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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Well, at the moment The Switch doesn't seem worth it. 720p vs 900p is negligible since to me it's an extra couple hundred for the upgrade.The Switch will likely seem like a better buy a year down the road, and by then Zelda won't be a new game anymore. Then I can get Blaster Master Zero. For whatever reason for 99.9% of games I never have an urge to get it when it comes out. Just to play it eventually. I say just get the Wii U version since you're not planning on getting the Switch for a while or even at all. When you look back on how good a game is, you don't think about how good it looked (maybe the aesthetics), so much as how fun the gameplay was. Same thing with movies, how often do you look back and think "Man seeing that movie in 3D was great!" over "The plot was amazing!". Do you even remember if you've seen some movies in 3D? At least that's my experience. I remember the characters and the plot over if I saw a movie in 3D or not. Of course there are some movies that must be seen in 3D... maybe not the best analogy. Yeahhh that's just my thought process anyhow.
  2. They should remake more games like this. I'd like to see tons of NES and SNES games just remade to be brought up to standards with today's "8 bit" indie games and such. It would extend their lives. As for the Switch, I'ma just wait a while to see what else comes out. I want LegEnd of Zorldo but it's also coming out on the wii u which I have (a rarity!)
  3. I agree, I've listened to it a good bit the past couple days. It's still a compliment that some people think he/she is aphex. One day we'll see people think a track is the secret project of like.. Clark. Or Oneohtrix point never. Or Squarepusher. Or anyone but afx. I didn't know it was that serious. Damn. I'm like a ninja tie fighter. The ones that don't get shot down . But there can't be flames in space, at least not from oxygen. So wait no I'm not.
  4. It must be him! All the experts on here say so after all ;)
  5. Yeah I had that thought. It would be cool to see him do something for charity at some point. Maybe release some of that SC dump as some nice percentage goes to charity, since it seems like he isn't all that interested in releasing it. Maybe let someone else sort through it and release it as a charity thing? I wonder how 'presumptive' it would be to run that by him.
  6. It reminds me of monolith. Like a more microtonal form of his stuff.
  7. It's not him. It's never him. There are always tell-tale signs. When the dump started and he only had those 8 tracks up... There was something almost obvious that it was likely him. It's a combination of a lot of things, but it's really just an intuitive feeling.
  8. the track sounds warm/great, it just sounds like a plugin. It was one of my favorite tracks from the dump. It would be funny if it was analog, and he just carefully chose analog synths that sound digital or like plugins.
  9. I haven't looked up any news about our president since his nomination, and I have never been happier. I mean.. till it start affecting me personally. But until then I'm in heaven.
  10. I love that track, but it sounds digital. Not that it matters. Whether or not something is analog is a big shrugfest.
  11. They forget to simply lowpass the high end to add analog warmth, and add some carefully chosen noise. Also add some FX to mess with the perfect digital frequencies. Gets you 95% the way to analog sounds.
  12. My question to you...I don't have a VR yet..I wanna get it for this game. Thus, I won't read/watch any reviews, or see gameplay beyond what they showed in 2016's E3. Would you suggest playing RE7 with VR or is TV just good enough? Oh, I just played it on my pc. I also have an oculus rift, and VR won't be available for it for another year.... because sony bought the rights I guess. It sucks, but that's ok, since it was super enjoyable without VR, and I'll be able to get even more play time out of it when VR becomes available. Btw, play it on normal first. Then play it on madhouse. The modes are pretty different. It's more than just a difficulty increase. There are story elements changed around. I'm only about a third thru madhouse. It's taking a good bit longer. It's like the difficulty went from normal to very hard. I'm also playing it from nothing vs bringing over my stuff from a previous playthrough. Cuz that's how I roll. I'm constantly planning my routes to the next objective thru the house, and trying to be as efficient as possible. There's some of that in normal, but it's more frantic on Madhouse.
  13. Resident Evil 7 was a 10/10 for me. It was a blast. It may be my favorite one, up there with 1 and 4. Well.. the first 2/3rds is a 10/10, The last third is like.. an 8.5/10.
  14. That Ue Li guy is pretty interesting. Super minimal. The track he reposted was just ok but the other 2 I like a lot more. I normally don't like super minimal stuff, but some of the tracks are interesting anyway. Is Ue Li a known artist?
  15. I now understand what Trump means when he says "we've got to figure out what's going on" because I sure don't know what is.
  16. New posters always start out with nice, well intentioned, high quality posts, then it goes south over time as your neurons are eaten up by IDM. Too much to process. Then eventually you'll be drooling along with the rest of us.
  17. I doubt Soundcloud is going to go bankrupt, they're fairly successful and I only see people on this forum saying they're going to go bankrupt. I just think they have hit a ceiling of how much money they can make currently. It's obvious their GO thing failed, when it's much easier to just go to spotify, itunes, etc. It seems like they make most of their money from ads, and then from the suckers (like me) who shell out 10 bucks a month to have a little more control over their tracks.
  18. Lol. Ryan Gosling is walking around all slow like: "Woah I'm on the set of Bladerunner HOLY SHIT." I bet he's gonna walk around like that fanboying at everything. OMG DEES FOG FX. OMG DEES 80S VANGELIS SOUNDS. OMG DECKARD'S GONNA SHOOT ME THIS IS SOOO KEWL
  19. Is IDM or Braindance more MYSTERIOUS?!
  20. His last release was syro imO. So it's taking fucking ages for the next release and it might not even be a release, so i'll keep waiting. nwae, wotevfr. it just depends on if you like the music or not I suppose. His last great release was Syro, but there's been lots of good in the other releases. Cheetah being my second favorite.
  21. He's the only candidate that can fire off statistics because he's the only candidate who had them on his side.
  22. Hillary is a river. Hillary is a flower. Hillary is a rainbow and Hillary embodies everything perfect about this world. Especially since she stopped using Windows to run Hillary.exe
  23. I really really really hope the US doesn't become authoritarian in any way in the space of 4/8 years (my god potentially almost a decade). Like if they imposed the 'early curfew David Clarke is talking about. And oh look, Fox News pretending like most of the protesters are belligerent. OH look, also randomly throwing out communist/ anarchist/anti-semetic without knowing what it means. Fuckin anti-semetic. What are they talking about. Just making shit up, with people believing it because they want to believe it. This comedy is not funny. Just sad. So sad. I'm going to have a stroke if this keeps up long enough. IDK how long I can stay triggered before my body giving out. I'm not even fuckin typing right. *walks away still ranting, slams door*
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