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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Braintree

  1. I was speaking broadly about patriarchal norms in western civilization, not about him specifically. Peterson would be an example of a shitty role model that probably had shitty role models.
  2. It's interesting that he builds a philosophy where he often uses clients as his source of truth of how people inherently are, but he's only seeing the consequences of what people have been through. That isn't causality. There's a reaffirming loop here. Odd for a guy that wrote two books on how to be happy. I think it's undoubtedly true that many boys and young men really suffer from shitty role models. Largely role models that are plain absent or because they had shitty role models themselves. I was thinking about the trope of The Confident Man the other day and how it never really died, just became more cynical and vicious.
  3. Is there a list of logical fallacies and inaccurate claims he's made?
  4. Ugh. I have an acquaintance that got into this dipshit. I thought I was thoroughly insulated from this fucking guy.
  5. Setting up another goddamn covid test. Another mild sore throat, with no other symptoms. Wish there was a way to skip the lengthy hotline preamble about every protocol.
  6. Over discord? Am I going to have to learn how to use discord?
  7. DEADBOLT is pretty fun. It's a lot like Gunpoint. I like the goofy spooky universe it's in. Zombies and vampires are in gangs.
  8. That's not a bad idea. Using Japanese hashtags would probably get you some views on social media.
  9. I remember reading about it when he was more active on social media, but I might have that wrong. Just recall those modular videos where his studio looked like a server room (but the cabinets were full of modular gear), and it being flooded. Brings a tear to the eye.
  10. A pipe burst in his basement and destroyed a shit ton of his stuff. I'm sure he gets a bunch of stuff for free, but the cleanup and repair for the house is an arm and a leg for stuff like that.
  11. The sound design on this is great. So much stuff happening at once.
  12. She is insufferable and she's pretty brazen about how much of a nazi she is.
  13. That was my first thought. How did they get the permits to run generators (for bright lights) etc. all night? SF has been changing its regulations around a lot because of the pandemic, so I'm guessing they're operating under some "emergency" measure. Although, it's the SFMTA, and they're working on train tracks, so maybe they just have the authority to do that whenever. MUNI (the train/bus system) is written into the city charter after all.
  14. So after drilling and digging all day, they came back at 2am and worked til about 4 or 5am. I am a very tired boy today.
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