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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. For the same reason that American men who are vertically and virileililly challenged feel the need to drive oversized pickup trucks with no mufflers and have an AR-15 fetish. this yep. In Texas It feels like there's this unsaid competition to drive the biggest trucks. There are massive trucks with six wheels and those things that jut out the middle of the tires (basically a road hazard to any other vehicle except theirs) that literally take up 100% of the side of the road they're on. Then they'll drive over in your lane anyway. It seems most people don't need massive trucks... a normal sized truck would do just fine.
  2. That is the musical equivalent of making a really well mixed and mastered track that still sounds generic. Sorry to be That Guy but this there's nothing "really well mixed and mastered" about this painting. It is hilarious though. I love how the eagle is shredding the flag, like "fuck this place, I'm moving to Canada". Man you are so "that person". lol. Well I say 'well' as in okay really. I don't think it's "mixing" is good but it's definitely not bad. But 1/10 on creativity which is really all that matters. This is like a parody of what you think a Trump supporter would paint. You can tell she isn't a bad painter in the technical areas which is why I said it was well mixed... Tho I take back the well mastered bit. I mean after all as already been stated, he/she nailed the face, orange hue, reptile eyes and everything. I mean look at the lines in his flowing wig.
  3. ^^^ I feel like that captures the kinds of trump supporters who call into these shows. I've listened to a lot of some of the AM conservative radio (it's fun for various reasons) but not really your average Trump supporter who is just some guy who was born into the culture and chooses to follow an alternate news stream.
  4. America is great! America #1!!! Er in prisoners, but hey we're winners. Though we're second in ignorance, we need MORE ignorance! https://rankingamerica.wordpress.com/page/1/
  5. That is the musical equivalent of making a really well mixed and mastered track that still sounds generic.
  6. omfg "discredited Cohen". I'd like to see him tweet about ALL OF THE "discredited" people surrounding him who used to be his allies. Criminals friend criminals. You know if this all was a game of clue ALL SIGNS would point to Trump being the murderer.
  7. having been forced to listen to the music my whole life I will say 100% of pop country is horrid garbage. That said I like some of stuff by Johnny Cash and various older artists who don't play with a band, but rather just their guitar and voice. It seems that when country artists play with a band it's boring AF but I can dig an artist if it's just a voice and guitar. Willie Nelson played with a band plenty, and he wrote some great country music. A lot of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and young is bordering on country, and I could listen to that any day of the week. I will agree that all this country-pop-hop is fucking bullshit though. Well it's just my opinion obv. And while I tend to like older country music I have yet to it in a wide berth kind of way. Even though I live in the country and hear lots of country music it's almost never the older stuff. It is most of the time the pop country stuff from the early 00s to today because most people just turn on the radio and let the top 40 country play than anything else. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that song "Let Jesus take the wheel" whether it's playing at a gathering or in a store. And you know the sad thing is, country music is much worse in 2019 than it was when that song was written. It's horrid. The most basic crap you'll ever hear. You know Listening to Willie nelson or Neil Young doesn't really 'feel' like what country music is these days or what the genre immediately brings to mind. IT reminds me more of the roots of country music such as blues, than country.
  8. Brisbot

    Death Grips

    I'm a half DG fan. A lot of their stuff is classic like much of money store, but there are some tracks that are just real bleh. I've also noticed I tend to like tracks where their instrumentals have their own thing going on and where MC Ride vocals aren't so 'forefront'. , like Get Got, and not just harping on their abrasive style. So I guess I'm just a fan.
  9. I wonder if conservatives will eventually 'disown' Trump like they kinda did with Bush after their presidencies, or if they'll talk about Trump like Reagan.
  10. Well just look where the Rephlex Artists have chosen to put their music. Rephlex is definitely spread out for sure but the idea of Rephlex is still alive in various labels.
  11. Just so everyone knows, the original meme "all your base are belong to us" is almost 18 years old.
  12. It is funny how everyone around Trump is dropping like flies...except Trump. There's a very good chance nothing will happen to Trump while he's in office. I wouldn't be surprised if he just drops out of public eye after his presidency. Well, especially if he has early dementia. Intelligent Dance Music braindunce tho I know very intelligent conservatives into indie music or bands like Radiohead. Though it seems to stop at that level when it comes to music. At most I've seen conservatives into dubstep... then again I know a libertarian who really likes some Effects Twin stuff... he was the one who showed me Vordhosbn which got me into Aphlax. He was a big Ron Pauler when he was famous. Though I've also noticed conservatives also tend to be more er... analytically intelligent and not necessarily as creatively intelligent. I know a few conservative engineers who basically aced university. I've noticed libertarians tend to be more creative than your average home grown conservative but I think that's because a libertarian is kind of a fish out of water/ going against the flow. I think those types tend to be more creative, and not necessarily liberal, but rather creative types having less mainstream views. having been forced to listen to the music my whole life I will say 100% of pop country is horrid garbage. That said I like some of stuff by Johnny Cash and various older artists who don't play with a band, but rather just their guitar and voice. It seems that when country artists play with a band it's boring AF but I can dig an artist if it's just a voice and guitar.
  13. ^^^ you mean people assuming if something isn't white, then it's black, when in reality it is a nice shade of grey... type of thing? Sometimes I wonder language itself isn't equipped to 100% define any idea without simplifying it since language isn't exact. Even if a word has a definition, that word also has many connotations or alternate meanings which can carry various emotions depending on who you're talking to/or the context. However the word for many people can be super simplified by calling it for example "socialism". Basically allowing people to read into the word however they choose to, depending on how they want to . And therefore people can't really 100% communicate their meaning. Contributing to misunderstandings. It's odd to think that you can never 100% convey an idea to anyone. But only 'get the gist' of what's being said. You don't really think of that kind of thing and generally feel language is very exact or you entirely understand what someone is saying.
  14. I just realized... people actually LIKE this show. Unironically.
  15. haha well tell that to the general public. It loves it's binary "either it is or it isn't" choices.
  16. Yeah I need my possibilities simple and digestible. And I need it fed to me by the news.
  17. woah I have never seen you post something personal like this. Cool, I love being an uncle as well. I'm the goofy fun (and when they get older 'the eccentric') uncle.
  18. It seems there's a MASSIVE lack of conservatives though. like 95% liberal
  19. I don't think many here disagree with this general sentiment, but you need to consider that we're stuck in the democratic system... If AOC ends up dividing the dems it won't be of much use. I am pretty sure that (most) corporate dems are on board with the climate change thing. Obama was. I imagine Hillary would have been. This issue alone is the reason to vote dem no matter who is nominated. It is important to challenge the corporate dems during the primary, but even after they probably rig the primary as they did last time, anyone left of center needs to vote for the democrats. I imagine over time there will be more "AOC' type democrats. IT seems that way since "corporate corruption" is much more obvious to the internet generation. That said there is a counter narrative that says gen z are more conservative than millennials. I suppose though only time will tell since people tend to turn more liberal as they age into their 20s if they have the capability or potential to be liberal. BTW 2 random questions... why is pretty much everyone here a liberal? Is it because WATMM is heavily liberal or because this thread just appeals to liberals and conservatives just don't say anything? And do people here consider themselves a capitalist or socialist or something in the middle leaning one way or the other? I am definitely more of a capitalist but would like more socialist elements. A mix. Yeah I understand the question is vague at the end of the day without going into details.
  20. Lol she's trying so hard not to crack up when the graph pops up.
  21. EDIT: A question for those who read this... do you guys consider yourself "right", of Bernie? Curious. Lots of liberals here obviously but liberal is a vague term these days. Man it is SOOO obvious Trump is a con-man with his language, I will never understand why people like him. I wonder if the people who support Trump are the type likely to fall for those IRS scams. I think this is closer to the truth than not. Though plenty of "independent conservatives" who do think for themselves, but so happen to dislike over-taxation. I mean that to me has always been a fair reason to be a conservative, but thing is it becomes packaged with the whole racism and sexism thing. Though always thought the groupthink thing was a big part of both parties. I mean, most people inherit their "political views" from their parents and peers and never really come to conclusions on their own. I think it's important to not grow too attached to most views and to be ready to change them quickly if evidence proves it. Tho already made this point 15 pages back.
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