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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Braintree

  1. "IMPEACHMENT CHAMP" He sure is the champ at getting impeached.
  2. Best festival I've been to. I really loved walking between galleries in that huge, dark building. They were spaced really well. Ran into @cygnus walking between stages, and hung out with Katie Kilobyte (can't remember her handle at the moment), @Goiter Sanchez was with me throughout the AFX set. I think it was @joshuatxuk that I met across a fence? I was pretty lit towards the end there.
  3. It's so weird to see the big names up on Bandcamp.
  4. Putting it in a metal pan will make it crispier too. And also what I said before. Bake it longer at a lower temperature.
  5. The city is tearing up the train tracks in front of my building. The jackhammer shakes me whole apartment. This is going to be a long day.
  6. Bake it longer at a lower temp?
  7. Finally done with DOOM Eternal. Some of the encounters in the last level were actually difficult and fun, but the final boss was mostly annoying. In fact, most of the boss fights in the game are mostly annoying. I have a lot of gripes but it's not a bad game. I'm watching John Romero play the first levels and it feels like a different game at the beginning. Moving on to DEADBOLT and Return of the Obra Dinn next.
  8. That's perfect. I was working a lot of A/V gigs when that was out and had to play it a lot at events, plus it was in advertisements, and every bar I went to. I remember riding my bike around and hearing it coming out of someone's car and thinking "GIVE IT A FUCKING REST ALREADY." Same shit happened with Pharrell later that year.
  9. A few from recently and a couple from when the fires happened last year. I really need to get an actual camera.
  10. Finally getting some mixdowns from the album I recorded with my hardcore band last year (pre pandemic) and they sound sick as fuck.
  11. Sometimes annoying but always entertaining.
  12. I have a friend that got kicked out of city hall for not wanting to wear a mask last spring or summer. These people are out there, unfortunately. I had a different friend recently ask "do you actually know anyone that's gotten it?" which I felt I had to shut down super fast.
  13. There are still people that believe it doesn't exist.
  14. You are willing to defend anything that calls itself socialist, even if it's not. In this case, you're making the argument that accusations of China hosting a genocide is a CIA psyop. So it's fake news to you even when this news comes from around the world. China is an overtly authoritarian country doing nefarious shit and you're still willing to defend them. That makes you a tankie. I would suggest you use google to look up the definition but I'm guessing you think that info is fake too.
  15. That's cool that you like tanks. Tankies are idiots though.
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