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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. yeah I know. It's unfortunate that he has mislabeled even his own platform with the """evil""" word that is democratic "socialism".
  2. Hmm. While I think that the show can get somewhat goofy at times, I don't remember any pretentiousness or cringe. IT does occasionally feel like I'm watching a low budget show, but that's part of the charm. IT's a pretty straightforward show. Though I haven't seen the first season in a while. The most boring part of the whole show is the first few episodes now that I think about it.
  3. Socialism is still a bad word to large swathes of the population.
  4. Yeah idk who has the best shot. Biden probably does but the guy is a fairly conservative guy and is just as much of a chameleon as any other establishment politician. We live in a fairly right wing country overall where a bunch of people think their political party works for them. As much as I'd want Bernie to win, idk how much of a chance he has. I feel like a candidate like Bernie will be able to win in the next 10 to 20 years and we're seeing the rise of this type of politician over the past few years (thanks in large part to him). But winning a presidency is another thing entirely. Overall I think it's most likely we will get another Trump presidency. The establishment dems that are being pushed are by and large unappealing, which will turn off the "Bernie crowd". And the non-establishment dems, while appealing, will be slandered and lied about by the media, etc, which will turn off the older dems who get think CNN is a super reliable news source, well enough to where not enough people will find them appealing. So basically like in 2016, the democrats will shoot themselves in the foot, and republican conservatives will do what they always do, band together no matter who gets the nomination and elect their chosen old white guy.
  5. Why is MADMA so good, like wtf. Especially the second half of the track.
  6. Dawn Chorus is awesome. Reminds me of that Nine Inch Nails track "A Warm Place" off Downward Spiral
  7. Biden just seems like Hillary 2.0 to me. Definitely a more politically competent version but needs some firmware updates to fix the touchy feely stuff.
  8. Lol, just give it a go. It's a pretty straightforward show compared to Tuca and Bertie which shifts gears like 3 times over the course of the season. Though I will say it slowly shifts gears between season 1 and 2. I don't agree with the irrationally mad thing, Japanese humor tends to take a normal situation and turn it up to 11 for comedic effect. But it's still a normal situation at its core. And the heroine does try to solve problems so idk what the review is on about, though it's a show about the new guard vs old workplace traditions (in japan but really anywhere in the world to an extent), so she has to go about problem solving in certain ways. Many of it's themes do feel like Tuca and Bertie themes. And it isn't a traditional anime either, though the Japanese humor is there. Really it's just a funny show and worth watching.
  9. Droppin by the thread to see if anything happened to Trump. Any news as a result all of the appalling things he did and we know he did? no? Well ok I'll drop by again in a few months see if anything even a little substantial is happening.
  10. Since you liked Tuca and Bertie you'll probably like Aggretsuko on Netflix. Assuming you haven't already seen it. Pretty good show, especially the first season.
  11. Brisbot


    lol reminds me of that aphex interview where he mentions the dump and how Warp freaked out when they found out about it. This looks like how they would have rather done it.
  12. Yeah but as games they weren't that great. Oblivion and after for them I find their stuff generally alright to boring. There's 1 or 2 good quest lines per game but besides that they lost the plot a long time ago, and each game gets worse. As one example, In the Elder Scroll series they used to have interesting multifaceted dungeons in Daggerfall and Morrowind. Which became worse over each game till Skyrim which literally has linear dungeons with the treasure at the end. Yeah graphically it looked amazing in 2011, especially the northern areas, but it's just not that good of a game. Weak lore. Weak characters. etc etc.
  13. it was crap except the It's Spooky bit. Bethesda haven't made a great game in nearly 2 decades so no surprise there. Some good ones, but nothing special. Not talking about games they produced.
  14. For some reason I knew someone would reply with this
  15. Apparently everyone is watching Chernobyl and it's currently the highest ranked show on IMDB. Can't wait to check it out. oh my god it was so bad. It was like watching a Disney channel movie. The other two were decent enough but if I were to make a ranked list of episodes all three would be near the bottom. It was just a bad season overall.
  16. this could be true as well. Though he said he'd rake forest floors all by himself to stop fires... then again maybe he's just really bored and daydreaming half the time he's doing his presidential duties.
  17. lol. Millennial Trump. Just not climate science.
  18. Has anyone ever seen that documentary type show "I Shouldn't be Alive". Good show. It's basically about a bunch of people getting into survival type situations. It seems to be a theme thru the show that probably 2/3rds of the people end up in their situation due to their own crappy decision making and not so much people who prepared correctly but were just supremely unlucky. Though there are episodes like that too. The show goes thru their survival situation with a pretty good re-enactment with some often talented actors. The show initially looks like one of those low budget discovery channel documentary type shows, but honestly most of the episodes are pretty good and some are great. This channel has many of the episodes and this is one of the best:
  19. Oh my GOD. A ghost could be aggressively break dancing next to me and I'd never even know. This changes EVERYTHING.
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