushed for it and got it through congress, so it makes sense to me.
  4. Dear Hollywood, plz stop live actioning the crap out of classic animated movies. tho don't care about the disney movies so keep doing that if you want money so bad, and not the good ones like Akira.
  5. I don't try to think too hard about it. If a great majority of the people who study the climate say human induced global warming is going to be the end of us is a thing then I'll believe them. Scientists also brought me this smart phone that mostly wastes my time and (directly and indirectly) brought us the wonderful world of nuclear weapons and the constant fear of nuclear war.. and airplanes.... and wireless drills. So I figure they're good for it when it comes to their consensuses.
  6. why does everything have to have one of those
  7. I liked it. Though it's definitely one of those shows with lots of highlights and lots of not... highlights.
  8. Threads about Trump. There's another thread for that... well about America and what people think about it anyway. Wait.. what DO people in WATMM think about countries that aren't America?! Woah. mind blown here.
  9. well it's going to happen regardless because that's how humans are. I think it's worth it. Better than staying at our current tech for sure. I think at first AI will still be extensions of people. Tho, I wouldn't be surprised if humans end up as they are in Wall-e at some point. Not necessarily in space and with the planet destroyed, but... just mostly there to consume. I don't know how humans can continue to find meaning when super intelligent AI has been a thing for long enough. It can just generate new media for you to consume, better than humans could ever make. And that's if it doesn't off us. Well... maybe humans will become AI to some degree as well... *shrugs* So you know we could be living in a golden age right now before everything is just.... done for you. Well in an 'as good as it's going to get' type golden age... maybe a bronze age.
  10. oh man that's the thing about AI. It can be incredibly versatile and also incredibly linear. So it's like who knows what the first true AI will be like. Currently A computer can beat any human at chess but it can't beat a human at moving the chess pieces in the way chess pros do. Or walking to the chess board to begin the chess game. Or seeing the irony or humor of the way a chess game turned out, etc. etc. And even when it can do those things will it 'feel' it or just know we feel it and act accordingly. So that's why AI is so scary because it's just a big question mark. Even if AI is great the first few decades or centuries it could turn on us after any amount of time. Or maybe it's playing the incredibly long game. Maybe it can plan to turn in a million years. Who knows.
  11. OH, and we're also the generation or two before they figure out how to make humans live for 100s or a thousand years. So there's that too.
  12. Lol a little bit but no. It can interpret language in some really linear ways that were manually programmed in, but not in the interpret you mean. We're probably going to be old or ded by the time we see actual human level AI, whatever that even means. So we're either the generation (or two) before where everyone is killed, or the generation before where everyone lives in a utopia of some kind. Really funny dichotomy there.
  13. Even thinking machines without willpower or an understanding it exists, but with a high level of analysis? Assuming such a thing is possible, I imagine it'll be possible for AI to be way more analytically intelligent than a human and also have no... agency? Also totally forgot an AI would probably be able to turn its intelligence up or down depending on how much it needs. Probably be able to cut its intelligence into smaller intelligences to do other things, then come back together and synthesize. Then turn its intelligence down really low to watch re-runs of the office or something idk.
  14. AI is gonna kill us all!$@#%^$#^ Then again since it's incredibly intelligent it may just get bored and kill itself if it feels it isn't stimulated enough. It may be a crime to let it exist if it's self aware. It could be the equivalent of spending a million years in jail with how quickly it could think in an otherwise boring static universe. It just wouldn't... function at the level of "time" humans function at, if that makes sense. And interesting things wouldn't happen often enough to keep it stimulated, if it requires stimulation at all. Then again why would it want to do anything on its own at all that isn't programmed in. Humans are driven by things like dopamine and serotonin and try to do their own thing, it would be foolish to think just "human level" analytical intelligence AI would be driven like that at all. It may not even have a will to live. Humans want to live because of... evolution. AI could have human level intelligence and not give a crap about if it lives or dies no different from computers today. At least early on with AI wants to 'kill us' it will be a human's doing. It will change into something unrecognizable after a few decades, but at first I think things will be fine.
  15. Yeah I watched the trailer, and it's going on my rather short rpg list. I actually haven't played Icewind dale. Which one is the best one? I heard the story isn't all that great but the combat is as fun as Baldur's Gate. On a non-dnd rpg note I also want to play thru the mother series. At least earthbound.
  16. One of my favorites of the black and white era. Awesome movie and more than holds up today.
  17. Thanks. I'll be looking them up. I am more interested in the older games. I tend to enjoy older RPG's since they didn't have it down to a science then and innovate in ways newer rpgs just don't.
  18. oh yeah. you can probably tell I never looked it up. He said it was a racist/segregation thing where it was annoying enough if a black person was sitting up front simply watching the play.
  19. I'm always surprised that site is still around, even though tons of people are serving many years in jail for housing the servers and what not.
  20. normies don't have synthol injected muscle avatars.
  21. *shrugs* then it calls into question the writing in game of thrones. Usually when I use that phrase I know I won't be revisiting the thing that I don't think is that bad.
  22. My brother once told me that nothing before the word 'but' counts. Btw I'm not sure what point you were trying to make. lol. i haven't run into the scenario you describe.
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