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Tricone RC

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Tricone RC

  1. I just touched my christmas tree before opening my laptop, didn't realise my hands were covered with spruce sap, which has now been inadvertently applied across most of my keyboard making it sticky and yucky Also I have no biscuits to have with a tea this morning FML
  2. Surely you only need to deduce that, since humans are conscious* and intelligent*, then other animals must also be, at least to some extent? That conclusion should be obvious to anyone except creationists and Rene Descartes *whatever those mean PS awww cute
  3. where in england you go? just back from me honeymoon too, spent 2 weeks on my home turf in Cymru and the glorious SW of England so the missus could meet her new in-laws. Came back to the 51st State on a transatlantic cruise - mad shit, thoroughly recommended! No photos cos my camera died lol
  4. the presence of water ice was never in doubt, water ice is a very significant constituent of everything past ~saturn. what's neat is that it's red, which i'd imagine is from contained tholins (complex organic hydrocarbons). not sure if we do, or will have, any spectroscopy info etc that might let us identify specific tholins. that would be fantastic though
  5. On Time Trumpet they showed Blair as a mad, lonely tramp roaming the smoldering rubble-strewn streets of a post-apocalyptic Baghdad sometime in the 2030s tony pls
  6. They're some of the highest-developed countries in the world - doesn't growth pretty much inherently slow down once you reach that stage? The highest growth rates are in developing countries in the industrial stage, e.g. the West in the 50s, and China until recently. I assume the slowdown is related to some kind of saturation in domestic markets, as opposed to anything political, but I have no idea me no economist lol
  7. Nice! Did you get to see the Killarney area just on the mainland? Fantastic scenery along the Huron shore (and everywhere north of there tbh, Northern Ontario is blatez the best bit of canada)
  8. Can't stand FPTP, I really wish more countries had PR + elements of direct democracy a la Schweiz. Little makes my blood boil more than when people tell you that since Party A won the election, then Party A's policies are evidently the Will of the People, and since Party A is in power then I should shut up (I get that a lot from self-entitled Baby Bummers that I work with). It totally ignores the whole concept of tactical voting, that most undemocratic of democratic phenomena which is of course very strongly encouraged by FPTP, plus of course the idea that a party can do shit that simply wasn't on the radar during the previous election, like invade another country without public consent Jeremy pls! (likewise Mulcair/Trudeau pls)
  9. lol you get Jerusalem at a lot of sports stuff tho, which is way better than GSTQ, at least partly cos of this
  10. It just scrapes past the Canadian anthem, which is a fucking hideous dirge lawl The British anthem is meant to be a waltz and can be quite nifty if played right
  11. I drink tea and that's about as adventurous as I get
  12. where i'm presently working i get a good number of bug bites. I seem to be sensitive to blackflies in particular, and the bites swell up and then burst in an orgy of bloody yuckyness. Also almost at pubic-lice-levels of itchiness Also see watch tan lol
  13. When it came out I hated it, frankly found it depressing, I realise it's meant to be melancholy tho obvs. Not really given it a chance since also lol at Duntisbourne, I grew up a ways west of there but I know the area well
  14. I love Krave cereal, but it gives me the shits. To eat or not to eat?
  15. i had no idea this status thing existed

  16. Last few minutes of Montagne d'Or
  17. Ochre is in a similar vein, but a bit "warmer" perhaps. Ochre also sounds like autechre some Passarani sounds a bit like old ae too
  18. oh herro again G <$3 in 30 years - barely counts as an increase... And then factor in student debts etc. Perhaps another factor in (perceived) affluence, assuming real wages have stayed flat, is that today we have to own much more stuff (PC, mobile, tablet etc etc) in order to feel like we're affluent, when compared to 30y ago. So maybe we're earning the same, but having to spend more of it before we feel like we've "made it" Hardly... that's a very Ehrlich-ian standpoint. Coal, O+G and almost all metals are in a huge glut right now, why else have prices in practically all of these crashed, and why else would exploration for all of these be so slow? (I should know lawl) As for house prices et al, that's mainly because land is artificially scarce, not actually. In Canada look at Vancouver and (to a lesser extent) the GTA. Both are hemmed in by greenbelts and agricultural land reserves. If these were freed up, land (and housing) would be fantastically cheaper. Obvs there are other issues at play there - and on balance I doubt it would actually be a good idea to free them up
  19. A snowbird recently described southern Florida to me as "where you go when you're done with thinking"
  20. fucking fantastic, that closeup looks a lot like the "knobby" terrain on Callisto (Jupiter moon). Neat that there's so few craters. Activity can't be tidally driven like it is on Io/Europa/Enceladus, since Pluto and Charon are tidally locked, and bollocks is it driven by internal heat. A young surface is not too surprising though since it's likely subjected to a lot of annual turnover of N2, CH4 ices which would erode a lot of features. Wonder how the knobby stuff happens, perhaps some kind of diapiring of less dense ices, or perhaps that's just the pattern you get from countless rounds of annual precipitation and sublimation PS lol tri
  21. I assume once this is over one of its surface features is gonna be named Tombaugh (after Pluto's discoverer). My money's on that heart-shaped plain that makes a gap in the dark equatorial belt kinda cute that, when a Pluto mission was originally being discussed in the 90s, NASA actually asked Tombaugh for permission to visit his planet
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