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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. hell of a production sheet, gigs are like church, could seriously tangent into a KDJ fred now fireworks Nov 5th crap done, where were we? No ulube link but Celestial Contact is a keeper https://www.discogs.com/3Chairs-Demigods/release/4440620 Sound of Thought = mosh https://www.discogs.com/DeepChord-Mike-Huckaby-The-Detroit-Remixes/release/1270403 vids won’t embed, so time to dig
  2. my memories of US halloween night are grown women strutting around drunk in stockings n suspenders things could be worse
  3. https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=KWO4XfSsLNCdlwTcypSQCg&q=paradox&oq=paradox&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l4j0i131j0l5.73717.76064..76538...0.0..0.65.420.7......0....1..gws-wiz.yHHUcui61n0&ved=0ahUKEwi05e247MHlAhXQzoUKHVwlBaIQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cunt#Etymology
  4. Dilla's work is well worth a thread of his own, where do you even begin? These mixes have rolled through the tests of time, Jeff Mills cut-n-pasting all sorts: https://soundcloud.com/cremeorganization/the-wizard-mixes-jeff-mills?in=5oc/sets/the-wizard https://soundcloud.com/cremeorganization/the-wizard-mixes-jeff-mills-1?in=5oc/sets/the-wizard Kevin Saunderson's Deep Space Radio rrrrocks 3rd Ear put out some thumping beatdown releases, too many good tracks to lists individually. Vol 1 below & the Vol 2 ep's are mint https://www.discogs.com/Various-Detroit-Beatdown-Volume-One/release/60878 FXHE is a wormhole, what a catalogue. Think Big Strick is a cousin of Omar S, thumping gear, gotta kip but someone to comeback to https://www.discogs.com/artist/1156160-Big-Strick https://www.discogs.com/label/24581-FXHE-Records
  5. Onetime if you can, try & treat yourself to a holiday or long weekend somewhere & spoil yerself + those closest. It’s a vicious, cruel process, know all too well the degrees of fatigue so stay safe & indulge a few treats
  6. Did you grip it? It’s about as bizarre as anthropology & photography get without recourse to theory, the Lynch intro saying everything needed before the uncanny heft of the photos themselves hit you face on/full on. The one you’ve cited above is so deeply weird, words fail, but that these images are Merkin, with all its Christian tentacles & hypocrisy, seems a bit like the carnivalesque/social pressure valve for expressing, inverting & subverting the other 364 days of the year (plus the obvs pagan remnants of the old world manifesting in a strange new world context). helluva hobby compiling all these anonymous portraits into one outstandingly ghoulish compendium, probably one of the best “books” (alongside England’s Hidden Reverse) to emerge from the Coil world.
  7. That Daniel Bell trawk is juicy. Wasn’t always a fan of his signature bleeps n clicks, but when he got the rhythm track synced in succinctly with it’s accompanying elements & groove it’s (usually) just exactly perfect
  8. Fuck man I’m gonna have to go Kenny Larkin digging in the crates nowww. Bloke has had incredible quality control across the decades.
  9. Avebury is over-run with tourists most days, if you get the chance go there on a weekday.....cosmic as fuck maaaaaaaan (if you’re really unlucky you might stumble upon Julian Cope holding court). Both of these are worth indulging. Admittedly, there are no noise sampling options, unless you record the flapping pages: An Archaeology of Supernatural Places - Chris Tilley Stone Worlds: Narrative and Reflexivity in Landscape Archaeology - Chris Tilley et al
  10. ulube was kind enough to auto-play this schweety, something about Rhodes keys
  11. and this beast of an lp from the above too https://www.discogs.com/Model-500-Mind-And-Body/master/17774
  12. Given the scope of threads here, ie artists, styles, chronologies, discographies, documentaries, etc, what are your favourite sounds from the fair city of Detroit? Starters... Ann Arbor is close enough
  13. It’s easy to reduce the leave vote profile to thick cunts, done it myself plenty of times. Eg: Hospital appt last week, in the waiting area this proper 80+yr old valleys-commando bloke wheezes in with an English wife (we notice your kind here pronto btw) & over the next 5mins slowly starts off on one about Brexit, Corbyn, communists, foreigners, benefits, unchecked breeding (like the British can lecture anyone on that), sort of oozing/chuckling between themselves thinking no-one can hear & if they can then that’s just tough cos “we’re old” etc, except we all can, myself & all these other old cunts. Pretty much waiting for the ass/cousin fucking line & how to de-escalate this situation by telling him to peacefully stfu w/out incurring a stroke or aneurysm & ending this div, but fate proved kind & in strolled (as my Ma would say) a pair of lady-pairs, holding hands. This cunt’s jaw dropped & to top it all they sat right next to his wife. Purringly beautiful way to shut a moron up. Point is, this bloke will be dead soon. A whole generation of baby boomers too. Nationally, that’s a lot of equity worth stripping down. Big money knows it, most cunts here in the UK know it & tbh this country’s karma is so deep in the red if it wasn’t for the fact that innocents will die from no deal, I’d say fuck it all & drop a no deal Brexit on these savages cos collectively we’ve had it coming for centuries.
  14. getting aroused over anime or digi bs like this.....in olden days the perpetrator would just get taken out into the forest & hacked to death, by olden days i mean wanking over the Bayeux Tapestry, the Turin Shround or owt w/similarly shit graphics as the above sorry, fwp
  15. hopefully for the better, the shirts, the beards, THE RAPTURE Auld Triangle is savagely good, has featured during behemoth drinking sessions usually stood on a pub stool & there's always Luke on nuclear war John McSherry from Belfast is a conjuring master folk fusion from Mr Moore, a voice that soars fusiony Martin & Eliza Carthy loads to choose, alternatively these are worth a dig https://folkways.si.edu/dzintars/songs-of-amber/world/music/album/smithsonian & https://folkways.si.edu/the-golden-gate-gypsy-orchestra/the-travelling-jewish-wedding/judaica-world/music/album/smithsonian
  16. think someone posted either Uruk &/or UUUU on the previous page, either way TPS can still hammer out the ineffable pulsing wtfness
  17. let me add to your problems Mr Candy, with who exactly Jeremy Corbellend is, not that being so close to Jeremy Corbyn by name was enough: is she dead? was she slipped some Cosby pills by Bob Lazaar, we'll never know, that neck-wear doe.... and blatantly some kind of christian militancy agenda too, feel the pain alien heathens and such agendas only became apparent after google imaging that whateverthefuck haircut of today https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=jeremy+corbell+haircut&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCtri4rIjlAhXHX8AKHd38D2QQ_AUIESgB&biw=1366&bih=604
  18. Ok, it's Sunday, just racked up a roast & ton of roast veg & sofknstoooooooooned From this human's perspective, you're not factoring in the masses of space & the facultative fact that even 3 billion years (eg: like the approx age of the Earth) is a fkn long time. Equally, the whole UAF/UFO/UVF "realm" could explain the Fermi Paradox. Consciousness is emergent, time sort of is too despite entropy. So when this consciousness drives up to the international dark sky zones, gets stoned & looks out into the heavens, the sheer weight of time, space, stoned & unstoned collide into a waveform function collapse of "surely we ain't alone, be a big waste of space just like galactic scale golf courses or pool tables" to use a spherically-themed analogy granted there are stoned gaps in logic/maths & yes i can't prove any of it, but when you see something uncanny in the skies like i did with a mate, who described the exact same things in real time 2 yards away in broad daylight, i consider myself lucky not have been a UFO boffin b4 the sighting like he was whether other life forms = doom, or its just billions of light years of empty real estate, still fun to conjecture
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