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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Forgot https://www.discogs.com/Various-Statics/release/201807
  2. This works wonders dog walking in the bastard rain. From another direction, some dark ambient from Psychic TV affiliates Sigillum S that floats across the dronescapes Their Bardo Thos-Grol lp has sections that get deeep drone...pretentious, fun, pointless, nod-heavy moments of genius, double-up on in mixes. That’s kind of why drone mixes can be so much of a blast to fk around with, you have so many options with layering, harmonics, how that shapes transitions/blends, no tyranny of the beat apart from the textures themselves & even that isn’t necessarily relevant, maaaaaan.
  3. Cyprus Avenue. Not really a doc or a tv series, but this seemed a semi-appropriate home as the BBC pulled its finger out for once. Monstrous, hilarious, grotesque, sad as fk, skewers identity & the so-called Troubles (it was a war ffs), if you can access or dload else where well worth the time & effort. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0008k8d/cyprus-avenue
  4. <—— dares male online daters to use a Dominic Cummings pic as their av so bald, so slight/sleight, so salty & always cumming
  5. Hadn’t read this post, my own post must’ve hit a nerve. How about we decide this bs over a race up Pen Y Fan. I’m mostly titanium from the pelvis down so you have a theoretical head start, but the proviso is you have to drink booze on your way up & I have to munch an edible? It’s called the Fan Dance. Just down the M4, you could be here inside 2 hours.
  6. The Vernacular Surface release has this info: There seem to be a few different vinyl/cd versions (to name but a few): https://www.discogs.com/Nurse-With-Wound-Salt-Marie-Celeste/release/341936 https://www.discogs.com/Nurse-With-Wound-Salt-Music-From-The-Horse-Hospital/release/2958496 https://www.discogs.com/The-Hafler-Trio-Cleave-9-Great-Openings/release/219354
  7. Nowt personal, but you’d be wise to look at this again. If you move from beer to spirits & think being a sommelier is a fun pursuit, it’s your subconscious speaking, rationalising the intake of alcohol by integrating it into your life as a career choice. Not a criticism, more a heads up from an ex-sommelier *wink*, if you know what works for you with the shrubbery, cool n the gang, but booze can be an insidious companion like Iago.
  8. A soft Brrr-hex-it would surely be better than a no deal exit, if you're looking at how these "policies" might impact on people, social care & the NHS, the economy/supply chains, Eire, the Irish border & the more intransigent strains of politics in the 6-counties, surely. That aside, Labour have been appalling every step of this path. No strategy, Tories imploded multiple times & they still couldn't get ahead, none of their top brass has had the ruthlessness or (let's face it) foresight to et tu Brute Corbyn. Corbyn = public school Marxist = ultimate hypocrite worth a few million with his own door-step in London = 1%. Starmer seemed a possible option, but a credible policy brain doesn't infer leadership skills. Labour aren't fit for govt currently & unless Corby goes it'll stay that way. Public don't trust him, nor should they. Bloke is a melt.
  9. if this thing had a personified form, it'd be summat like the whole thing is a benchmark reason for staying away from the news for as much as is practically possible, but, it, draws, you, in, like, grotesque, dolls
  10. Scottish court positions prorogued parliament as disingenuous. Instead of reforming mental health funding and ring fencing it, attacking river & environmental pollution & education etc, we’re mired into this post colonialist asset stripping prolapse. Britain has had this coming for generations, for global crimes so vast to be borderline uncountable, for general complacency & for the weakest batch of infighting parliamentarians this human has ever witnessed. The treatment & disregard of Eire, the Good Friday equipment, planning around EU nationals entering the north of Eire over the next few years....happy days
  11. Define meanist penis pls girth, length, both, unable to keep in pants, warty, warthoggy, aesthetically pleasing, polished, shaven haven or bush crafted, profelactic guarded, micro-sized (poor cunts), orifice home of choice for said penises?
  12. Off the Dombo blog cv (ish), this stands out mainly due to the vagaries: As a self-confessed Russophile, who was he working for? Pvt sector, spooks/which side, it isn’t as if he’s been particularly forthcoming about this period. His focus here is on education, science & tech + Westminster fools & has been in the public domain for ages, would prob poll well too etc. Still, bloke is clearly not one for any form of compromise:
  13. his police speech was one of the most weird & painful performances by any politician in living memory, made some of Bush Jnr's lost boy bs look positively inane such is life in these surreal times
  14. @Lachesi the BBC profiled the above in a doc a few years back: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=9PpvXfCWGsKCarTEtLgI&q=drones+tones+and+arpeggios&oq=drones+ton&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0j0i22i30l9.2096.12550..15930...2.0..0.82.844.15......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0i10.0jer6xuky8g
  15. Try mixing it with A Missing Sense for unforeseen results
  16. http://www.dissensus.com/showthread.php?t=13624
  17. well worth digging around Gwen's gear, prolific doesn't really do justice to her sounds
  18. Orphax from the Netherlands is consistent as fk, at the intersection of a few different styles/genres. Proper quality control with themes based around local landscapes, soundscapes & everything in between. https://orphax.bandcamp.com/
  19. Man With The Woman Face Bonus Material by Nurse With Wound 24 hours w/Andrew Liles drones INCOMMENSURABLE MAGNITUDES (СУМЕРЕЧНОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ СОЗНАНИЯ) by Эндрью Лайлз Add the many Colin Potter collaborations over the years, not at home but will have crate dig later Dublin’s No Place Like Drone collective, 6-8 turntables + a mod-synth rack + guest mixes galore, slainte https://www.mixcloud.com/noplacelikedrone/stream/ Coil’s Time Machines, sure to cure you of time Coil have loads, Queens of the Circulating Library in a couple of guises (“Circulating”?) NWW’s classic, Soliloquy For Lilith and a drone heavy Coil-centric mix with an hour plus of drones b4 beats so much good music in this sound realm, good recommendations from previous posters
  20. So many nuggets of gold. Bobby Peru & Jack Nance's character, Grace Zabriskie & her clan, Freddie Jones doing the squeaky conversation scene (wasn't this supposed to be Frank Booth's original voice)....haven't watched for yonks, better remedy that pronto
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