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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. ^^ I will say about that is that Republicans are a more cohesive party. In that after the primary they all band together and vote for the person who won the primary regardless of whether they personally like him or not. There's this 'attitude' of "A republican needs to be in office" because Republicans think themselves apart of the party or apart of a whole. Being a Republican is simply part of the culture here down in the south. It seems pretty much everyone is a Republican. Whereas the democratic party is more splintered. I think last time around many Bernie supporters didn't really 'feel apart' of any party and that they were just hitching a ride on the democratic label. So they didn't feel the need to go out and vote for Hillary when the time came. Well that and the whole fiasco with closing polls earlier in areas where people were more likely to vote for Bernie...and Hillary trying to appeal to her right constantly. So it rubbed them the wrong way, but at the same time yes it was foolish to let the republican win. But "not being a republican" isn't enough for more ideal younger people who were used to Obama being president and feeling "safe". If that makes sense. However I imagine though that this time around that... anyone left of center will vote for the democrat because of a general dislike of Trump instead of necessarily liking the democratic nominee. So I'd say Trump is probably screwed... probably.
  2. I enjoyed RE2. While it has a better "gameplay loop" than RE7, RE7 was scarier and the first 2-3 hours of RE7 to me were near perfect but RE2 is a better game overall if you count the second half of RE7 when the whole game is considered.
  3. It's great. I agree with Lopez I think it's my favorite of his releases to date. For those new to Bjarki also check out his Label "bbbbbb recors" many great artists. https://www.discogs.com/label/1167266-bbbbbb EOD released on there as well (found out about Bjarki thru his releases) and for those new to Bjarki I imagine you've in the least listened to those. There are also a number of similar artists to Bjarki such as Volruptus who have hands in multiple genres in addition to IDM if you want to use that label.
  4. yea I dunno about that.. depending on where u hang out on the net u get the impression that it's all alt right or all commies well yeah, that wall of text I wrote basically sums up to "youtube is more dominated by right-wing". I know for a fact reddit is. I saw a demographic thingy like a month ago, and it's 60/40 conservative/liberal or so. Youtube however idk I can't find anything. It's just that I've noticecd it in the comments. My internet is slow so I will scroll down and read comments while buffering... BTW I'm not saying conservatives dominate youtube, but more the political channels on youtube, which btw is the biggest form of news media for young people so... troubling signs. Well that's why the goal is to move the overton window. Make political discourse in general more conservative. What's one way to do this? Frame left wing as extremist PC culture. I listened to a podcast by a former neo-nazi some time back, where he explains the new method is to be subtle. You know, Instead of becoming a skin-head, wear a suit and tie. Basically re-frame racism into something palpable for the masses instead of lynching or whatever. I'm not pointing to one single trajectory or thing causing more conservatism, but a whole bundle of trajectories coming from different movements that are indeed pushing the window right. Seeing youtube so dominated by right wing just worries me. btw sorry if there's any incoherence, I'm tired.
  5. Oh sweet video. Yeah. BTW speaking of youtube... I've just now noticed this, but have YOU guys noticed that youtube has become a right-wing echo chamber, in the same way twitter is a left-wing echo chamber? I don't know why I took so long but... just look at this video's comments, i've never seen it so lopsided: (just posting video for the comments, not about the video itself) Literally around 85% are holier-than-thou conservative comments if not higher. It's insane. Anyway I've been clicking on various random political videos from different channels and it's always the same story, even if it is for liberals and lo and behold nearly all the comments are right-wingers complaining about democrats and how bad they are as people. I think/feel liberal has become synonymous with "SJW" in the eyes of the general internet public, at least on social platforms. And so if a person is slightly liberal, or a centrist, then he will end up aligning right because they don't want to be "that guy" or PC since liberal has been redefined as a left wing extremest. They are basically pushing the overton window to the right by successfully re-framing what a liberal is and I'm just now realizing how bad it's getting. Btw there are sects of alt-right fascist people who are deliberately trying to push the window. They are actually somewhat organized and have a plan of action. That is insane since left wing folk aren't organized like that in any way, to have an ingroup that hides it's true nature from the public and are successful in doing so. For example using a certain emoji as an "alt-right" affirmation emoji so fascists can identify each other... and they will change it every few weeks. It came as a complete surprised when I found this out. Here is, by the way, a good video worth the watch to illustrate what I'm ranting about. When I say they are organized I mean it: Anyway sorry for the long post, but I'm curious of people's opinions? Also I recently realized that reddit is mostly conservative when I thought it was more liberal... like wtf is going on. I'm 90% sure it used to be more liberal. It's almost as if it's trendy to be conservative.
  6. Too many bombshells to keep up with. It's the beginning of the end. Forever. And yet nothing has happened. a million investigations and it's starting to look like it's all fluff in terms of Trump getting impeached. That said, does anyone know how many people around trump have been fired/jailed/replaced etc for doing something wrong? It's insane how many people are getting in trouble around him.. but oh no, he's an angel. lol. btw, my dad is a conservative and recently he finally admitted he's disappointed in Trump's actions since he became president.
  7. This in a nutshell. Imagine if he was more intelligent and had the same level of everything else. Instead we have a guy who (i think) wants to be a dictator but doesn't know what he could do to make that a reality. Though I imagine if he did pull some of that crap he'd be shut down by the other branches of govt.
  8. The Codfather The Dork Knight The Pig Labowski Shaving Private Ryan (okay I added a letter) The Longest Lay Dix Shooter Gulp Fiction
  9. I agree. It's the layering. He actually semi-took some of that drum programming straight from Jlin where she will have the transient and tail hit at different parts of the stereo field where the tail has verb-y feel and transient is super sharp. And the ear's like correlation so it'll just feel like this massive hit. when it was layering. It seems he's backed off focusing on synths and back on drums. 1st 44 is great. I've been making similar tracks inspired by 1st 44 and I can't really help it. It's that good. It feels super... adventurous? I just like the feeling of this track where the momentum is carried from beginning to end in a natural way.
  10. Yeah it's odd. That track really works well as an intro or exit track I think it's part of the reason why he is so into the circlon or however it's spelled. Hardware sequencers have come a long way from what I understand. I think the drum patterns are totally doable with hardware. It still has that semi rigid sequencer feel, even in the most insane drums where if seems like you can pull it off with hardware without it being too much of a fuss. Doesn't mean he used hardware... I'd use software to do those kinds of drums before I used hardware to do them definitely.
  11. Hmm. I bought RE2 but haven't played it yet. I'm currently addicted to this old game called "Might and Magic 7". I'm curious to see if anyone's played it. Or really and of the ones between MaM 6-8. It's a really good game I'm impressed. I really like these old RPGs before they were 'streamlined' to have these kinda lame game mechanics like perks. I've also recently played thru Baldur's Gate 2. Great game.
  12. I think the long time between releases is due to some lawsuits about insurance or someshit like that, general life getting in the way and them being very particular in what they want. oh yeah. I think you're right. I forgot about that lawsuit stuff. That said, it's not like they finished the album 5 years ago and were waiting on it. I hope maynard gets back to making music more full time. While I liked APC's last outing, it is no Thirteenth Step. Not that it has to be in that style or anything.
  13. Yeah and life is easier for everyone because no one has to defend anything because being wrong doesn't come with any penalty. If only that attitude could extend over to political discussions and the like. But it becomes an issue because, taking conservatives as an example, if you question their beliefs, you're attacking their way of life. It's very deeply rooted in ego and identity and family etc etc. Attacking say.. guns with facts becomes ineffective because there's a lot of unstated ego baggage at stake. It can feel like you're just pointing out some very surface level things but really you are questioning their way of life... them as people. And so here comes irrationality and leaps of logic to protect their identity/ego. It's about preserving their way of life because REALLY it's worked for them up to that point. I mean conservatives don't necessarily have bad lives. Their beliefs serve them just fine but affects other people due to their effect on politics. Also they don't get to see it because conservatives and liberals are pretty much segregated. And I'm sure the same applies to liberals though I'd say on average liberals are more loose with that kind of stuff. If you try to base your opinions on facts and not beliefs it's easier to change how you live your life or perceive the world. Yep I agree. This attitude is something you see in scientific circles where if they don't know about a certain aspect of the field they study they will immediately defer to someone more knowledgeable and admit their shortcomings. There's this understanding that no one scientist knows, or is right about everything and so when one is proven wrong they bow out respectfully. But about your point, if people were taught from a young age to put aside ego and worry more about the truth of reality then I think they'd be much less susceptible to charlatans. This is something I'm curious about. I don't know much about him but I've seen how he uses his platform to push crap products like virility serum. How do you know for sure he doesn't believe it though? I've been wondering that about him myself, is that just a feeling you have or has he come out and said he talks about a bunch of nonsense? I saw him on Joe Rogan and he's not nearly as insane as he appears on his show.
  14. yeah I guess I'm just arguing for an ideology about whether you're right or wrong not being attached to ego. Ideology is just how humans work. We aren't machines (yet).
  15. que Trump showing him where his private jet is. lol. I mostly agree. There are many alternate news streams catering to said ideologies. To the point where I wonder how affected I am due to my chosen 'news stream'. It's kind of like religion to me. How sure are you of your chosen religion if there are many alternate ones with just as dense lore/requirement of faith. BTW I'm just using it as an analogy not attacking anything. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the sheer chaos of all the different information shooting this and that way, that I know I just have to be wrong about various things, even aspects pertaining to people like Trump. It needs to be possible to be 'wrong' and not be looked down on for it. When we're young we're taught to argue all the way and to stick to our guns and not let up because you are "stupid" if you look wrong, but knowledge requires constant re-examining. A conversation needs to go from " I'm right, you're wrong, and you're stupid for it" to "let's pool our knowledge and change our mind with the relevant facts". That way knowledge grows instead of just branching off into lots of irrelevant paths. As what happens is that everyone talks like they know everything, and the second someone pokes a hole in your logic you have to defend it no matter what. Otherwise everyone will just fall further into said ideologies as knowledge becomes about what 'feels right' and not what is right no matter how you feel. Long story short: Debates of ideology have become strictly about defending your ego and NOT trying to become a better/more knowledgeable person.
  16. I'm trying to hear the minipops similarities but I don't. Minipops beat isn't exactly a rare kind of groove anyway. TBH reminds me more of that first Flying Lotus album than anything Aphexian in nature. Has that adult swim bump feel to it but more uptempo. I like it it's pretty sweet. Chillax.
  17. Well that's good news. I'm just hoping for something good, not expecting great as their past albums but if it is that'll be...great. Tool must be pretty nervous since anticipation is so high. I wonder if that anticipation kept them from wanting to put out their music for so long.
  18. Joyrex is slowly becoming a true neutral character in the WATMM Cinematic Universe, manipulating others feelings with bonus tracks and badgers. Doing whatever he wills such as the kickstarter arc.
  19. Joyrex, field day lp is probably all that's really there. Unless you're pulling a badger and misdirecting because you know something. It's hard to take your posts at face value these days. Like just randomly talking about some random bonus tracks that haven't been released... I wonder when he will release his Drukqs 2 he decided to not release from 2001, you know besides those few he did release.
  20. ^^^ Yeah something tells me we will be mostly seeing EPs from him if he continues releasing on the regular. If there is like a 3 or 4 year gap we may see an LP. It just takes a while even for Aphex to make his best of the best tracks... then again this ep is almost as long as some of his LPs.. just needed one more track.
  21. yeah that happens a lot in his music. There is one track from bonus HAB tracks ( I think ) that literally has parts from 2 or 3 different tracks off RDJ album. He so liberally reuses his stuff. It makes sense, once you find a set of sounds that gel then you can combine and recombine them in many ways. I think the track you are referring to is Choir Drill. It definitely has some sounds that were used on the RDJ album. yeah thanks. I tried looking it up but forgot the name. It's a really good track as well. It has bits from inkey$ and To Cure a Weakling Child, and... one more I think.
  22. yeah that happens a lot in his music. There is one track from bonus HAB tracks ( I think ) that literally has parts from 2 or 3 different tracks off RDJ album. He so liberally reuses his stuff. It makes sense, once you find a set of sounds that gel then you can combine and recombine them in many ways.
  23. ^^^ I just feel bad for these kinds of people. It's not their fault they are the way they are. He is schizophrenic from what I understand. It's odd how often people think people with similar mental issues are just 'stupid' or 'has a screw loose'.
  24. I assume you mean actors, since well, the movie sorta was about the early days of one of the main characters... And I liked Solo - didn't think I would, but it was a great Star Wars movie IMO. Stop it. They're amazing. Stop it. They're amazing. yeah that happened to me on this thread earlier when i posted my crappy post. It posted twice. (pressed post twice) FIX IT JAYRAX I assume you mean actors, since well, the movie sorta was about the early days of one of the main characters... And I liked Solo - didn't think I would, but it was a great Star Wars movie IMO. Stop it. They're amazing. Stop it. They're amazing. yeah that happened to me on this thread earlier when i posted my crappy post. It posted twice. (pressed post twice) FIX IT JAYRAX
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