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Hi Guys

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Everything posted by Hi Guys

  1. I guess the irony of the story is the message of the aliens was technology is bad and ruining the planet, yet had the recipients had better technology, it wouldn’t have taken us 25+ years to hear it.
  2. Why wasn’t this a hit
  3. Love this tune. Thanks for posting it
  4. Speck voice is one of my favs. I’ve been waiting for this forever. Yay
  5. So censure him. He shouldn’t receive a pension or any government benefits.
  6. I’m of the understanding he has to be convicted in the senate first
  7. I kinda believe them when they said they’re just sorta nihilistic about stuff now so I doubt that’s coming
  8. Probably without any kind of real consequence to themselves, I mean.
  9. Kinda bullshit though that these corporations can sponsor people and platforms that whipped everyone into a frenzy to the point of civil war and are now like “oh shit. My bad.” And pulling funding and endorsements etc
  10. I always loved this from one of their epic broadcasts
  11. Definitely
  12. One of those tunes that still gives me “that” feeling
  13. You’re allowed to funnel campaign money into shell companies to spend on whatever? That’s not illegal? Ok! I give up!
  14. Not even kidding. Does anyone know realistic ways for an average loser to leave their country? Asking for a friend...
  15. Great great tune
  16. Nullptr-Future World on cpu should be on this list if it already isnt.
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