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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Braintree

  1. I'd give it a go, honestly. Dirtbag life 4 eva.
  2. Hadn't noticed that these are on Epitaph. Interesting label choice. I like that they're willing to put that statement at the end. Not a lot of big names are willing to say "sex work is work."
  3. Digging that last track. Nice bass sounds on it.
  4. @Hugh Mughnus How much did they pay you?
  5. Hasn't this been going since the summer? I read some stuff on IG back around then that sounded like the label wasn't treating some of their artists fairly, especially the women/trans/non-binary ones. Why am I commenting. I don't even like R&S records.
  6. I studied German in high school and kept up a little bit afterward. Still speak a little bit, but anything past the basics is forgotten. Knowing there are like 12 forms of 'the' depending on the context makes me feel like I'll sound like a fucking idiot if I even try at this point. I can understand a bit of Japanese (from a past relationship). Forgot most of the katakana and hiragana ages ago. Oddly enough, my pronunciation is pretty good for both. There's an air of femininity when speaking Japanese since I learned it from women. My Spanish is just dogshit and being in Mexico City would have been a real struggle if everyone there didn't speak English passably already.
  7. "5 8 6" is actually one of my favorite New Order tunes, and I like it more than "Blue Monday." I always assumed they came out of the same session since they're so similar. Great album.
  8. Finally watched The Game last year. It was fun seeing familiar places but set 20+ years ago.
  9. Someone shared this with me: https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/phil.glowa
  10. Still not sure who I should send the "The Things I Do For My Horndog Boyfriend" card.
  11. I sent that as a postcard for V day last year. The guy that makes those is called Paperback Paradise and you can buy them.
  12. One track naming convention I like to use is three words consisting of two phrases. I've wanted to use "Rape Fantasy League" but I always feel like it crosses a line or something.
  13. When it comes to home made pizza, nothing beats the flavor of polymethyl methacrylate.
  14. Never liked him or his music and I'm not fucking surprised.
  15. Speed Racer (the Wachowski version) Sin City Dark City
  16. RIP. Had the pleasure of working for him once. Much respect.
  17. Sounds like a party that would just have a chamber pot at the table, though.
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