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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. one of its initial hooks was the car scene where fuck all really happens, but everything happens, you float along within its perspective looking forward as the road rolls past & slowly times begins to dissolve in the same way drones work via the ears, so simple but it adds layer upon transcendental layer the soundtrack is immense too
  2. Sidse Babett Knudsen skirt deep in watersports & butterflies? Quite a conjuring indeed. Strickland's Sonic Catering Band are an audiophile's delight, although i dunno if its an Andrew Liles bias cos his works are the epitome of atmospheric resonance, some folks are good engineers but he's on another plain entirely, shame his solo/NWW gigs are so few & spread out to a handful annually
  3. not an Oz filem scholar, but Picnic At Hanging Rock & Wake In Fright are proper disturbing Walkabout is immense too, even if it wasnt Australian-made but Australian themed
  4. Andrew Liles has done a digi-expansion pack from the Berberian Sound Studio soundtrack "Equestrian Vortex", from a vinyl only first run edition wasnt too enamored with the film itself, but the sound design & audio was saaaaaaafe: https://andrewliles.bandcamp.com/album/the-equestrian-vortex-expanded
  5. Haunted Air is unnerving, you get 1 or 2 portraits that are comedic that you can empathize with & then bosh, an otherness peaks out through that you can't un-see hard to articulate, strange doesnt do them justice, how anyone effectively curated them is a tale in itself foreword by David Lynch if yer that way inclined & from another angle, Juliette Wood is a folklore academic & archeologist, she might be retired now but writes on these realms https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&q=juliette+wood+folklore&oq=juliette+wood+fol&gs_l=psy-ab. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1260566 Miranda Green is a good source for all manner of subjects underpinning a lot of these concepts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miranda_Aldhouse-Green#Selected_publications
  6. bought Arcadia Brittanica to flesh out some of the local (League of Gentlemen nailed that term) pre-christian rituals/festivals some utterly surreal costumes in among these lot, even if the Guardian misplaces English for British, reminded me a lot of the images & photos in Ossian Brown's "Haunted Air" text on US Halloween costumes & customs of yesteryear https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=arcadia+britannica&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwieu9uc3ebWAhUKnRoKHd-cCpAQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=636#imgrc=_ https://www.theguardian.com/global/costume-and-culture/gallery/2015/jun/09/queer-folk-folklore-fantastical-costumes-old-english-festivals
  7. have him on block, so its only thru the joys of quotes that it even registers its boring: in, blast of vitriol, gone for 48hrs, repeat funny? if he had a greater range perhaps & other tricks in his repertoire other than the 1-trick pony constant leaking vinegar from its nipples at least Frankie Boyle can lance Scottish culture, Orange Orders, Glaswegian health failings & institutional pedophilia, despite that humongous glowing *ginger beard *sorry ginger people, but neck beards are never gonna work, not now, not ever, especially if it radiates like a Ready Brek advert pretentious film club review listing after a hard drive de-clutter & root canal : The Conformist (1970).... 'kin' 'ell liiiiike, time makes you forget sometimes just how good the story arcs are despite previous viewings, the cinematography of architectural interiors & the woods (aye it sounds a lame statement, but theres something about the framing thats almost akin to Tarkovsky), zero fat on it and the ending *mind-blown*, the ultimate study of moral corruption through institutionalization The Passenger/Reporter (1975)......Antonioni does deserts like no-one else since David Lean....it draws you in like a grand seduction, Jack Nicholson's moves into identity transference, the implications, the subtle camera movements that are like caresses for the eyes & mind. A lot like Red Desert for visual style & equally as entertaining Le Cercle Rouge (1970) - is there a better heist filem? Yves Montand's alcoholic ex-police marksman Jansen, hallucinating from DT's, Delon & Velonte, plus the ever circling Commissaire Mattei...the convergence of plotters, the dialog free robbery, the futility of it all. Thank the gods for JP Melville.
  8. Schlizey boy, get yourself to your GP & try & access some kind of primary-care mental health counseling either you have some kind of personality disorder, are a raging alcoholic (most poison gets ejaculated after 8pm = a bottle of wine) or a desperate bully/coward the former 2 are treatable, the latter is just plain small man complex, but you probably see it as some form of salty Danny Boyle-esque humour its not, have a word with yerself
  9. apologies, there was no need to cuss, i thought you were joining the circling bandwagons waiving the "you're a nationalist stick" a la Ewwwgenie & a few others the main differentials were the US def has a money worship problem, not every single individual of course, but its endemic & that was the tipping point between declaring an open preference for living here & living there, cue toys flying out of prams thats not expressing all Yanks are cunts, far from it, but on the east coast particularly that money altar is pretty prrrrretty prrrrrrrrretty hard to escape & that clearly resonated with some US citizens who post here even if others disagreed equally, expressing a respect for certain achievements that have been made within a nation's remit isnt nationalism & thats why i took exception to "BALKAN LOLOL" gimpery, the NHS being a prime example no-one can defend Britain's crimes, the list of sins is simply too vast to extrapolate here, 70yrs since a million people died from the partition of India/Pakistan is just one anniversary alone this year, yet these crimes are rarely discussed openly in our society as to just how terribly some of our ancestors have behaved, so they fester in the collective subconscious.....Bristol's a good example, a city i love for its openness & music, but during the slave trade? another story entirely & that money effectively built up that city's infrastructure and put countless residents thru some of Britain's most exclusive fee paying schools its not "white guilt", more an inescapable catalog of global crimes that get pushed to the recesses of people's minds cos those were "just our landlords" & other excuses however, the US might've trumped (no pun intended) our sins in the relatively brief period since the end of WWII with rabidly aggressive foreign policies and a seemingly ingrained allergy to anything that might be remotely associated with socialist-lite domestic/internal social policy and if any American here disagrees with the money worship statement, travel around Scandinavia to witness just how successful integrating the needs of the collective and the needs of the individual can be balanced to create more harmonious societies
  10. i'll quote this the next time Inglan are in a footy tournament ;) Go for it, I'm not English you over-dramatic tit. you support Inglan & your folks are Anglo-Saxons, you Manc loving cunt is that dramatic enough for you, or do wanna waive yer ban hammer like a Canadian Thor? by all means take the gimp high ground while throwing terms like nationalist round, not losing out too much either way am i ps: I'm not English though am I, and I really don't care that my folks were born there. I also don't really support any national side. I just hope for some good football (which England certainly doesn't produce). So I reiterate, fuck nationalism. you're a very recent arrival in the New World though, 2nd generation Anglo-Saxon, you spoke/speak English around folks with (possibly) regional accents & ties to specific locations in Inglan, so a culture's roots continue to run quite deeply even if there's a leap across a vast river of salt in an ideal world nations wouldnt exist & there'd be some other forms of social organization/structure beyond this current chimp paradise-parade of eternal warfare & "democracies" that continue to support the 1%....lord knows we're olde enough as a species to have got a grip on this by now, but power and the lust for it creates these boundaries so that land & labour can continue as capital resources like money, nations are the root of most evil, drawing arbitrary lines in the ground, corralling people & resources, us vs them, never allocating finances to solving the world's more pressing problems while maintaining standing armies, but we havent really evolved as a species to the point where such a scheme could develop beyond theory nevermind exist as practice....thats why our environment continues to get chewed up & shat out & mass extinctions of other species continue to spiral one of the joys of archeology is that it can develop a fuller understanding of the concept of "place & space" as opposed to "Nation", aspects which Nationalists are nearly always attempting to appropriate and reframe for their own fkd agendas but rarely grasp, because they're fixated on exclusion rather than incorporation i dont see a love of "place" as inherently wrong, but it gets misunderstood as exclusive instead of inclusive because nationalists say "no, this is mine, not yours" my own altars are local mountains, valleys & coasts, but it took a long time to integrate them within archetypal patterns in my own psyche and mountain exploring always, always, brings a meditative calm....seems like sense to make the most of that while its still possible, to look after these "places of special virtue" so that future generations can enjoy them too & promote them when appropriate is that nationalism? no, but is it a tad parochial, well, yes, to minor degrees
  11. while knee deep in the dramarama, have another one & by all means continue regaling the footy thread with statto mania, its v v interesting
  12. i'll quote this the next time Inglan are in a footy tournament ;) Go for it, I'm not English you over-dramatic tit. you support Inglan & your folks are Anglo-Saxons, you Manc loving cunt is that dramatic enough for you, or do wanna waive yer ban hammer like a Canadian Thor? by all means take the gimp high ground while throwing terms like nationalist round, not losing out too much either way am i ps:
  13. in the united states this would never happen chuckle vision, gripping some oxy would be easier though dentists here kinda fall outside of the NHS remit, at least if you want something done promptly/competently without waiting 6/12months to get on a waiting list, even tho NHS dentists exist apparently, somewhere, some times out in the ether £210 for an extraction on a sunday, or $240+...... and even then its an hour away, if could you DHL a strip of oxys i'd be much obliged, you know you want to & i promise not to crush em & snort em perish the thought thank fuck for oil of cloves
  14. the black pudding ones are fkn lush, although black pudding is proper wintery warming fodder done right, it crowns an authentic fried breakfast too had pigs in blankets your neck of teh woods, but the sausages were a bit like mini franks & ended up mostly engulfed in mustard mostly to be fair, meat n pastry combos are one of the few culinary tricks sorted this side of the pond, sausage rolls, piiiiiies, but even then you gotta pick n choose gripped a Pork Farms sausage roll, even after an olde friend had worked at their Nottingham site & confirmed various meats debris was recycled back in the mixer, and in true cheap pastry shit style within an hour acid indigestion was in full effect for being so abrupt with you a few pages back, maybe a sausage roll mailing list could be extended, although me Coil vinyl aint going anywhere, that was an underhanded ruse to procure Bob Evans b&g ready to pulp, i.v. & mainline that deliciousness st8 to the neural pleasure centers
  15. seasons keep things fresh as much as the sun god is a worthy deity i love the smell of kicking thru fallen autumnal leaves walking the k9 creature in the morning, it smells like.....someone else didnt pick their dog fouling up
  16. root canal temp filling pops out drinking fuckin water on a friday evening after 4appts trying to sort this bastard out so thats at least 3/4 days & nights with rising, throbbing discomfort....and i thought me fangs were pretty pearly compared to the national stereotype any1 got any smack?
  17. fuck it, if Eugenie is gonna complain about the waveforms of certain soundtrack elements then its worth taking a punt on this, even if it turns out to be one big comedown pirating films is one thing, dropping a few quid on an entrance fee & smuggling in drinks, a munch & vape loaded with some fine shrubbery should distract from the arse numbing & balance the piracy books with at least one minor god of cheating even if its shit, and just about every sequel/prequel film based on a successful initial production rarely matches said original (with a few exceptions), the visual world depicted in certain stills seems worth a large screen blast & the green will help if it is toss
  18. See the above from Bulk Found pasata benefits from a generous dollop of puree to add some heft & mass, plus a chef trick from a pro-relative is to roast a whole garlic bulb in olive oil (not too long as it gets bitter pronto), then puree ie pop a few of the segments out & stir them into the pasata & tom-puree, voila thing about roast garlic is its v easy to pop those delicious sachets & eat em all b4 adding to anything else, maybe thats some freakish garlic fetish, but finger licking goodness gonna try a base from scratch this weekend cos this thread is the very definition of food porn its either that or trying, pitifully, to jazz up a Dr Oetker (sp?) with extra oregano, peppers, onions & garlic puree......futile in the face of so much domestic wank, Tesco being another offender in crimes against pizza
  19. nothing like a random artery wall or gristle bit for the molars to just roll over on & dry heave Chris Carter has this all under control http://gristleizer.com/ Sold.Send a pallet of m&s sausage rolls, and you’ve gotta deal. maaaan, "M&S quality", fuuuuuuuck, in over my head now need to pay more attention in their food sections, cos the sausage roll business has changed dramatically, mein gott, look..... quite salty also these, mmmmmmmmmmmmummy, black pudding, an immediate fridge raid is now 90% probable bacon overdose? impossible homemade ones here are the tits, Granny's pass down these recipes in sausage-roll covens that meet at night in the forests, its like Hauntology but real check the utensils, proper bidness + the random meat tube dry heaves build character
  20. you can't joke, you're Inspector Bergerac & wtf is going on with the Ted Heath investigation? & dont even think about logging any over-time this month, the tax-payer has shelled out enuff already
  21. and the first wave of Detroit electronic producers were influenced by various British synth pop & Euro-Beat, as much as they were by the city's own musical pedigree heard Juan Atkins & KDJ both drop Yazoo's (aye Vince Clarke) "Situation".....fuckin rrrrrockin record, Alison Moyet should be tapped up more often by contemporary producers, her voice Theo Parrish regularly plays this olde Nitzer-Ebb behemoth: summary - most contemporary American music derives from African & European idioms, although i personally owe lot to Mr Jerry Garcia for educating joe-public plebs like meself with takes/versions from The Great American Songbook, an epic & immense catalog of tunes in & of itself
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